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Also Stuck in a Rut.

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I'm burned out, Been running on fumes motivation wise and all I can say is I feel like am done. It's annoying, I want to exercise, I want to go to the gym I want to get that extra 50 kilo on my dead lift to x3 my body weight.


Yet at the exact same time, I can't be bothered making all this effort for little results, I know the problems and have no solutions. My local gyms are very heavily body building based and is full of steroid abusers the nearest gym that even has bumper plates is a 45min bus journey away at £7.20 return. I simply can't afford to do that 3-4 times a week at the moment, Perhaps I can in September when am at college again so have my monthly bus pass. But untill then that's off the table. My problem with the Bodybuilding gyms is that they only have the floormats in one small section where the dumbbells are so I can't Trail and error Learn Olympic lifts as I can't risk damaging the floor I even have to be careful Deadlifting, and of course being surrounded by people who are doing the opposite of everything I've learned and roll their eyes at AtG squats is extremely demotivating.


I've recently stopped doing weightlifting all together and started boxing which is an extremely fun and difficult exercise, but I don't get the same Satisfaction I get from lifting heavy. I really want to start Olympic lifting but the only place that teaches it is that place 45mins away and they only teach it through Personal training which I can't afford.


Then you've my diet side of things, I was 100% Paleo for a while and enjoying it, but a trip to Ireland, and several unexpected bills later I couldn't afford the ingredients and since then I always seem to be paying for this and that, and left with pennys before I even buy Veg so I've had to eat what the other people in the house eat which can be described as junk. Since leaving paleo I've felt more tired and sluggish. But even when I was on Paleo I found it extremely difficult to get enough Calories to even keep my weight never mind bulk up, I simply couldn't afford to have a few big meals a day.


There you have it my Rut. Not getting the Satisfaction from Boxing I get from weight lifting. Sick and tired of working out in the local gyms that simply don't serve purpose for what I like to do and want to do. Been bumped off the wagon and struggling to get back on my diet. And couldn't eat enough to make progress while I was on the diet.


It's doing my head in because, I still -want- to work out I'm just rather defeated.

I'm the Guy who lifts stuff.


Bodyfat: 14%   Weight: 74 Kilos


ORM Bench press : 58 Kilos     ORM Deadlift : 115 kilos       ORM Squat : 75 kilos

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Okay, a couple of things that have already been said somewhere else. Two things for motivation, first: pull through - keep going or take a short break to refuel your energy (not extending too long, if I do breaks it's a week max. or if I've been hauling ass all day 24/7 maybe even nigh two but that's the upper limit because that's usually where you start losing progress).


Not sure what I could recommend you in terms of gym stuff as I have no clue about gyms in GB and I don't use gyms myself because the membership fees are ridiculous and the ones nearby don't even have all that good EQ. I can only tell you about working out at home/improvising outside. (not necessarily ideal for your preferences if you can't get the necessary gear though - could be a possible addition though)


As for diet: Don't do something that's not sustainable for you and don't let anybody tell you jackshit about how it's not that bad - fact is if you don't have enough food for maintenance because it gets too expensive that's a problem. It's not like you don't have any other expenses. Now I'm not sure what your current goals are or what exactly your "level of education" is but I'd recommend you check out this, this and this for some good scientific intel on nutrition. Other recommendations could be: Keep tabs on your macros, don't neglect protein intake, have a look at intolerances/allergies, if you have a reliable GP get some tests done, if you feel up to it do some tests yourself, don't let anybody tell you some anti/pro [insert nutrient X] bullshit (excess is as bad or useless as vilification is nonsensical), don't beat yourself up over your diet and a sentiment to remember is that food isn't inherently good or bad. Portion size and individual context both matter (up to very high amounts).

At this point I'd like to throw in that you can easily get into something where one thing affects the other. Cognitive dissonance between what you think you should be doing and what you are doing affecting not only your mind but also your body and vice-versa. Or - if possible - nutritional deficiencies affecting your body affecting your mind ect.

“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.†- Vince Lombardi


Wolf, level 1 Vampire assassinSTR 2|DEX 3|STA 2|CON 3|WIS 3|CHA 2


Wolfish Philosophy


Current challenge

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If it's not as much fun, why box? Do something you love. If you can't lift for now, lift you! Do body weight exercises - pull-ups, prisoner squats, push-ups, a rotation of ab work - oh yeah you'll be getting strong. Experiment. Look on Craigslist for an old kettlebell. Oly isn't the be all and end all. Doing these things will get you in shape for oly.

Diet - dude start small and easy. Don't do thing that cost but things that save. Quit sugar. Quit pasta. Or quit eating out. Etc. those are great choices.

In the end, if you have a lot of excuses and are unhappy, revisit your plan.

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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It sounds like your stressed out about finances and thats part of whats ruining your motivation. So thats where i'd try to take control. Getting your money back to a sustainable level will allow you more choices than you currently have.

Personally i like gettingrichslowly.com but there are plenty of resources for personal finance.

LEVEL 3 Human Scout - obsessive smiley user 


"That's the best part, the outside is new, but now it reflects what's already in you" - Legally blonde the musical

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