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Hey all, figured I would start one of these too :)

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Hey everyone.  Found the site awhile back and filed it under one of those go back and check out later spots.  I read it some back then.  Came back and read some more.  Eventually I came back and made a forum account.  Now I am actually posting ;)


I might have to try to get in on this next 6 week Challenge.  I want to run a tough mudder with my sister next year.  Hard to do that at 330lbs.  A couple of years ago I was up to my max weight of 396lbs.  I just couldn't take it anymore and started to change things.  Really just changing the way I ate.  Not the healthiest, but better.  Smaller portions etc.  Got down to around 353.  I sort of hit a plateau.  I really was doing no kind of real exercise.  I bowl twice a week, that's pretty much it.


in 2010, my mother was diagnosed with kidney cancer.  She died a couple of months after that.  I guess I went ahead and let the emotional eating come back in.  Starting drinking sodas and such because why the hell not.  So I shot back up to that 396 level.  About a year after my mother's death, it hit me again that I can't live this way anymore.  So I started watching my diet again, except the soda.  Well, I got back to the 350s, but this time, I pushed myself into the type 2 diabetes.


I stopped the sodas again, but the damage was done.  My doctor sent me to the diabetic clinic they have.  I don't have to do the insulin shots, but I am on meds now.  After going to that, I started counting carbs instead of calories, and go my weight down to 318.  Bought new pants and everything :)  Once again though I hit the plateau.  I stayed there for awhile, but the last couple of months I started putting some weight back on.  So I am sitting around 330 now.


So I am feeling determined again to get this all going again.  I was walking, and even signed up for a gym in January.  It seems like as soon as I did that, I stopped doing any exercise for some reason.  


Well tonight, I am no longer making excuse.  I bought both the Rebel Fitness Guide, and the Rebel Strength guide.  I also signed up for a Spartan sprint race in Malibu, Ca on December 7th.  I figure it's a good intro for mud run type races for me.  Plus I will get my sister and her husband to run with me.  They already have done Tough Mudder before.


I have a few goals I want to reach.  Some soon, some in the future.  Now I want to get working towards them, and have fun doing the workouts and feeling better. :)

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First, congrats on the progress you have made :) 


This is a wonderful place to get advice when you hit points that could potentially derail you. If nothing else, and there is so much more, there are people here to support you. 


What I have learned most so far is that the key is it's about sustainability, how do you make this life change permanent. For me it's teaching myself I can't always be perfect, I'm notoriously hard on myself. Setbacks are natural, take them in stride and learn from them. 


I am personally fighting a poor family history and poor diet choices and am at best pre-diabetic. I had my wake up call when my fasting bg turned up at 340. My understanding is, though it may be hard, with the right diet and exercise plan meds can be temporary.  


Good luck! Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it, everyone here is very good at working through issues with you.

And in this existence, I'll stay persistent

And I'll make a difference, and I will have lived it- MFTP


Battle Log

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Tateman, I've always wanted to learn to bowl...ok anyone can roll the ball at the pins....I mean BOWL!  My grandma was a bowler and I need an indoor hobby during Minnesota winters.  I'm new here too and have basically not left the "Rebel Introductions" forum yet.  Great determination on your part.  Like the Bigwildonion said, much respect.

Bavarian Ranger -- Level twoStrength 5 Dexterity 4 Stamina 5 Constitution 1 Wisdom 5 Charisma 5 My Epic Quest Challenge #1  Current Challenge


Future goal inspiration from Kurt Vonnegut "Like so many Americans, she was trying to construct a life that made sense from things she found in gift shops.â€

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Thanks guys :)  I've had some other really bad stuff happen to me like my best friend's death last year.  Just got to go at it one day at a time I suppose ;)


I am personally fighting a poor family history and poor diet choices and am at best pre-diabetic. I had my wake up call when my fasting bg turned up at 340. My understanding is, though it may be hard, with the right diet and exercise plan meds can be temporary.  


Good luck! Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it, everyone here is very good at working through issues with you.


Yeah, my doctor told me if I get to 250lbs, we can talk about getting off the meds.  That really should be enough push for me to get it done, but I guess it hasn't yet.


Tateman, I've always wanted to learn to bowl...ok anyone can roll the ball at the pins....I mean BOWL!  My grandma was a bowler and I need an indoor hobby during Minnesota winters.  I'm new here too and have basically not left the "Rebel Introductions" forum yet.  Great determination on your part.  Like the Bigwildonion said, much respect.


I love bowling.  Even if you aren't very good, it's fun to get out and interact with people :)  I shot my first 300 game last year.  I've still got plenty of issue to work through to get better, but I am trying.  My profile picture was taken at the USBC Open Nationals Bowling Tournament in Reno, NV this year.


I started bowling when I was 13 or 14.  I ended up quitting when I turned 21 I think.  I had bowled one league as an adult bowler.  Then years later I was having a birthday party for my first born son.  I remembered how much fun I use to have bowling, and doing tournaments and stuff, so I got back into it.  Plus it was a great excuse to get me out from in front of a computer all day long. :)

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