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Fear and Trembling from the Non-Force-Sensitive One-Legged Villager

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Howdy. Are we allowed to say 'Howdy' here? Howdy.


It's hard to know exactly where to start. I could mention how impressed I am with the Nerd Fitness site and various posts I've read or how encouraging and positive everyone seems to be. Or how much I wish this site had been around when I first started trying to get in shape. But instead I'm going to launch into a random rant on how apple farmers in the US are in a conspiracy with the government of Mars to turn us all into tree-bark addicts with the assistance of Girl Scout Cookies.


Tee hee. Just messing.


I'm an average nerd who figured out about 6 years ago the PvP was not a form of exercise and it wasn't doing my back any favors. Probably like a lot of you, I started various kinds of programs that fizzled out quickly once I understood just how afraid of public exercise I was. I did alright on my own, even though it took more years that I'd like to admit that I didn't understand how important diet was to health and weight loss.


And then! (this is where the dramatic music starts) Just when I felt like I'd sort of figured things out, I got sick. Like, really sick. Like I spent almost four months bedridden, barely able to eat. I lost a lot of weight but it was extremely unhealthy and I think most of it was muscle mass. I went from being fairly healthy and capable to getting lightheaded when I stood up or tired when climbing half a flight of stairs.


I felt horrible and I looked worse. All I needed was yellow contacts and an open wound somewhere to be a walking dead extra. 


But! (this is where the inspirational music kicks in) I am recovering. I feel better. I'm improving day by day. And now I have a great deal of hope that I'm going to become, not only better than I am now but better than I ever was. ... Eegads, this is getting cheesy and too long. Let me wrap it up.


I'm worried that I won't be able to match the awesomeness I've seen here but I'm hopeful that with encouragement and assistance, I'll be back to the glowing picture of nerdiness I once was. Then pass that up. I think that I'm lacking a lot of the powers that y'all clearly have but I'm willing to keep trying. And though I feel like a gimp, (can I ask for level 0 to start out?) I'm totally on board. 


Thank you in advance. :D



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I have to wake up every day and literally tell myself how awesome I am. Maybe one day it will stick :) I have only been here a few days but what I already know is if you are here, you are already awesome. Nerds are always awesome! That was more awesomes than intended, but you get my point.

And in this existence, I'll stay persistent

And I'll make a difference, and I will have lived it- MFTP


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