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Hello fellow rebels!


New to the rebellion(1st year student, haven't been sorted yet) but I can tell this is going to be a life changing experience.
Fair warning: I am a huge Harry Potter nerd, I am aware of the awful puns I make, but I will not apologize because if there was anywhere to embrace my inner nerd... this would be the place!


One day during my lunch at work, I looked down at my bowl of chef boyardee and was all of a sudden disgusted at how unhealthy I had become. I used to be swimmer (plus other sports), but once I went off to school for graphic design, my activity levels slowly started to decrease while the food intake stayed the same. Since I've graduated and acquired a job in my field, I have been enjoying the "homework free" hours, but got very bored very quickly. I decided to cross something off of my "cauldron list" (or bucket list if you aren't an HP fan)... and learn how to play hockey. After a short 2 months, I am in a women's league now but and we only have games once a week -- that plus working 40 hours a week doesn't give you the best slots for extra ice time. So I was searching for another way to get back into shape, stay in shape, and start eating healthy. That's where NerdFitness comes in. I was originally looking at starting up the insanity workouts, but a google thread led me to Nerd Fitness and the Rebellion, and I don't think I'm ever leaving. :love-struck: This site has so much great information, not only is my stomach getting better food... so is my brain! I have learned so much in the few days I have spent reading posts on this site. I can't wait to continue learning and challenging myself, and I'm so excited to be a part of this wonderful rebel community. I missed the start of the official 6-week challenge, so I am hoping to catch the next one. In the mean time, my boyfriend and I started our own 6-week challenge with the fitness guides and eating healthier. SO HERE'S TO LEVELING UP!


Thanks for reading :cool-new:

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Before I even opened your post, I saw your username and knew I'd have to comment.


A HP fan who wants to get fit? Hi, I'm in the same boat! I've also been reading the website and have also joined a women's league in the sport I love - soccer! Along with working a 40 hour week too. 


Best of luck with your six week challenge - my boyfriend and I are not setting any time limits, just taking small steps in the right direction with food and fitness.


PS: Halfway through reading the Deathly Hallows again, and just reached the part where they disapparate from the Ministry and Yaxley stops them from going back to Grimmauld Place... I always wonder what happens to Kreacher then, and hope he doesn't get hurt.

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Hi Chewy! A fellow HP fan already, man this is awesome! :) SOCCER! Soccer was always one of those sports that I loved to do for fun, but I just couldn't get into it competitively. My favorite soccer movie was The Big Green. Hopefully you have seen it, if not you should check it out... typical Disney rag tag team that works hard and beats the odds. So great that you can balance the 40 hour week too, it's tough sometimes!


Thank you, and best of luck with your challanges as well! That's good though! Even though it's a small step, it's one step better than you were before.


Gah! Such a nerve wrecking part! As for Kreacher, I don't remember anything official from the books, but according to the Harry Potter Wiki, he went on to lead the house elves in the Battle of Hogwarts. I love those books so much :) I also recently started to re-read the collection, but I'm only on book 3. Have you ever listened to them on audio book? I have been slowly aquiring the British versions (Stephen Fry) and I love them!

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Another HP fan here, hi! I used to be the hugest HP nerd, and I'm still a fan, I'm just not active in the fandom anymore. I remember when I started reading the books, I was ten or eleven years old and I always secretly waited for an owl from Hogwarts. :nevreness: So, what House are you in?


As for the fitness related stuff - I missed the challenge too, I must remember to participate when the next one starts. Personally I've never been into team sports, but I can relate to you on the 40 hour work week. Now that I've gotten "full" weeks at work, which is otherwise good, I tend to be so exhausted afterwards. Workouts are a lot more challenging at 9 pm after eight hours of work.


(currently visiting assassins) | Challenge Thread

"We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us."

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SheWho - haven't seen The Big Green, but it's just gone on my list! I don't think I could balance sport and work if I didn't enjoy it so much. 

As for Kreacher, glad to hear he survived. Scary how attached one can become to fictional characters... I have audio books but not read by Stephen Fry. I'm sure the Fry ones are incredible, but I enjoy the ones I have too!


Polaris - Hurrah, another HP fan! I always assumed that because I don't live in the UK, I didn't qualify for Hogwarts, which is why my owl didn't come...


And workouts after 5pm are hard enough for me, how anyone can exercise beyond 9pm beats me! I went to a 6pm class last night, and I was so tired I don't even remember driving home afterwards... But stick at it, and the rewards will come (I keep telling myself that, anyway).

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Polaris -- Another HP fan! Alright! I refuse to accept that I was born a muggle and am still waiting for my owl. Back before they made official wand replicas, I had my grandpa make me one in his workshop. :joyous: According to Pottermore, I am in Hufflepuff. I know everyone makes fun of us "puffs" but I have embraced it and I am happy with my sort lol.


That's ok that you aren't into sports, just find something that gets you out there and moving and that you love to do. The next challenge starts July 29 so let's both try to make that one! I agree that working out after a long work day can be exhausting, but since I have improved my eating habits (slowly but surely) I have found that I have waaay more energy late in the day. It's also an incentive to just get up because I sit behind a desk all day and stare at a computer, so anything to get me away from technology, desks, and rolly chairs :tongue:


Chewy -- You are right! Stick with it and the rewards will come. Definitely check out The Big Green, it's nothing fancy and it is a cheesy 90's disney movie, but weren't those always the best? Are you planning on doing the next 6 week challenge as well?

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I think you hit the jackpot of Harry Potter fans here lol. I can't count how many HP marathons I've been to, but I STILL haven't had the chance to read all the books. Hopefully someday I'll have the time to sit down and read them all from start to finish, I read the first four back in Jr. high and LOVED them!


It's awesome that you and your bf are doing your own 6-week challenge, I missed the 6-week challenge as well so I'm kinda doing my own as well, except it's more of a 2-month challenge (up until school starts up, gotta get fit for the new semester!). I'll be starting P90X in about a week and a half so I'm getting super psyched for that (I've been through the program before and LOVED it, highly recommend it!). Anyway, Best of luck to you both! Kudos on the awesome display name btw! =)

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Hi Jallen --


I hope that someday you will be able to finish the books, they are amazing (in my opinion).


That's great that you are getting fit for a new semester... that means new clothes! New clothes for the new school year is always exciting. I've heard of P90X but I have never tried it before. I think it's made by the same company that has the "insanity" workouts. I will have to add it to my "to do" someday and give it a try. Good luck on your challenge as well! :)

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