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Ranger/Monk Training... commence!

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Hi! I'm Kate. Nice to be here. I'm 22 years old. I'm from Canada. Winter is coming. Summer is shorter than in the Game of Thrones world, though. *sigh*


I can't say I'm new to the rebellion's ways. I joined a week or so ago, however I've already made substantial changes to my lifestyle. In January 2013 I was 5'4.5" and weighed 157lbs.

Now I am 5'4.5" and weigh 123lbs.


I'm already very much set in the ways of the Ranger (I even have a past in archery, and I'm not half bad). However I've always had an interest in the ways of the Monk (but cannot afford to train as one atm).


Weight loss is nice, but it's not the most exciting thing that has happened to me this year. In January I got sick of feeling exhausted at every moment of every day. I got sick of looking in the mirror and not being happy with what I saw there. I got sick of feeling completely out of control.


I discovered the Paleo Diet. Weight melted off, but I also felt a million times more alive. I already knew I had a non-celiac gluten sensitivity, but until this year had chosen to ignore it, since gluten free foods were so expensive, and didn't make me feel that much better anyway (I'm talking processed gluten free stuff like frozen pizzas and corn bread).


It wasn't until I cut out all grain that I felt a significant difference. I also cut out processed dairy, legumes, and refined sugar.

I ate strictly paleo for about 4 months.


Just that changed me entirely. I became happier, a million times more energetic, I started setting goals for myself... I became overall more alert, and I feel as though I think more clearly now.

Thinking is important to us nerds.


My relationships have improved, too.


Then after getting used to the whole new routine of actually cooking real food (and somehow still managing to make it to work on time), I added in exercise. That's when the rest of the weight came off.

I re-introduced some things into my diet (goat cheese doesn't bother me like cow dairy, and there's lots of yummy fat in it so I nom that all the time). I guess instead of strict paleo, I eat closer to what is called the Primal Blueprint on Mark Sisson's Daily Apple. I cheat and have rice sometimes. *shrug*


Although this might sound like a success story already, the battle isn't won yet. I don't think it ever will be. I'm really looking forward to see what the community here has to offer. I want to help and to be helped in return. Encouragement, yay!


I still have some bad habits (like living on paleo-friendly Larabars instead of cooking cuz I'm lazy) and there's always room for improvements. Although I am exercising, I feel as though my regiments could use some work (I'm only doing 2 different bodyweight circuits right now). I personally feel like I struggle with consuming too many carbohydrates and not enough protein. Also I feel as though sometimes I don't consume enough calories in general to support the type of body I want. Also... I spend a lot of time sitting in front of the computer. Although I'm in a long-distance relationship (six years now), so I think that's the biggest reason I stay glued to the chair. He's pretty awesome, too. We'll be living together sometime soonish. I just need to get my lisence first (a goal I seem to be struggling with... driving is scary)!


Since I've found more energy, and feel like I can actually live... I want to be able to do badass things while I live. It's unfortunate that martial arts training costs money.


Anyway, I'm rambling again! I never was good at introductions. I can't ever seem to stay on topic.


*shakes head*


Looking forward to seeing what I can learn from folks here, and it's always nice to have some backup when the going gets rough.


For The Rebellion! *salute/cheer* ♥

Primal Chai
Race: Human | Class: Adventurer
[Level: 0 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0 ]


"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."  - Christopher Hitchens

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Sounds like you know what you want, that's fantastic. There are a lot of interesting articles and the threads have lots of information and ideas on how to exercise and train without big gym memberships and possibly even without too much wallet damage in regards to learning martial arts. Definitely skulked around the Monks, they'll teach you all they know, happily!

Good Luck


The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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That's so awesome to hear how the Paleo diet's worked for you. I tried it for two weeks back in February, and it was absolutely amazing... Then I went on holiday and I've been yoyo-ing ever since on it. 


Driving is amazing! I completely encourage you to go out and get your license - makes a good goal! ;)

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You are certainly an inspiration - I am in awe of the fact you ate entirely Paleo for 4 months. I would seriously love to be at the end of that fourth month and not miss carbs and sugar ... and ice cream *le sigh* but alas I am much slower than you are, m'lady. (I miss me some game of thrones too ...)


What I would really love to ask you is how you did it ... did you simply (I use the term loosely) run out of rope, so to speak, on the life path you were previously on? I have to say, I feel I am dangerously close to said path - which I suppose is both a blessing and a curse depending on your perspective.


I recently returned from a vacation with my family and I spent half of my vacation miserable because I felt as though I could not make a healthy choice to save my life (there's that lack of control you speak of). I know I've eaten emotionally for years - it would appear to me (and correct me if I'm wrong) becoming healthy on the outside is often a representation of the health we are accumulating on the inside.


Now I'm rambling.


In any case, my initial intention was to say hello, thank you for your inspiration, and I look forward to reading more of it - I would also love to hear about some of your Paleo recipes :pride: 


It's been a pleasure

"Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts -- it's what you do with what you have left."

                                                                              - Hubert H. Humphrey


Azer - Ranger - (STR) 3 (DEX) 2 (STA) 2 (CON) 3 (WIS) 3 (CHA) 2

Level 1


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That's so awesome to hear how the Paleo diet's worked for you. I tried it for two weeks back in February, and it was absolutely amazing... Then I went on holiday and I've been yoyo-ing ever since on it. 


Driving is amazing! I completely encourage you to go out and get your license - makes a good goal! ;)


Thanks! I've been working up the courage, especially after realizing that I'll be stuck in the career rut I'm in until I get one, and that's really the only thing holding me back besides myself.


You are certainly an inspiration - I am in awe of the fact you ate entirely Paleo for 4 months. I would seriously love to be at the end of that fourth month and not miss carbs and sugar ... and ice cream *le sigh* but alas I am much slower than you are, m'lady. (I miss me some game of thrones too ...)


What I would really love to ask you is how you did it ... did you simply (I use the term loosely) run out of rope, so to speak, on the life path you were previously on? I have to say, I feel I am dangerously close to said path - which I suppose is both a blessing and a curse depending on your perspective.


I recently returned from a vacation with my family and I spent half of my vacation miserable because I felt as though I could not make a healthy choice to save my life (there's that lack of control you speak of). I know I've eaten emotionally for years - it would appear to me (and correct me if I'm wrong) becoming healthy on the outside is often a representation of the health we are accumulating on the inside.


Now I'm rambling.


In any case, my initial intention was to say hello, thank you for your inspiration, and I look forward to reading more of it - I would also love to hear about some of your Paleo recipes :pride:


It's been a pleasure


Well, don't go thinking I never slipped up. I think I had a hamburger once, and a slice of regular pizza another couple times, while making the change. But eating those things make me feel terribly sick almost immediately now (because of the gluten sensitivity).


However I didn't slip for at least the first month. I wanted so badly to change at first, and after the first week on paleo, I wanted so badly to keep it up, that I did. The first two days I felt like I was going to die... because for SOME insane reason I decided that I'd not only cut out gluten, grain, legumes, sugar, and dairy... but also caffeine.


I was NOT a fun person to be around. Also since I didn't really know how to cook much... I was starving on top of that. I didn't know a lot about needing fats to replace carbs until a week or so later, so I was living on smoothies and gluten free pepperettes and rage.


But then after the first week or so I bounced up and felt better than I did in high school. So I didn't want to go back.


Even now, once in a blue moon (as in, I've done it once in the last... 3+ months) I'll order a gluten free pizza. It's not the best decision, but I know it's not going to kill me, as long as I only do it once every few months, instead of once every few days. :P Giving into temptation on rare occasion is fine, IMO. Keeps us honest. Also reminds me why I eat the way I do... because I don't like how I feel after I have a cheat meal, usually. Also, I've learned to cook a bit better, so most of the time I like my own food better anyway.


And although I'd love to eat grass-fed free range everything, it's not available to me right now. So I'm still buying conventional meat from the grocery store, and I'm trying not to beat myself up over it. Always on the lookout for local meat though, and I've managed to get eggs regularly from a friend of a friend of mine who does a free-range hobby thing.


As for making the change initially... I've been depressed a lot of my life, basically a self-defeatist. I kept telling myself there was nothing I could do to make a difference, in anything, and then I cried about it. I certainly blamed myself for a lot of my problems, but I also blamed luck (or lack thereof), and certain people in my past.


Things still aren't optimal in my life, but they're heading in the right direction, especially once I realized the fact that I'm the ONLY person who could/can change anything. I think it took moving away and living life on my own a little *cough* six years *cough* to figure that out. I think gluten actually affects my mood a lot... since being gluten free I am never depressed... like ever. I get whiny sometimes (time of the month y'know) but that's about it. I have anxiety as well, but I've had a lot less of it since changing my lifestyle. My asthma is almost entirely gone, too!


I think my favourite paleo recipe is my chocolate recipe. I make it every week, and that's how long it's supposed to last me. I also am a fan of my Honey Ginger cookies... I don't make those often enough. Actually most of my favourites happen to be desserts, go figure.


One thing I refuse to eat on my primal diet is avocado. It's disgusting. Can't handle it.


I get a lot of my recipes here actually.


Greetings! :D Where in Canadia?


Currently I'm in the Capital, but I want to get out sometime in the next year or so...

Primal Chai
Race: Human | Class: Adventurer
[Level: 0 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0 ]


"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."  - Christopher Hitchens

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I hate avocado... the texture is revolting.


HOWEVER, may I recommend salad dressing? Into a blender, pop 1 avocado (peeled and seeded and everything), 4 cloves garlic, 1/4 cup olive oil, 1/4 cup lemon juice, smoked paprika, basil, sea salt... basically whatever you like in dressing.  You get this awesome yellow-green super-creamy faux-caesar.  Heck, if you add actual anchovies and an egg you get a REALLY GOOD cheese-free caesar.  It turns ANYTHING delicious.  ANYTHING. 

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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Wow, that does sound yummy... assuming the avocado doesn't ruin it for me.


I guess for you I will try buying one more avocado, one more time...



I'm hoping the garlic will pwn the avocado's taste.

Primal Chai
Race: Human | Class: Adventurer
[Level: 0 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0 ]


"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."  - Christopher Hitchens

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I can't taste the avocado at all, it just makes it super-creamy if you blend it rull good. I use it as carrot dip, and sauce for chicken.  Mmm. 

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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Oh, I love your story, FaceThatMeows!  I have considered Paleo for some time now... but haven't done it yet.  My concern is too much animal protein; it makes me feel sluggish and gross for some reason.  I am gluten and dairy free, too.  My doc suspects that the gluten in my diet contributed to my adrenal fatigue, so maybe for you it was an energy-sapper as well?  Anyway, I really don't miss dairy, surprisingly.  Now and again I will have a GF bun or cracker.  I love rice, though, that would be pretty difficult to give up.  Legumes too- lentils, not peanuts so much.  My question is this: Is there any way to do Paleo without much animal protein?  Honestly, the style of eating that appeals to me the most is raw food, but it is too hard for me to maintain, and I end up eating a ton of sweets (Larabars again, they are addictive).  

Please and thank you.  (Good call on that website, btw, the pics look very delicious!)

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Oh, I love your story, FaceThatMeows!  I have considered Paleo for some time now... but haven't done it yet.  My concern is too much animal protein; it makes me feel sluggish and gross for some reason.  I am gluten and dairy free, too.  My doc suspects that the gluten in my diet contributed to my adrenal fatigue, so maybe for you it was an energy-sapper as well?  Anyway, I really don't miss dairy, surprisingly.  Now and again I will have a GF bun or cracker.  I love rice, though, that would be pretty difficult to give up.  Legumes too- lentils, not peanuts so much.  My question is this: Is there any way to do Paleo without much animal protein?  Honestly, the style of eating that appeals to me the most is raw food, but it is too hard for me to maintain, and I end up eating a ton of sweets (Larabars again, they are addictive).  

Please and thank you.  (Good call on that website, btw, the pics look very delicious!)

I'd say my primal diet consists of about 40% protein, 40% fat, and 20% carbohydrates.


It seems a lot of people who first hear about paleo (I don't mean you specifically since you seem a tad more knowledgeable) think it's a diet that consists of mostly meat, which is inaccurate.


But honestly if you don't want to eat that much animal protein, don't. You could choose to supplement some of that protein with a whey isolate powder in a smoothie, or just consume less protein altogether, or get it from other sources like nuts.


Paleo/Primal blueprint isn't really about eating a specific amount of meat/veg/fruit, nor is it really about mimicking how our ancestors ate (despite what some may say).


It's simply making informed decisions about what we eat based on what we know about where we came from and how we've evolved. Of course our biology has changed a bit since Grok roamed the earth... but knowing where our roots are help us make better decisions... like knowing what the phytates in grain might do to us if eaten too often.

It also helps us put our cheat meals/snacks into perspective... so you want a donut. You know how it'll make you feel and you know a lot more about what's in it than the majority of people in North America. You might eat it anyway, but at least you had the knowledge to make an informed decision.


Just like, since you noticed animal protein makes you sluggish-feeling, you may want to consume less/none at all. Or you might want to try grass-fed, grass-finished beef/pork/lamb/poultry and see if that makes a difference (I hear it does).


Everybody is different, so eating primal can be different for different people. As long as you're avoiding grains and refined sugars, and eating nutrient dense foods, I'd say you're on the right track.  :loyal:

Primal Chai
Race: Human | Class: Adventurer
[Level: 0 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0 ]


"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."  - Christopher Hitchens

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  I have considered Paleo for some time now... but haven't done it yet.  My concern is too much animal protein; it makes me feel sluggish and gross for some reason.  


I don't eat a lot of meat, so I don't get a lot of animal protein. It might not be the best fit for everyone, but I eat a lot of protein rich vegetables and nuts (except for peanuts). Some of the vegetables I focus on for protein are peas, spinach, broccoli, and asparagus. Potatoes also have a decent amount of protein but I very rarely eat them. Nuts are also a staple of my diet, specifically almonds, pistachios, and black walnuts. Because I don't eat a lot of meat, the nuts will pull some double duty giving me necessary protein as well as needed calories. Because calories can be hard to come by if you eat a majority vegetable diet. This might not work for you but it something I have found makes it easier for me. :)

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Honestly, the style of eating that appeals to me the most is raw food, but it is too hard for me to maintain, and I end up eating a ton of sweets (Larabars again, they are addictive).


What I'm finding is that I eat more raw vegetables and fruits - I've used the fruits to ease the transition from sugary carb loaded snacks to healther versions of them. I'm not a huge fan of eating loads of protein rich meat either, but I've have a chicken breast with dinner and then sautee up some of my favorite vegetables, the protein helps to keep me fuller for longer. I don't really eat breakfast anymore (I was never really a breakfast person in the first place), and I don't crave snacks high in carbs anymore. Maybe try switching out sweet fruits everytime you want carbs ... eventually you will retrain yourself and then you can cut back to fruits lower in sugars ... it's all about progression not perfection.  :rolleyes-new: 

"Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts -- it's what you do with what you have left."

                                                                              - Hubert H. Humphrey


Azer - Ranger - (STR) 3 (DEX) 2 (STA) 2 (CON) 3 (WIS) 3 (CHA) 2

Level 1


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Hi, FaceThatMeows! :) I completely hear you on the food making you depressed - I discovered the exact same thing! Amazing how that works. I have non-celiac-gluten-sensitivity, too. I feel so much better about basically *everything* when I keep up the diet. And no, it takes very little to feel like complete butt, again.


Glad to have you, I will get around to introducing myself soon enough. :) I'm from the other end of the continent. (FL)

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