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Little bit nervous

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Hi everyone, 

Um well I'm really nervous about this, I really need to lose weight and start a better healthier lifestyle, and I'm kinda ashamed to admit that I can't do it by my own willpower. I need someone to like push me or to make me feel accountable. (Urgh hate how needy that sounds but it's the truth).

I'm a woman, only 25 but I'm obese and have no other reason to blame than being lazy and overeating.

I have a great family and boyfriend and friends whom I know would be supportive, but I don't want to tell (most) of them that I'm trying to lose weight etc as I fear that I'll fail and that not only will I leave myself down, but kinda disappoint them and their belief in me too, if that makes any sense :S

I recently (about a month ago) hurt my back while cleaning underneath a bed (deadlifting the bed from a standing position is not a good idea, I repeat NOT a good idea) and have been going to the physio since then and it's almost healed, just gotta be gentle on it.

I am a vegetarian, and lactose intolerent so I use soya products instead (although sometimes I sneak some pizza because, well cheese is delicious and I can't find a nice alternative). I eat pretty healthily for the main meals of the day (I'm trying to cut down exactly how MUCH I eat during those meals though, the portion sizes are way off what I should be eating), but it's the snacking and crap that I don't realise I'm doing, that's where my problems start as I seem to do it on autopilot.

If anyone has any suggestions on what I should do to stomp out the snacking, or how to like alert myself to what I'm doing, I was thinking of displacement activities like knitting or lifting some weights (light ones, 1-2kg) when I feel the urge to snack, and replace food with water? (I already drink 3-3.5L of water a day though)

I don't drive so I do walk to and from work every day, and I have to walk to shops and stuff so it's not like I've gotten to the stage where I need a crane to lift me, but I'm very scared that if I don't get my weight down to a normal level for my height that I could do serious damage to my back. So I reckon that after a week or two I should up my walking to higher levels and further distances (I live in a VERY hilly city, we live in a house up a hill 100 metres above the main street in the city) just need to convince myself to do it even when it rains (it rains a lot in Ireland).

Sorry for the long post, I just felt I should be honest about where I am and why I'm here.

TL;DR version :
>overweight, 25yo, vegetarian, bad back, scared of failing
> wants to lose weight by eating less and walking more
>very lazy, needs support or sense of being spurred on
>would appreciate any advice

I hope that someone out there is coming from a similiar place to me and that we could like motivate each other?
All the best,


Dwarf, want to become a Druid-Ranger, but starting off as an Adventurer until I reach basic fitness levels at least!This is where I'm coming from here and hoping to follow these goals!

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Hi Lany!

I found you through the new members accountibilibuddies spreadsheet. I am a newbie too and you sound just like me - nervous! :)


Now for some interesting coincidences - I also suffer from a painful injury (knee though) and I am also a vegetarian who is trying to deal with snacking on sugary treats and breads. I want to and need to lose at least 20 lbs to get to a healthy weight and take pressure off my knee.  I would like to be your accountibilibuddy if you like - we can see each other through this! Do let me know if you are interested!

Level 1 Adventurer looking to become a Druid Ranger
Current Attributes: STR: 2 DEX: 1 STA: 1 CON: 2 WIS: 5 CHA: 4

My First Challenge



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Oh. My. Gob. You live in IRELAND!!! Little bit jealous, here. :) and your situation/mentality sounds a lot like me. I had back surgery years ago, and never regained my flexibility. It's been known to cause quite a bit of pain if I move the wrong way, or push myself too hard. I'm trying yoga, at the recommendation of my orthopedic surgeon.

Hmmm... I'm not vegetarian, so my only suggestion would be to keep some edamame/soybeans for snacking. Or, if you can get them, Emeralds Nuts has cocoa roasted almonds that are great for when you just "need" something sweet. Not too bad on the sugars, but they taste great! I've got a killer sweet tooth myself, so I'm always on the lookout for stuff like that.

I think something that keeps your hands busy would definitely cut down on the mindless snacking. I make beaded jewelry, and that helps me a lot! I can do it while watching tv, too, so I don't stuff my face while my favorite show is on. You mentioned knitting, so if you're really interested, go for it! :) I'd love to see what you make!

Good luck! I look forward to more of your posts! :)

Half-Elf/Half-Dwarf - If you saw me, you'd understand.

Level 2 Warrior

(and Bard... "I just want to siiiiing!"  :highly_amused: )

STR: 3    DEX: 2    STA: 1    CON: 3    WIS: 1    CHA: 2



"Don't ask for guarantees.  And don't look to be saved in any one thing, person, machine, or library.  

Do your own bit of saving, and if you drown, at least die knowing you were headed for shore." - Faber, Farenheit 451

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Thank you Strangeling!

I can identify with the fear of failure - I fear everything cos I am a really bad loser :) I only try my hands at things that come easily to me - unfortunately weight loss isn't easy at all! I appreciate your support and I hope to support you on your goals too!

Level 1 Adventurer looking to become a Druid Ranger
Current Attributes: STR: 2 DEX: 1 STA: 1 CON: 2 WIS: 5 CHA: 4

My First Challenge



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Hi Lany!

I found you through the new members accountibilibuddies spreadsheet. I am a newbie too and you sound just like me - nervous! :)


Now for some interesting coincidences - I also suffer from a painful injury (knee though) and I am also a vegetarian who is trying to deal with snacking on sugary treats and breads. I want to and need to lose at least 20 lbs to get to a healthy weight and take pressure off my knee.  I would like to be your accountibilibuddy if you like - we can see each other through this! Do let me know if you are interested!

Oh yes definitely that would be so awesome :D
It is totally the sugary breads and sweets that get me too! Especially bread, I just eat waaay too much of it.
I've a hell of a lot of weight to lose, but that will come with the changes I'm hoping to make (I hope!)
And yeah its the same, I'm scared of failing, for myself and to lose face in front of the people that I want to like and respect me!!
Yay, this is going to be really good, thank you! Glad you're doing this for your health too, makes me feel a bit better


Oh. My. Gob. You live in IRELAND!!! Little bit jealous, here. :) and your situation/mentality sounds a lot like me. I had back surgery years ago, and never regained my flexibility. It's been known to cause quite a bit of pain if I move the wrong way, or push myself too hard. I'm trying yoga, at the recommendation of my orthopedic surgeon. Hmmm... I'm not vegetarian, so my only suggestion would be to keep some edamame/soybeans for snacking. Or, if you can get them, Emeralds Nuts has cocoa roasted almonds that are great for when you just "need" something sweet. Not too bad on the sugars, but they taste great! I've got a killer sweet tooth myself, so I'm always on the lookout for stuff like that. I think something that keeps your hands busy would definitely cut down on the mindless snacking. I make beaded jewelry, and that helps me a lot! I can do it while watching tv, too, so I don't stuff my face while my favorite show is on. You mentioned knitting, so if you're really interested, go for it! :) I'd love to see what you make! Good luck! I look forward to more of your posts! :)

Om my glob! Haha, ah now it's a nice enough place to live alright :D 
And the not having to get a visa for europe is super handy!
Oh no sorry to hear you had surgery :c hope it's not causing you too much pain now-a-days?
It's quite hard to get soy beans in Ireland (health food shops have them but they are reaaaally expensive) I've gotten some rice cakes so hopefully they'll keep me on a straighter and narrower route.
Cocoa roasted almonds sound absolutely amazing by the way-am so going to have to keep an eye out for them! I have a terrible sweet (and savory) tooth, didn't realise how addicted I was to sugar until I gave it up today. Terrifying realisation! 
Oh nice! What kinds of jewellery do you make? Earrings and necklaces? I crochet and sew and recently started knitting, I might try and sew the coasters I always mean to make for my self!


Hi! I have been here a few weeks and I too am nervous. I have a huge fear of failure.

You as well as Sgracej are welcome to message me if you ever need to talk to someone. I'm not vegetarian, but I'll definitely do my best to help you with anything. :)

Ooh thank you. this is so nice of you!
Congrats on sticking with it so far!

Wow everyone on here seems so nice, I'm excited about doing this now! :)


Dwarf, want to become a Druid-Ranger, but starting off as an Adventurer until I reach basic fitness levels at least!This is where I'm coming from here and hoping to follow these goals!

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I'm exactly like you on the willpower part. You can do it! :)

I hope so!

You can do it too, we just need to keep reminding ourselves.

I might make a poster or something to remind myself in my room/desk area...

Dwarf, want to become a Druid-Ranger, but starting off as an Adventurer until I reach basic fitness levels at least!This is where I'm coming from here and hoping to follow these goals!

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I've always wanted to visit... well, most or all of Europe, actually.  Only ever been out of the country once, and that was to Mexico. :)


Oh!  No worries about the surgery.  It was done to stop the advancement of scoliosis.  It doesn't bother me too much, except if I push myself too hard.  That's why I'm not going for any speed records, or mileage with my goal.  For now, it's just to walk, no matter how fast or slow.  Gotta start somewhere!  And the doctor that did the surgery recommended Yoga to get back my flexibility, and build some strength in my lower back.

Awww, boo.  I love soy beans.  They're a little bit pricey here, but recently they've been easier to find here.  Rice cakes aren't bad.  I always liked to get Apple Cinnamon flavored rice cakes, and put peanut butter on them.  Quite tasty!



UGH... I tried giving up sugar, and it just doesn't work for me.  I have cut back a lot, though.  I've also cut back on soda and caffeine.  I'm hoping that will help.  The battery in my scale died, so I haven't been able to weigh myself to see if I've lost anything yet!  It's kinda driving me crazy! LOL



I make all kinds of beaded jewelry.  Earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets... even some suncatchers/ornaments, and other random items.  Right now my big thing is ankle bracelets, since it's summer time.  I started making jewelry years ago, and it's really become almost an obsession with me!  Thankfully, I'm able to sell some of it, so I can sort of justify the time and money I put into it. ;)


I've never been able to pick up knitting or crochet.  I've tried and tried, and my fingers just don't want to cooperate.  I tried to make a "granny square" once, and it ended up being completely round.  So I just decided it was a coaster, and gave the rest of my yarn to a friends. HAHA!  :highly_amused:

Half-Elf/Half-Dwarf - If you saw me, you'd understand.

Level 2 Warrior

(and Bard... "I just want to siiiiing!"  :highly_amused: )

STR: 3    DEX: 2    STA: 1    CON: 3    WIS: 1    CHA: 2



"Don't ask for guarantees.  And don't look to be saved in any one thing, person, machine, or library.  

Do your own bit of saving, and if you drown, at least die knowing you were headed for shore." - Faber, Farenheit 451

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