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Hello all... I am proud to join the rebellion!!


I am the ultimate nerd cop, who is 40 years old, 5'04", currently 220 lbs.  I have struggled with my weight all my life - mainly due to my love of sweets and eating good southern cooking (now added to my vices is good craft beer).  I worked really hard to become a police officer (my dream since I was a small nerd - lol) and was able to get into shape and attain my goal after a couple of years of hard work. Unfortunately being a cop adds a lot of stress to your life, you spend hours upon hours sitting on your ass driving in circles, working odd hours, losing sleep, and eating unhealthy food.  I easily fell back into my old habits, too tired to workout, eating junk food because it was easy and to combat stress.


A couple of eye-opening, life/death situations have happened in recent months, not to mention I am seeing the ultimate responsibility I have as a grandparent or "GranCat" and see how much I need to get in shape to keep up with a 3 1/2 and 1 year old... not to mention I want to be around for a long, long time to watch them grow up and be a positive impacting force on their growth and development as little rebels!!  I guess you could say I have had an epiphany, I know now it is time to get serious and down to business and level up my life!


I was so happy when I found your really cool site and it really resonated with me! 


A long-term goal I have set for myself is competing in the 'Run For Your Lives 5k' it is an obstacle 5k where you are chased by zombies and have to survive all the obstacles as well as make it back to the safe area without losing all your flags....I signed up for this event that will be Dec. 7th.


My first short-term goal is to lose 20 lbs by my birthday, August 16th.


Second goal is to complete the Zombies, Run! Couch to 5k training program over the next 8 weeks.  (I haven't been able to run in the last year since I got broke my foot at work and had to have surgery where pins and screws were put into my foot to repair it)


Third goal is to strength train at least 2x a week and cardio/interval train at least 3x a week... this would total exercising 5x a week.


Fourth goal is to stop eating fast food.


I would say I am a Ranger because I am a warrior, I am totally into strength and endurance.  I think it is important to be ready for ANYTHING and I guess because of my job I am always visualizing the "what if" so I can be ready to counter any attack, be prepared for any situation and keep safe, so I will start here.


My nerd credentials:  I am totally into technology and love figuring out how stuff works.  I am a life-time gamer (my first console was an Atari 800)  I am totally into Assassin's Creed.  Comic book collector, Treky, Star Wars, Dr. Who, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, D&D, Lord of the Rings,  and anything Sci Fi. 


Anyway, I am glad to be part of the rebellion and even though I got a couple days late start on the 6 week challenge I am going to meet it head on.


Be safe out there.


Class: Ranger

Level: 1

(STR) - 2

(DEX) - 2

(STA) - 3

(CON) - 2

(WIS) - 2

(CHA) - 4

"Do or do not, there is no try!" Master Yoda

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You have great goals and I hope you are able to achieve them.  The Zombie run sounds fun!


Giving up fast food is a challenge of mine too.  I cannot imagine how hard it is for someone who spends their entire workday in a car, like you do.

Please post your progress so we can support you!

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