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So, I found out about this site pretty recently. I've always liked working out, but I can never seem to drop the pudge I've had since I was a kid, so that gets pretty discouraging. This site is flipping rad, I'm so motivated to actually get off my ass and do what I've always wanted to now. My boyfriend is a marine who just got crossfit certified and I would love to show him that I'm not completely useless in the gym when I get through with undergrad next month. =P

But this site looks ridiculously awesome. The idea to combine nerding out with working out is absolutely brilliant and I'm gonna be trying the beginner body weight exercises in the morning. I've done the whole yoga, elliptical, light weight girly exercises before, but the heavier lifting stuff sounds too legit to pass up. Thanks for the incentive to get back on the workout train! I'll be starting from zero at this point, but I'll keep everybody posted on my progress!

Go, team!

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Hey, yoga can be darn hardcore too, but boo ellipticals!Welcome to the boards! Howd you find the beginner bodyweight exercises?

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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Thanks for the welcome! I just did the beginner body weight circuit workout for the first time, that was pretty awesome. I love all the videos, they're so helpful.

In answer to Dantes, I'm a theatre major with an emphasis on costuming. A buddy of mine here on campus has full on Mando combat gear for con purposes and I'm just beginning to realize how much use a real theatre costumer could be to the con crowd. Love it so much.

Alethea: Yoga's rad, it's kicked my butt into gear before. But on ellipticals I kinda don't feel like I'm doing... anything at all. I could bounce around in place for no gain on my own time, I don't need a machine for that. :P I actually came upon the NF site on stumbleupon, my brother in law had given it a thumbs up and he's a super tough nerd type so I looked around. Woohoo for lifestyle changes!

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Hey, bouncing around in place is probably MORE useful than elliptical. At least you're using your own muscles to bounce!

"Let another say. 'Perhaps the worst will not happen.' You yourself must say. 'Well, what if it does happen? Let us see who wins!' ".

- Seneca, 63 AD

"There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength." - Henry Rollins

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I recently discovered heavy lifting myself. <3 It makes me happy. I'm excited to start on a new exercise routine tomorrow -- one of the ones from the Rebel Strength Guide. :D YAY! There's nothing like waking up the next day feeling more badass. >: D MUAHAHAHA!

I'm finishing my undergraduate studies in a month, too, though my major is Japanese Studies. I'm currently taking the advanced costuming class, though. :D I love theatre and I love sewing. I've been acting since I was eight years old, but since I 1) would like to get a couple of tattoos, which would limit the roles I can get somewhat and 2) would like to move back to Japan, I decided to branch out a bit and learn more about being useful on the tech side of things. It's awesome to watch fabric (which I LOVE) turn into awesome clothing, and costumes have a much greater range of creativity than normal everyday wear. Whee!

Have you tried hot yoga? One of my professors swears up and down by it.

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I think I'm gonna find someone who can really walk me through the heavy lifting before I give it a real go so I don't do something stupid like accidentally crush myself. Cause I would somehow manage to do that. I would love to improve my typing muscles! :P

Japanese Studies sounds legit, I have a buddy who's looking for an undergrad to focus on just that. Dude, you can totally act and have tattoos! I've been acting for forever and I've got four tattoos and a couple facial piercings, these things can be covered by the magic of tech! I so get the creativity side of costumes, though, the last shows I designed were absurdist pieces so I had ladies in 1950s style dresses made of paper wearing jewelry made of washers. :D Excellent times!

I haven't tried hot yoga, but I know of it. It sounds pretty wicked, I need to find somewhere to make it happen. I did the beginner body weight circuit yesterday (I could only go through it twice, but that's a start!) and I'm pretty pleasantly sore today. I think I'll up my stretching time when I go again tomorrow, so I might just go through my normal yoga routine and then go for the circuit. It's on now! :)

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Japanese Studies is totally legit! Best place in the USA for Japanese Studies is University of Hawaii, though the program here has improved a lot since I started. I didn't plan on Japanese Studies when I came here, though. And I got resident tuition. xD

On tattoos and the stage: I know about that tattoo-covering makeup. There are still some times where a tattoo can prevent you from getting a part, and I like to be prepared. :P Besides, I'm off to Japan soon and my Japanese skills are good but lacking enough that I have trouble getting parts there. xD

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True that, man. Covering these things up is annoying as all get out and a total waste of base. Ah well, we all make silly choices when we're 18 at some point. =P

On a completely unrelated note, I did the body weight circuit again this morning. My still sore muscles were so displeased at first, but they were quickly beaten into submission and the stretching was much appreciated after the fact. =)

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It was kinda surprising how effective it was. I tried the angry birds workout yesterday and it was pretty fun, I really like that Steve included a spreadsheet on keeping track of your progress, it's super motivating. I'm totally gonna give it another go tomorrow and see if I can push myself a little harder. I'm way amped, it's always nice to have people to be accountable to. =P

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