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Introducing Mekman

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So who am I? 

Well that's quite simple, I am your average male 17 year old. I love to play video games, hang out with my friends, and dread homework (at least most of it). I'm a Swedish expat living in The Netherlands, simply enjoying my life as much as I can. But it's not enough, I want change. Then I found a cure to my desire, the Rebellion. In my eyes this is the perfect place for me, a place where I can grow into a better me.


So some general things about me

I weigh about 82 kg (~181 lb) and I am 175 cm ( 5ft 8.9in) tall.

I speak Swedish, English, and am fairly well versed in Dutch (official language of The Netherlands).

I was born in Sweden, in a town outside of Stockholm. I moved to The Netherlands when I was about 8. 

I have a passion for cooking and want to study Culinary Arts once I have graduated from Highschool.

As I said I love to play video games (especially RPG and FPS games), however It is definitely something that I want to distance myself more from. It is taking up to much of my time, especially with school.

I am a DM/Loremaster at my school's RPG Club (surprisingly one of the two biggest clubs at my school). I have run Dungeons and Dragons for the past 3 school years and I am currently running a The One Ring: Adventures over the Edge of the Wild (LOTR) game.


So what change do I want to accomplish? Well the truth is I don't know 100% what I want to look like at the end of the journey. I have a few goals in mind of things that I want to accomplish. Some of my work out goals are to lose weight around my stomach and build muscle strength (overall). I also want to become more focused in my academic studies (discipline is something I need to work on). I am doing something called the I.B. Diploma, which, for those who haven't heard of it, is a higher form of Highschool education, with classes rivaling university courses. In general however my journey is one without a clear end, well besides death if you want to be realistic. 


I started working on my own Game of Life modeling it from Steve's work and other RPG games that I have played. So this is roughly what I consider myself to be at the moment:

Race: Human (Kinda dull, but I think it is the most accurate)

Class: Ranger (This is the path that I have chosen for now)

Current Level: 1


Stats at Level 1:

Strength: 2

Dexterity: 1

Constitution: 2

Wisdom: 4

Stamina: 2

Charisma: 4


To elaborate more on the idea of creating myself as a RPG character I created a set of skills that I found to be valuable in life. I then rated myself on a scale from 1 - 15. 1 - 5 being considered an Apprentice, 6 - 10 a Journeyman, and 11 - 15 a Master. Anyways these are my starting skills:

Acrobatics: 2     Athletics: 3      Bluff: 2    Compassion: 6    Cooking: 5     Crafting: 4      Diplomacy: 3         Endurance: 3          Exploring: 3        Heal: 4     History: 4      Insight: 4       Survival: 4      Stealth: 3     Storytelling: 0        Streetwise: 5       Technology: 4       Thought: 5      Tolerance: 6       Travel: 4


So I understand that some of these skills probably don't make sense to anyone else reading this. I've created a summary of each skill for now they are fairly vague, do comment with suggestions on how to improve the summaries. Also keep in mind that these are skills I personally feel are valuable for myself.


Acrobatics: Kind of self explanatory, anything gymnastic pretty much.

Athletics: Again fairly self explanatory, think of like swimming, climbing, running, jumping distances.

Bluff: Ability to lie or hide the truth. Although you might consider it a bad skill I see the potential in using this skill for good.

Compassion: The ability to feel with other people, Empathy. 

Cooking: Well pretty much the ability to make your own food.

Crafting: Creating things from scratch or repairing things, creating a fire or patching a hole in your pants. 

Diplomacy: The ability to come to an agreement with others through non-physically violent negotiations.

Endurance: Withstanding things, ties in closely with Stamina, diseases or the elements, such as fire.

Exploring: Finding new things, such as new land or new objects

Heal: The ability to heal oneself and other people from sickness or injuries.

History: Knowledge of old things, important monuments or even ones own memories

Insight: Understanding the true nature of something

Survival: Being able to survive, includes personal finance as well as being able to survive in the wild or outside one's home.

Stealth: Moving about unnoticed. Again something that some may considere a bad skill, but I can see the potential of goodness.

Storytelling: Public speaking, improvised speech, telling someone about an event.

Streetwise: Knowledge of anything that has been explored in terms of land and sea regions.

Technology: Ability to use various types of technologies.

Thought: Having one's own opinion and drawing one's own conclusions of things.

Tolerance: Sympathy towards others, as well as accepting something for what it is.

Travel: The ability to get around to places as well as finding ones route in new places.


So the last piece of my personal Game of Life is the quest book. It is a physical booklet that I created to keep track of my quests. Quests in general can be anything that you want it to be, as long as you are able to give a reward for it. 


Now the way to increase stats and skills is fairly simple. Stats work the same way as spezzy described in his post on creating your own Nerd Fitness character. Skills also work in a similar way, for example my storytelling right now is 0 but were I to take a course in public speaking or be part of some type of public speaking event then I might feel that I no longer have a level 0 for storytelling but that it has increased to a 1 or even a 2. Apprentice skills should be easier to level up than Journeyman skills, and likewise Journeyman skills should be easier to level up than Master skills. 


So my some of my current quests are as follows:

1. Level up - reach level two, worth no experience points

2. 2 + x = Done - Pass my Math Studies final exam, worth 20 exp.

3. Graduate from A.S.H. - Graduate with an I.B. Diploma, worth 100 exp.

4. Kill the weak (part I) - lose at least 5kg before the end of summer, worth 20 exp.

5. Mixologist - attend a bartending course, worth 20 exp.

6. Get accepted - Get accepted into Culinary Arts school, worth 100 exp.

7. Cooking Maniac - Cook dinner for 5 days straight, worth 10 exp.

8. Paleo all the way (part I) - Begin eating organic natural foods, avoid fast foods as much as possible, worth 20 exp. 


So this is what my current adventure looks like. Oh and I should probably add that in order to reach level two, one needs to acquire 100 experience points. 


I will probably be using this thread as a way to give updates on my quest, or if I feel like it I might start a blog of my own.

Wow, thats a lot of writing for one post.


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yes it is a lot of writing.  Welcome!  will you be joining up in the next 6-week challenge?  that's the best way to level up.  you said you want to lose stomach fat.  Well, there is no way to target certain fat deposits.  you just need to lose weight overall and your body will decide where to pull fat deposits from.  As long as you're focusing on eating right and have some sort of exercise goals to work towards; there will be results.  It just won't be as fast as you want.  slow and steady wins the race.

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