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Dear Universe


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Just need to put this out into the universe... just get it off my chest.





I understand why they do it.... 



but I HATE IT.  It doesn't help me weed out people and it just wastes my time trying to find a place that can accommodate my ridiculously busy schedule.  


grumble grumble. 

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Dear guy at the gym, 


Thank you for the props on my work.  I always appreciate someone acknowledging i'm working hard.  But I don't need it.  I actually know that I'm working hard- which is why it's hard to breath and I don't want to talk to you.   I need to continue to work hard.


I don't need a thumbs up from you.

I don't need your nod of approval.

A wink.  

A smile or a go team.

Or a way to go that's bad ass. or even a good job.


I don't need any of those things.  

I know what I'm doing.  And I knowing I'm working hard.   I, despite my crippling handicap of having a vagina, know my way around the weight room and am quiet capable of lifting heavy things without super vision or encouragement.  I don't need you staring at me and then giving a nod to tell me it's good.  I **actually**  really do got this shit. 


Thanks anyway- I guess....  and as a thought maybe if you spent more time working hard instead of trying to give out props to women half your age- you might look fabulous too.





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You have a vagina? Some information you need to know..

-it is a debilitating disease

-it is life threatening

-there is no cure.. Only treatment

-it is contagious and spreads quickly.

-centers around the world are researching how to contain and eliminate this disease.. If you are interested they need participants or donations.

I know it's scary but there is support. You are not alone.

Level 1 Elf Adventurer STR 2|DEX 2|STA 2|CON 2|WIS 3|CHA 4

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Everyone who judges people based on such superficial criteria such as gender (identity), sexuality, personal beliefs/ideals, their eating habits or anything of the like isn't even worth the air it would take to tell them to bugger off.

“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.†- Vince Lombardi


Wolf, level 1 Vampire assassinSTR 2|DEX 3|STA 2|CON 3|WIS 3|CHA 2


Wolfish Philosophy


Current challenge

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You have a vagina? Some information you need to know..

-it is a debilitating disease

-it is life threatening

-there is no cure.. Only treatment

-it is contagious and spreads quickly.

-centers around the world are researching how to contain and eliminate this disease.. If you are interested they need participants or donations.

I know it's scary but there is support. You are not alone.





shit I NEVER KNEW!!!!  sigh how have I survived this far without knowing!!!!


Everyone who judges people based on such superficial criteria such as gender (identity), sexuality, personal beliefs/ideals, their eating habits or anything of the like isn't even worth the air it would take to tell them to bugger off


yeah he wasn't judging- he was being a creepy gym dude.  I try to be polite but yeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh. Definitely was curt and to the point.  And I definitely left my ear buds in and just smiled and looked down.   I hate visiting other gyms- people think i'm a freak.  I like my gym- people know me and they know to leave me alone. 

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I was more referring to what goodbyeharrison hinted at which seems to be the case for certain people. And I definitely know there are certain people that truly believe that there are certain groups of people who are "inferior" in certain aspects because of one single attribute. From the amount of people who do the latter I've rarely seen someone who could be convinced by logical arguments and I think these people just aren't worth anyone's time. I'll have to admit that I might be somewhat biased based on some stuff that happened to some people who were very near and dear to me.


As for what you said.. Idk, I haven't been to a lot of gyms - much less ones I'd like working out in and if there are already reprehensible people in the middle of nowhere Germany where I live I don't want to know how it can be in a presumably bigger city in the U.S.

“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.†- Vince Lombardi


Wolf, level 1 Vampire assassinSTR 2|DEX 3|STA 2|CON 3|WIS 3|CHA 2


Wolfish Philosophy


Current challenge

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oh sorry LOL  mis read- no worries.




ah germany I hear fun things.  My bestie lives there now- I'm super bummed I couldn't get the scratch together to go visit her.  I fail at being a best friend. OH well.


Yeah- gyms can be fun for sure.  they can be pretty fucking awful- but they can be really fun too!

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Oh, it can be fun as much as it can be 'eh'. Weather where I live in the Southwest can be pretty crazy and while you still have higher population densities than in rural U.S. areas where I live you have to drive at least an hour for the next Football/Rugby club, (total bummer) diversity in sports is generally not as high, the weather can range from "Spanish Coast" to "New England rainy" and things like club/gym memberships are expensive. (where I live from 30€ to 60€ or more per month)

Also, that sucks. But meeting your peeps next time with such distances makes it all the better! I can't wait to see some of my pals from the East/West Coast again.


Yeah, I remember seeing a 'strongman' (-oriented) gym from the inside near a military outpost once - apparently they also do cooperation training with U.S., U.K and French troups there. That was pretty cool, almost no machines - huge variety of free weights, ropes, hammers/gadas and no "supplement bros" hangin' about.

“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.†- Vince Lombardi


Wolf, level 1 Vampire assassinSTR 2|DEX 3|STA 2|CON 3|WIS 3|CHA 2


Wolfish Philosophy


Current challenge

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So I'll admit to being a people watcher, all the time everywhere, the gym has to be one of my favorite places



What people I find funny as hell, are the middle aged (50+) people in matching work out gear that come in talk to everyone, do a few reps chat some more, never break a sweat or do anything really streneous, yes we all can see you can do 20 lb dumbbell curls, the same thing you have been doing for the last 20+ years


And not to say he wasn't being a creep, but I get the same treatment when I go to the free weight section; yes I'm a tiny person, but I would be a lot smaller if I didn't work out, trust me I know what I'm doing; also it doesn't help I do tri specific work outs, which really isn't max squatting or super lifts, which I think freaks them out a bit  

Between a rock and a hard place, use our finger nails to climb, it's all we know..........

Daily Mile

Perfer et obdura: Dolor hic tibi proderit olim

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yeah I love people watching.


But there is a marked difference between people watching- and hovering.


Because someone else said something to me too- and he wasn't nearly as annoying.  He just said- you know you're putting all the guys to shame over here.


"Maybe they should work harder then"  says I.  :)


He asked if I was training for something- and I said yes- to be the most fabulous version of me that I could be.  I wasn't sure if there was going to be an event- but I knew that when it came- I wanted to be ready for it!!!


Needless to say it was short- quick conversation and That was it.  I wasn't creeped out. LOL  Some people just have it and some people don't.  fucking creepers. lol

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Because someone else said something to me too- and he wasn't nearly as annoying.  He just said- you know you're putting all the guys to shame over here.


"Maybe they should work harder then"  says I.   :)


He asked if I was training for something- and I said yes- to be the most fabulous version of me that I could be.  I wasn't sure if there was going to be an event- but I knew that when it came- I wanted to be ready for it!!!

Oh, you let them have it. The library is open! (imagine it in RuPaul's voice)


I get a nervous twitch every time someone generalizes women. When someone start their sentence with "women" and I flip out. Yes, women can do the same things as men - amazing. You know they have the same anatomy and such. Though in Bulgaria you're less involvement than this. When I used to go to the gym (very brief stint), men didn't really decide to help out, approve or advise the women. Everyone was doing their own thing and nobody gave a fuck.  

Level 1 - Adventurer (Cthulhu in dusguise, but don't mind me)

STR: 2 І DEX: 1 І STA: 1 І CON: 2 І WIS: 5 І CHA: 4


Be mindful of your Self-Talk. It's a conversation with the universe.


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normally that's the way it is.  I know I work hard- I work harder than a lot of people there.  And it doesn't really matter if someone acknowledges that.  


But there is a substantial difference between acknowledged something verses... you know APPROVING it. 


The second guy wasn't so bad. LOL it was the first guy telling me I was working hard that bothered me.  UGH.  LOL one of my trainer friends pretty much just stared at me the whole work out last night- granted I was there to be an active part in what was going on in that area as it were... but yeah... it was funny I was amused.  I work hard- and it's a little ridiculous sometimes- I'm pretty used to the staring at this point.   :D

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Oh, by the way, I thought of a new RuPaul quote with a twist.


Good God, girl, get a grip... of a dumbell and introduce that asshole to some Fisting 101.

Level 1 - Adventurer (Cthulhu in dusguise, but don't mind me)

STR: 2 І DEX: 1 І STA: 1 І CON: 2 І WIS: 5 І CHA: 4


Be mindful of your Self-Talk. It's a conversation with the universe.


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Guest CyborgNinja

Dear universe:

Put people in my life and then expect me to pick up the tab on their emotional baggage and I'll just kick them back out of my life again.


Sincerely, cyborgninja

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