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The wonderful life of being healthy, it's a far fetched and almost unrealistic goal for many of this earths inhabitants.

The inspiration felt as you lie in your bed at night, saying over and over that tomorrow will be the day when you wake up and make a change. 

You research weight loss on google, trying to no avail to discover a secret, an easy way out. But when you see the horror stories that come with the supplements and pills, you finally realize that the one way you will look good in that now to small bathing-suit is pure fitness.

Maybe you make the one mistake we all do our first time, you just try to change the exercise.

You make a detailed plan, one which has you exercising at the gym or at home for an hour every other day, but after a week as you expect to see a perfect person in the mirror, the inspiration rushes away and with it takes a piece of your expectation. You start looking at other people, comparing them to yourself, thinking maybe you don't look that bad, maybe you're body is fine.

You delude yourself. Then in a month or two as you watch your slim friends splash at the pool while you stand there in a white t-shirt and boy shorts, that wave hits again.

I want to be skinny. I want to be skinny. You repeat. I want to be skinny.

But that's not the way to start out.

Maybe you spend years of this routine, failing each time. You lose one pound and it's like heaven on earth until the next week you're up by two.

Or maybe you do what I did. You wake up one morning and you say to yourself enough is enough. You're sick of the cycle. You're sick of hating the way you look.

You set your alarm for the next day to 6:00. You wake up and jog through your neighborhood. You throw away all the cereal and candy and sweet things in your house and replace it with fruits and vegetables and meats. You watch what you eat, you mark the calories and fat and carbs and you stay true to your limit.

You get rid of that scale in your house. The only time you ever look at your weight is when you go to the doctors.

You drink 8-10 glasses of water and you exercise along with it.

They say 80% of weight loss is diet. I say 100% of weight loss is willpower.

You can change your life. I had never before eaten as well in a month as I did that first day I woke up and cut the crap.

I lost 5 pounds in 8 days. And I honestly don't care. As long as I am doing my best  to make my life a healthier and better one then I am happy as a clam.

I hope this helped some people out there that were as conflicted as me.

I am 5 foot 8 and I weigh 130 pounds. I am not their yet but everyday I am working towards a goal which I haven't even made yet.

Before I was 142 pounds and unhappy. I felt like I was the heaviest person in the world.

Now I feel light as air and happy and everyone has noticed a change.

If you want to make a change here are some great methods and websites that can help.

1. http://www.livestrong.com/

Count your calories and water and exercise. Not only does it force you to look at what you eat but it also takes time. A great motivator is convenience. Is that cookie really worth taking all that time to figure out the calories and nutrition info?

2. The Eatery app. This is the same idea as the calorie counters.

3.  http://www.bhg.com/recipes/

This website has some healthy and delicious recipes.

4. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM1Nde-9eorUhq-teaWlgUA

Without access to a gym, these exercises are easy but really work you.

5. Smoothies. If you are a salad hater like myself, add spinach and kale to smoothies.

My smoothies are simple and easy, half a banana, a handful of strawberries and blueberries and a little water. Then just add a handful of your two greens and you can't even taste them. A teaspoon of powdered sugar isn't too bad, if you are a sugar addict like I once was then I would do that until your taste buds adjust.

The point is, make a healthy change. And do it now. Don't say next week or tomorrow just do it now. And when you get those cravings just go with them, a healthy oatmeal cookie or a square of dark chocolate never hurt anyone.


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