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Dealing with Injury

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Love the fact that I discovered Nerd Fitness just as the post about being Injured was posted!


Story: Last week I missed a catch doing a clean and jerk, hyper-extended my thumb/wrist and now have to keep the thing in a splint/wrist brace for at least a week. So for the past three days I've been on one armed workouts - single arm ring-rows, dumbell presses, kettlebell swings.


Two questions for the rebels...


1. What techniques and tactics do you use to keep motivated if you can't follow your normal program or structure?


2. How much should I do while I'm still only one-armed? I've only been half-joking when I've made comments to other training mates about how much stronger my right arm's going to get - the other half actually is concerned, especially since my left arm's always been the weaker one to begin with...

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um more legs???


I do one armed workouts all the time- but it's a risk given that you are more than likely going to OVERFUCKINGDOIT (I'm totally guilty)


so you have to be REALLY careful... give yourself MORE rest days since you aren't rotating through workouts like normal. 

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I feel you. I have what I think is a fracture in my lower left shin. Normally I do stronglifts, so I just modified it. My upper body also needs a lot of work, so it's given me time to really get in some good training time.


I would ask, is there something you've been wanting to work on for a while, or some muscle groups that could use focused training?


And as far as staying motivated, maybe there's an alternative exercise that you can do. For example, I can't do deadlifts right now, but I can do a one-leg romanian deadlift, which is challenging in and of itself.


Good luck!

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Love the fact that I discovered Nerd Fitness just as the post about being Injured was posted!


Story: Last week I missed a catch doing a clean and jerk, hyper-extended my thumb/wrist and now have to keep the thing in a splint/wrist brace for at least a week. So for the past three days I've been on one armed workouts - single arm ring-rows, dumbell presses, kettlebell swings.


Two questions for the rebels...


1. What techniques and tactics do you use to keep motivated if you can't follow your normal program or structure?


2. How much should I do while I'm still only one-armed? I've only been half-joking when I've made comments to other training mates about how much stronger my right arm's going to get - the other half actually is concerned, especially since my left arm's always been the weaker one to begin with...


Yikes!!!  Dude so sorry to hear!  Do you have a lot of pain?  What did doc say re recovery?  Sounds like if it's just a brace for a week or so you are going to heal up well!


I'm 28 days out of knee surgery.  There are a few threads here about how to deal.


First is this - yours sounds like a short recovery!  You got this.  Man, that's like some rest days.  ;-)  Seriously, sounds short and doable.  Tell yourself that.


Second, don't over do it and do not do what you are not supposed to do.  That's the number 1 recipe for disaster.  If when you get brace off, doc says don't do for another two weeks.  Don't.  I've been through 4 surgeries in 5 years and I'm doing really well for a reason.


Third, do what you can do.  ha ha - lower body.  Now, I don't think I'd trust squats or DL given your hand is in a brace.  So.... big fun here - walking lunges in a weight vest!  woot!  jog 1/4 mile in weight vest followed by abs of destruction - hollow rocks, bicycle crunches, flutter kicks (will kill you), etc.  Do tabata sprints on a stationary bike - woot!!!  cardio and legs - oh yeah!  Big fun too!  mmmmmm......


Fourth - know you'll get better.  You will.  Promise.  But you have to follow #2. 

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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Thanks guys... 


Not too much pain - recovery is for this week, see how it feels at the weekend to determine whether to keep it immobile for another week or not. At the moment the wrist is starting to feel a fair bit better, but I'm still feeling a fair bit of pain in the hand/thumb, so I'm not sure if I'll be back to full action next week at this point. 


I had this thought last night, though, about some good things that have come of this week, though... Last night was a full on strength-training day at my Crossfit box... 1RM Power Clean, 3RM Deadlift with the target to hold each for three sets. I set it as a non-CF day, and just did a big walk in the morning. The night previous had been a workout involving running, kettlebell swings and pull ups. Being a 140kg bloke, if I'm going to pick a 'rest day' it's usually when I see running on the schedule - but given the circumstances, I actually deliberately went to that one and deliberately passed up the strength day. 

Not only that, but instead of my 'rest' being 'do nothing' I actually went out and did more work.


One-off events at this stage, but it just hit me last night that this kind of thing is actually good - to find myself deliberately choosing something I'd normally avoid.


Will get there... 


Love the idea of doing lunges or squats in a weight vest - I hadn't even thought of that! Great suggestion!

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Good work rebel!!!!

Now get after those hollow rocks!

Glad you are in good spirits and not much pain. DO NOT PUSH your return though.

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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Anyone here ever had a back injury? I think I overtrained and/or had bad form with squats last semester and after resting during finals week I could no longer get through my warm up set on any of my lifts without pain and loss of energy stemming from my mid back around the spinal region. I am going to see a physical therapist in a month and will wait to see what their diagnosis is but I was wondering if anyone had any stretches or remedies that might help out here?

Semper Gumby-Always FlexiblePain is weakness leaving the body.FITOCRACY

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