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Hello, confused & shy newbie wood elf here.


I have been working on trying to eat better and get in shape for a while, but now it's time for serious training. I currently qualify as a newbie adventurer, but I am an aspiring ranger.


I've finally managed to actually stay on a full paleo diet for 2 weeks after over a year of fits and starts. I think I'll make it this time. I've been doing the rookie workouts from the Rebel Fitness Guide for a week, though I expect I'll move up to the next level in a week or two, rather than just 4 weeks.


I'm currently in the "normal" weight range for my height, but I'm on the heavy end of the range given my slight bone structure (and mostly thin everywhere except my belly. sigh.) My goal is to lose 10 lbs and/or lose inches from the waist and to get stronger by doing strength training. I realize that putting on muscle means that I may not actually lose much weight, so I'll be happy if I can at least lose 5 lbs and change the body composition from fat to muscle and get rid of the belly (yes, tough proposition on that last).


Since I seem to be kicking the diet and exercise (yay!), the next big barrier is inflammation. I have always had chronic low level inflammation (eczema) but in the last few years I've had an inexplicable number of tendon and muscle injuries. I have a history of rotator cuff tendinitis, which is currently behaving itself. The DeQuervain's (thumb) tendinitis can be chalked up to a job that involves a lot of computer work. Currently stable. However, since then, I have pulled a calf muscle out of nowhere and ended up with trigger finger in my pinky that won't go away even with rest and Aleve. I'm guessing that something has my body too inflamed for it to heal. I'm hoping the paleo diet will help reduce the inflammation.


Anybody have explanations for, or tips to combat repeated tendinitis injuries? It's a little hard to get strong if I keep injuring myself (and no, I am not doing crazy workouts and I always use good form, so it's not that).


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Congrats on sticking to Paleo! 


  • Body composition goals are great as long as we choose to not focus on the weight and focus on the image. Pictures and body measurements are the best way to go about this.
  • I too have inflammation issues and Paleo should help with this. If you're not currently taking any, I highly suggest to supplement fish oil if you have known inflammatory issues.
  • Lastly, about the tendonitis, I suggest making a new thread for that instead of the introduction forum because the right people will not find your question here.

Welcome to the Rebellion! If there's anything I can do to help, let me know! :)

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