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Hi everyone 


I am currently training for the zombie apocalypse, because who isnt afraid of that and because it is more fun than training for a half marathon or survival of the fittest competition


My current work outs are burpees, sit up, bodyweight squats and pressups each morning adding one more each exercise days (i do three days on, one day rest on a cycle). the rest of my workout consists of interval training or practicising sprinting varying differences without a warm up (because the zombies wont give you a warning). I am able to do all the exercises, with varying levels of grace though, even managing 7 pulls up then 7 chin ups in a row


I am also training for running with a backpack and looking to start archery once my university starts its classes again


My goal is to get to doing a prisoner's set of all the exercises above; for those of you who dont know what that is it is 20 then 19 then 18 etc of push ups, then burpees, sit ups, pull ups and body weight squats


Unfortunately no one i know likes being healthy. My family isnt very helpful, mother just out of operation, father has slowed down since his thirties now that he is back in a long term relationship (and he is two counties away), step father is an worryingly overweight and my girlfriend suffers from depression so her motivation exists in some nether region where it occassionally comes by to visit. this is the reason that i am joining nerd fitness, and because i like the idea of the levelling up system although ive altered it a bit for myself


levelling up for me doesnt just mean seeing a monument or doing some cliche piece of recognition it is something that has developed you as a person which is why i have already gone through the events of my life and found 11 that i found gave me a sense of being more than i was previously. I still have over 55 separate things i want to do and looking forward to adding to my list that i never thought i would do. 


So if you have any questions, want to offer any suggestions or have any ideas for good workouts for the zombie apocalypse please give me a shout - however a small note i am very thin (by choice) and like to keep it that way so suggestions on how to bulk up or do bodybuilding exercises will be read but not taken with that much consideration. Got to do what makes you happy




Workout info for week one



Part 1

1.       100m run at 10kph (increase by 0.5 per set), 25 kettlebell squats with 12 kg weight, 10 box jumps, 5 pull ups, 10 push ups DO THIS FIVE TIMES

2.       1km run at 12.5kph, burpee to box jump x 10, 10 kettlebell squats with 12 kg weight, vipr crawl 10m with 12 kg vipr, 4 pull ups

3.       Row 1km, 20 pushups, 20 trx rows (10 low row and 10 upper back), 20 overhead squats

Run 500m, do half of exercises

Row 250m, do half again

Part 2

1.       100m run at 10.5 same rules, 30 kettlebell squats (15 each arm, same weight), 12 box jumps, 6 pull up, 12 press ups DO five times

2.       Run 1km at 13kph, 13 burpee to box jump, 14 kettlebell squats, vipr crawl 10m, 6 pullups

3.       Row 1.2km, 28 pressups, 28 trx rows 28 overhead squats
same rules of half


  • [*]Level 2 High elf - Ranger (56.7 kilos, approximately 13% body fat)[*]strength 4, dexterity 3, stamina 6, constitution 6, wisdom 5, charisma 2.[*]Challenge - run 5K straight, do 3 day exercise with weighted backpack, reach rep goal for 6 weeks, revise enough for exams; maintain code of bushido[*]"Go into battle determined to die, and you will surely live. Go into battle hoping to live, and you will surely die"


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Half of all workouts are mental and it sounds like you've got quite the tall order with your environment. I hope you find the support here that you sound like you aren't getting at home.


Sounds like you're motivated and thats a big piece of it all. I'd definitely start a daily battle log if you haven't already.



Level 2 Wood Elf. Druid at Heart, Training With the RangersSTR 7|DEX 3|STA 9|CON 5.5|WIS 5.75|CHA 3.5

http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/30484-gilfrens-grab-at-great-gams/?hl=gilfren]Challenge Thread


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Guest Dirty Deads

Welcome! I'm sure you'll find plenty of folks here who are training for the zombies. It is a motivation of mine, albeit a playful one. I would suggest you add swimming to your repertoire because, try as you may, you aren't going to sprint across the water if you're forced that way and you may not have access to a boat of any kind. Try training while fasting too, you may not have access to or even have any food for awhile when being run down by a gang of zombies.


I'm sure you have considered and or have a plan for martial arts/fight training.

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I'm starting fasting tomorrow actually, good to see similar minds.

As for the swimming yeah that is not going to happen, massive hydrophobic and I'd be afraid of zombie fish in an environment we are no longer suited for

  • [*]Level 2 High elf - Ranger (56.7 kilos, approximately 13% body fat)[*]strength 4, dexterity 3, stamina 6, constitution 6, wisdom 5, charisma 2.[*]Challenge - run 5K straight, do 3 day exercise with weighted backpack, reach rep goal for 6 weeks, revise enough for exams; maintain code of bushido[*]"Go into battle determined to die, and you will surely live. Go into battle hoping to live, and you will surely die"


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you came to the right place.  keep your chin up and move forward.  your family will see the difference in you and may even change their own habits. 


i started eating primal and joined NF almost a year and I was all alone in the beginning. I've tried to tell my mom, dad, sisters, husband, friends - anyone who would listen what a difference I feel. No one cared.... until a few weeks ago.  My hubby decided he wanted to lose weight - he is on day 8 of primal eating.  My sister wanted to know what I was cooking... she is at the grocery store right now buying coconut flour instead of wheat flour.  and my kids are down to one serving of grains/day (of course they were volunteered...).  my co-workers ask what I changed to lose the weight.  people notice.


it may take awhile.  but eventually your family and your girlfriend will notice you have something right - and they don't.  and it is possible they will be brave, step up and join in.  it is possible.  don't give up.  you just have to be strong.


and speaking of zombies - i just downloaded this app (read about it in the Scouts forum) and LOVED IT.  mind you, I have had the app less than 24 hrs.  but i also went running for the first time in 4 months.  had a blast.  

Introspective Bookworm (Lvl 6)STR 8.5 | DEX 10 | STA 11 | CON 13 | WIS 15 | CHA 11Look, I... I may not be an explorer, or an adventurer, or a treasure-seeker, or a gunfighter, Mr. O'Connell, but I am proud of what I am. I... am a librarian. (Rachel Weiss, The Mummy)Intro/Current Challenge | Fitocracy | MFP 

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