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Born a Champion

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Hi there everyone!


Just recently stumbled across the Rebellion through some research and loved the concept. Name's ~Jag, I'm from Australia, and have spent the past two years so far trying to get myself back into the shape I was once in!


My biggest struggle has remained my diet, and general discipline when it comes to food. I can make all the excuses I like, but ultimately I know that it still comes down to me, my decisions, my choices, my actions. It's too easy to sit there at the end of a day, stick a DVD on and eat chips, chocolate or something else terrible for a couple of hours before climbing into bed for the night - and even though I wake up feeling crap, nauseated and with heartburn the next morning, by the time night comes around again... Guess what I want to do!


I discovered Crossfit last year, and started going to my local box in December. Crossfit has helped me discover a new attitude, not just to fitness but to my goals and expectations. I don't have a goal weight anymore (Okay, so around the 90-100kg mark would be awesome), but my weight is just a secondary thing to the fitness I want to achieve. The long term, BIG goals that I have are:


  • Run a sub 20 minute 5km
  • Build my C&J/Snatch PBs to over 100kg
  • Muscle ups!
  • Competing in the Crossfit Open and aiming for at least a pass to Regionals within the next three years.

I know these are massive steps, and at the moment I'm still on things that are much smaller and more achievable - but I need the big goals to give me a nice clear long-term direction.


But, most important aim right now is to stick to healthy eating! I have one goal, in particular, that requires me to eat healthy for this month of July... So far hasn't gone great. I stuffed up on the 1st, and then last night managed to go to the Supermarket for a couple of necessities and in the process, came out with chips and chocolate for the evening snack. I think I may need to bar myself from shopping after 8PM or something!


The difference being, though, my first thought waking up yesterday and today have both been... "Right, do better today." Instead of chiding myself for screwing up and making myself feel crap.


The new theme song I've set for myself (Hello Becoming a Superhero post) is Champion by Chipmunk. I may not always believe it about myself, but I'm going to do my damnedest to become one. 


I can't wait to be posting before and after pictures of the journey that I'm on. One day. One day I will look the way I know I can. I'll feel the way I know I should. 

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Hi Jag,

It's great that you're here. The big goals are awesome and knowing that food is the important goal is really important. I'm just coming into that knowledge myself. I have started a lot of good fitness habits since coming here. Now, I need to eat the way I want to, because I Say So.

Best of Luck and chat anytime.




The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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Thanks Teri!

Yeah - just such a hard habit to change, though! I quit smoking without even looking back a few months ago, but for some reason can't seem to do the same with all the junk food! 


Looking forward to having some people to bounce off and work through this stuff with. I live in a fairly small city, and fitness nerds are in short supply - have made a lot of awesome friends at my gym already, but oftentimes I end up feeling like we're on different wavelengths!


"Because I Say So" is great - I need to remember this. :)

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