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Didn't do nothing for the past 2 weeks in terms of fitness

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I have a confession to make:I did pretty much in the past 2 weeks for bettering my life and being an inspiration to others-I don't work out,eat crap that,even if I deserve to treat myself like crap with junk food,my body still doesn't deserve it,it's just following orders and taking everything in,the poor guy.It's not it's fault that I'm shoving french fries down my throat,it's the conscious part of me that deserves a stuffin of burgers 'till it dies.

Now,don't think of this topic as a negative one,like I'm half drunk right now,angry and about to kill myself.No,this is a confession and,I hope,a start of change.The problem,I believe,was this-I was running on motivation fuel,a.k.a.The Temporary Juice.I would watch a motivational video,read some success stories or see a buff guy walking down the street and instantly get motivated and energized about starting exercising and eating better foods and what not,and usually I do do that,but only for that day or two.Then I either get distracted,forget about it or just don't FEEL like doing it anymore.It's one of the three reasons or a combination.

The plan to fixing this:

1.Starting exercising

2.Eating clean

3.Review every day in the evening

4.Sleep at midnight at least.

For more details,I am doing 20 pushups the first day,don't matter in what time frame I do them:I could be doing them in 4 intervals of 5 perfect form,slow pushups or I could do a single set of pushups with good(not great) form,using momentum and REALLY squezzing.I'm not excited about that second one,to be honest,I don't 'll be doin' it(trying to avoid the word "I" here,sounds selfish if used too much).After that I progress by doing one more pushups every day 'till I reach 100(if I reach it,I still don't think I'll be consistent enough,but let's try).Then I will go on to an angry birds workout(the one you can find in Steve's blog here).

I am quitting soda cold turkey and just drinking water and green tea with honey.See if that sticks for three days,then get back on eating bacon and eggs for breakfast.Don't know what oil to use for them,though,cause sunflower oil definitely ain't healthy.After three days of that,make a lunch that at least doesn't have refined sugars in it.Three days too.I don't want to plan ahead too far,I'll just keep it simple and take it one step at a time(thanks for that,Steve).

Reviewing will be done at 10pm,I'll write down to my journal everything I think needs attention,like experienced stress through the day,my nutrition,if I did my pushups,how much did I move around overall,things like that.

And for the sleep part,I eat at no later than 10 pm.make sure I've done everything for the day and go to bed.Not necesarilly sleepy-that's okay,surf the net for a while 'till I get there,play a movie and just drift off(I know,not a good thing to do,but I'll get there later).

And if I fail again,I will discharge from the Rebellion,because I won't feel like I deserve to be here no more and you guys won't need to be wasting your time on me.Not pessimistic,just stating facts.Being realistic here,really(heh).

Any tips would be greatly aprreciated

I'm here because I wanna be proud when I look in the mirror and be an ispiration.What are YOU here for?

STR-1 DEX-3 STA-3 WIS-2 CHA-1 CON-5(I NEVER get sick.Don't make a noise when you punch me either).


I believe in the power of the mind and Law Of Attraction.

From now on,I proclaim myself not afraid of scorpions!



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Guest asdf

Everyone falls off the horse. EVERYONE. Even Steve. I do it quite often. The question you need to ask yourself is, are you someone who will time and time again try to get back on the horse when you fail, or will you just give up altogether? The rebellion will never stop supporting you if your heart is in the right place, even if you keep messing up, . That is the sort of community we are. We are not elitists. We are the "normal" folk, all of whom have things we struggle with whether it be to work out consistently, reduce our sugar intake or anything else. We all support one another in overcoming these challenges because we need that support ourselves and the only way to get that support is to give it as well. What matters is that you try again and again. I urge you neither to give up, nor to leave the rebellion.




My tip to you is to join the upcoming 6 week challenge and to set ONE goal for yourself and NO MORE. It could be about eating, working out, keeping a log, reversing some bad habit you currently have etc. It doesn't matter what it is. Pick that one thing that is the most important to you and start doing it or working toward it. DOMINATE that goal. Put all your focus on that one thing and make it your b**ch so that by the end of the 6 weeks you have either created a new habit, or achieved the ability to do something you couldn't before, like pull ups or something. 


The reason I say focus on one thing is that it seems like you are overwhelming yourself with all these different things you want to do to make your life better all at once. Just focus on getting one thing down at a time. If eating better is your main priority, get rid of all the crap in your house. The 6 week challenge info pages go much more in depth on this. I suggest reading them.


Motivation is good, but doesn't get you far. Shut your brain off. Become a robot that doesn't think, rather just does. Don't think about how much you are going to hate that workout. Shut your brain off. Thinking gets you nowhere. Set a time to workout and when that time comes every day act like a robot that has no choice but to do what its operator is telling it to do and go work out. A robot does not debate. IT JUST DOES.


Hope this helps some. But seriously, DON'T LEAVE US! 

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Thank you for the smart and encouraging words,Commodore.You're right,everyone does fall off the horse once in a while at least.I WILL focus on just one goal,and that is to build "The Exercise Habit".I'm focusing on doing the pushup part.I hope that eating healthy will come naturally with it,though I'm not 100 percent sure about this(read somewhere an article about this thing,can't remember the link though).Thanks again for the encouraging words and change of perspective,Commodore.You made my day,which hasn't even started yet!lol.I will report later on.

I'm here because I wanna be proud when I look in the mirror and be an ispiration.What are YOU here for?

STR-1 DEX-3 STA-3 WIS-2 CHA-1 CON-5(I NEVER get sick.Don't make a noise when you punch me either).


I believe in the power of the mind and Law Of Attraction.

From now on,I proclaim myself not afraid of scorpions!



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I have seen many people fall off of this horse, I myself have done it quite a few times, the question everyone is faced with is if they will decide to give up, or if they will get back up on the horse and continue to fight the good fight....Many have fallen, but too stand back up after falling down, that's when you know that you are truly strong. :D


Pardon my ramblings :P

level 2 Assassin
STR 8|DEX 5|STA 2|CON 3.5|WIS 8|CHA 2

-=-The possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring.-=-


#1 : http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/33498-prospects-voyage/




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