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Air Force: 1 / Will: 0

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Dammit. I'm home now, for the few of you that got to know me a smidge before I shipped out to Basic Military Training for the Air Force.

Medically discharged due to stress fractures in both knees and my left foot (cuboid bone...which is kind of fun to say) courtesy of a Military Training Instructor forcing me to run while injured.

So, after a few weeks in Med Hold (which brought about a lovely 25-pound loss due to a stint of the plague), I'm home, in terrible shape, burning to work out, and frustrated that I'm unable to.

I want to start on the Rebel Strength Building Guide's Basic Training, but I'm not sure just how much I should risk at the moment. I mean, should I give it another month and hope it's enough to get me back up to 100% (from about the 75% I'm at now), or should I do what I can with what I've got?

Any medical professionals in the house with any advice?

Eh...on top of all this, I've got to look for a new job, a new car, and keep myself afloat both mentally and financially at the moment.

Things are looking grim for our friendly neighborhood bard, true believers...

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Ouch! I'm sorry to hear that.

I agree with Timmy, take it easy. If you feel the need to 'push' a little just focus on areas where you aren't injured.

You said that your knees and your foot were hurt, so basic stuff like pull-ups, push-ups (maybe knee push ups with some padding if keeping your core stiff stresses your legs too much), dips, etc should be alright.

Steve posted up a nice article on how to train while injured a few weeks back. Probably worth a read. Either way good luck and feel better soon

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Guest Carjack

Ask a doctor when you'll be ready for "weight bearing exercise" and don't construe anything on forums as medical advice.

Do weight lifting for a while before you run. Military is completely retarded with its running obsession.

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Yeah, all the running in basic is bad news if you haven't worked up to it. Running has to be taken on very slowly and gradually, it's really hard on the body! Unfortunately your experience is all too common.

You can of course strength train, without putting stress on your foot until it's completely healed, and absolutely don't push your limits on the doctor's recommendations. If they say no running, absolutely no running until they give the OK. Talk to the doc about what you can do. A physical therapist might be helpful, too.

I had a fracture in my navicular bone (next to the cuboid) a few years ago, fixed with a couple screws, and because I followed all the surgeon's and physical therapist's advice, and eased back into weight bearing I've had no problems with it whatsoever. I'm slowly (very slowly and cautiously) working my way into running because I'm joining the Navy soon and I don't want to shock my body with all the PT in basic.

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