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Getting fit & losing weight after pregnancy

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I've been reading the site for quite some time, and given that I'm now finally trying to make some changes to my diet and fitness, thought I would join the forums - particularly with the 6 week challenge starting in a few days.


For most of my 20s my weight and fitness levels have been up and down. I had my first baby 10 months ago, and wasn't focussing on too much other than getting through sleep deprivation. However, I'm now back at work (as a lawyer, so I'm sitting at a desk all day) and instead of the very slow loss of pregnancy weight that I wasn't trying too hard at, I noticed it was starting to slowly increase again. (And then I stopped weighing myself, which is always my warning sign - when I go into "I don't wanna know!" territory). Mostly due to bad eating habits - the worst of which is being incapable of having just a little chocolate/just one sweet, and instead eating the whole block/bag - exacerbated by a complete lack of exercise. I am planning to have another child in a year or so, and I would like to be lighter and fitter this time around, and maintain a better level of fitness during my pregnancy.


With that goal in mind, I'm making some gradual changes. I've started going to the gym in my lunch hour at work - taking classes to begin with, because I like the structure and tend to work harder if someone is saying "faster, faster!" at me. I've also started the C25k program again. I'm trying to completely quit any kind of chocolate/sweets, which is a bit of a hit and miss affair so far. I'm considering what else I'd like to change about my diet - I don't think paleo is for me, but I'm considering something like Mark Bittman's VB6 idea. (Mostly because it wouldn't require me to make too many changes to our evening meal, and therefore wouldn't require twisting my picky-eating-husband's arm).


So. Within the next 12 months, I'd like to be at least 10kgs lighter. Ideally more, but I want to give myself reasonable, achievable goals. At the moment I'm around 89kgs at 175cm tall (and, conversions.... lemme google... 196 pounds at aaaalmost 5'9"). I'd like to be eating better - something I'm going to measure by eating a lot more vegetables, and a lot less sugar. And I want to be fitter... but at the moment I have no idea how to make that a more measurable/accountable goal.


I think I need to make all those goals a bit more specific in order to make them easier to stick with, but I'm not entirely sure how. And I'm trying to think of some goals for the 6 week challenge that fit within these vague larger goals. Any suggestions very welcome :)


Oh, and nerd quals - big reader of sci fi and fantasy, ditto tv series. Currently watching Game of Thrones, and reading one of Seanan McGuire's urban fantasies.

Level 1 Amazon Adventurer

STR 2 | DEX 1 | STA 2 | CON 3 | WIS 5.5 | CHA 2.5

Intro *** Current Challenge - my first!

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As I ponder how to reply, I feel disclosure is probably the best place to start.  I'm not a doctor, I've never been pregnant, and I did not stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.  :playful:  


But, I have been around quite a number of women who become pregnant while in jobs that require being physically fit.  I've seen the gamut...from those who start waddling as soon as EPT turns positive to those who are running the local 5K until the day before delivery.  Extremes, yes, but they illustrate a point very well...accountability.  Some tend to use pregancy as an excuse to let things go and now worry about the consequences.  General result is a decline in fitness and weight gain because they allow the pregnancy to derail accountability to their personal fitness.  The gal running the 5K before delivery has managed to stay accountable to herself.  I believe the doctors will say she'll have an easier time with delivery and recovery.


Oh, and don't think this a pick on the girls thing.  Guys do it too.  I know I gained too much weight when my wife wanted DQ all the time while preganant with our first child.  Mentally, I checked out on personal accountability and let fitness decline.


So, what's this got to do with you?  First, great start posting here.  It shows you are interested in keeping yourself accountable.  Your comments on setting goals are on the right track...C25K, awesome!  Great program to track your progress with a big goal at the end.  Take those same thoughts and apply to the other things you mention.  Chocolate...don't deny completely...switch to dark, then reduce amounts until it's only an occasional treat...maybe that's a good 6-week challenge goal.  Weight loss...12 month goal is great, but how are you going to get there?  Break it into smaller chunks (2kg by August, 5kg by Christmas, etc) so you can measure progress.


Here are some ideas for 6-week challenge goals...only you know where you are at and can assess what works for you.


- Complete C25K program

- Attend X many gym classes per week

- Lose Xkg during challenge

- Reduce chocolate to Xg per day/week

- Increase vegetables by X servings per day

- Enroll in a follow on 6-week challenge (keep accountability for long term)

- Research and select eating plan for next 6-week challenge


Enough rambling...HTH...and good luck!


Level 3 Minotaur Ranger

STR 6.9 / DEX 5 / STA 7 / CON 5 / WIS 8 / CHA 4

In a world of compromise, some don't

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Thanks for the detailed reply Dolphan, that's really helpful :) And yep, it's definitely easy to slide into the "well, I'm just getting heavier and heavier *anyway*, so who cares" mentality - I really want to avoid that next time.


Currently breaking those down into smaller goals and picking out my challenges!

Level 1 Amazon Adventurer

STR 2 | DEX 1 | STA 2 | CON 3 | WIS 5.5 | CHA 2.5

Intro *** Current Challenge - my first!

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I agree with Dolphan.  Make sure your goals are set, measurible.  I will go to the gym 3 times per week.  I will run C25k programme 3 times /week.  Don't change everything at once.  Work out which habit you need to change first and do that.  do the easy things first - get to the gym and start C25k.  Diet is really challenging and I struggle ALL the time with it, but I make small gains all the time.  Easy first, research the harder stuff - talk to your husband and get him onside - it makes EVERYTHING easier - especially when you start changing the diet.

GET SOCIAL SUPPORT.  this is very important.  This board is great, but look everywhere for support and encouragement.


and welcome to the revolution.   Take on your challenges.  and share your success and failures.  Grow and become what you need to be.

Unit562, level 4 Clone Ranger

STR 7.5 | DEX 2 | STA 5.5 | CON 8 | WIS 10  | CHA 6

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5


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When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

A good plan executed well is ALWAYS better than the most perfect plan not executed at all.


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The most important message after you've given birth is: don't worry about losing your postpartum weight too soon. Some of the extra weight is necessary for breastfeeding, so you shouldn’t attempt to lose too much while you are still breastfeeding your baby.The good news, however, is that breastfeeding helps shrink your uterus more quickly, and will also help you lose your baby weight more effectively. I just think people care a little too much about weight. Just relax enjoy your new baby then get back into shape, REGULAR people have time. When u breast feed you lose weight anyway. I had preeclampsia twice so it was different for me.

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Hi Calliope-

Girl, I'm with you.  I had my first baby 8 weeks ago, and I'm ready to drop some weight.  The difference is that I'm actually lighter now than I was pre-pregnancy, thanks to a gall bladder attack and the diet change that necessitated.  I had to have it removed about 3 weeks ago.  The diet change (super low fat diet), coupled with new baby stress and breastfeeding, had me losing 10 lbs a week for 3 weeks before I got that under control.  Here's where I'm at now:




Recovering from a c-section and gall bladder surgery. 

Wanting to finish the C25K program that I started just before I found out I was pregnant.  I ditched it when it was all I could do to get out of bed.  Fatigue ain't no joke.


I don't feel up to running yet, but just got off the phone with my husband after we committed ourselves to an evening walk of at least 30 minutes after the baby is in bed (grandma lives with us, so that's an easier goal).  I was 256 when I got pregnant, and prior to the gall bladder incident I had gotten up to 277 (yikes!). 


I'm hoping that this site will give me some workable tips, and maybe this forum will provide some like minded folks to commiserate with.



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