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Hi there fellow rebels. I’m Alan a 23 year old newly qualified doctor from Scotland, nice to meet you. Today I joined the rebellion and I am looking forward to getting started. I have hummed and hawed about whether to actually sign up to the forums for quite a long time now, but on reflection of my past attempts to lose weight and aim for goals, I realize that a good support network is the most important factor in maintaining focus, especially on those bad days.


I stumbled across NerdFitness a few months ago when searching for information about body fat percentage. I read the amazing article on how to measure body fat percentage and looked around the rest of the site and found equally as sound information elsewhere. I then found Steve’s Epic Quest of Awesome! Wow! I too have been a gamer for most of my life and have spent hours in front of a TV or computer screen and have developed a need to have quests, goals and achievements in my life. Without a list I lack direction and purpose and much like Steve said in his TEDx talk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcYEivl-NIM), ‘I don’t know any other way, other than crossing things off the list.’


My story so far…


At 18 years of age I left high school weighing 18 stone 9 pounds on a 6 foot 2 inches frame. I was unhappy, unhealthy and very very unfit. However, things began to change when I started university. I lost around 4 stone over two years, with my lowest weight being 14 stone 5 pounds. The easy way to explain this change would be my eating habits. I became responsible for my food! I increased my knowledge about what was good and bad for me and more importantly what was good and cheap (student budget and all)! However, things started to become stagnant and bad eating habits of old began to creep in. At this point I was still doing very little exercise.


Things changed in 2011/12 when I started running. Although I didn’t lose any more weight my body began to change and I started lifting weights every now and then. Eventually I got into a routine and over eight weeks I managed to significantly change the appearance of my body (my US Navy calculated body fat % was 12%, although I question the accuracy of this for particularly tall people!). I also completed a half marathon (in 1h 57min) in October raising £743.10 for the MS Society in Scotland. I felt good. I had achieved lots of my goals; I felt more confident about my body, I ran a half marathon (from someone that couldn’t run 4 years before) and I had helped a cause that is far bigger than myself.


However, then university got extremely intense. Final examinations loomed and revision took over my life. Any sort of food plan went out the window and all my hard work was undone. Finals came and went (thankfully I passed and became Dr Alan!), but unfortunately my lazy ways have continued for around about 6 months up to this point. I am back to around where I was before my exams now!


Starting out…


On July 8th I weighed 99.2kg, my waist measured 88cm and my neck 40cm. Using this information I worked out my body fat % to be 16% (again I question the accuracy, however I am using the same method as before).  I am currently not happy with my body, do not have much confidence in it and feel as though my life needs a reboot, or just a boot up the…




I have set myself 4 fitness goals for July

·      Weigh less than 95kg

·      Go to the gym at least two times every week to lift weights

·      Run 5k in under 25 minutes

·      Run 10k without stopping

I have also by posting this just completed my ‘level up your life’ goal.

·      Join the rebellion at NerdFitness




·      Gym on Mondays and Fridays

·      Interval training on Tuesdays and Thursdays

·      1 long run at the weekend – commonly Sunday

·      2 rest days on Wednesday and Saturday


I have been feeling so much more motivated since deciding that I was actually going to join the rebellion today, I have been to the gym and completed a session of interval training this week!


Looking forward…


I plan on joining my first 6 week challenge on the 29th of July and I also plan on spending some time creating my bucket list (and might even watch the film, it always inspires me to at least start) and my own ‘Epic Quest of Awesome’.


If you are still reading at this point, thank you!


Stay tuned for more!



Level 1 Half-Giant Adventurer - aiming for ranger

STR - 3, DEX - 2, STA - 2, CON - 3, WIS - 4, CHA - 1 


Starting Measurements (08/07/13)

Weight 101.4 kg

Waist 88cm

Neck 40cm

Body Fat (US Navy) 16%


Current Measurements (15/07/13)

Weight 100.8 kg

Waist 85cm

Neck 40cm

Body Fat (US Navy) 13%


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I'm around about Glasgow, the capital of the unhealthy sausage supper, oh, and the deep fried mars bar too! Did you travel about much while you were here? I'm originally from up in the Highlands. 

Level 1 Half-Giant Adventurer - aiming for ranger

STR - 3, DEX - 2, STA - 2, CON - 3, WIS - 4, CHA - 1 


Starting Measurements (08/07/13)

Weight 101.4 kg

Waist 88cm

Neck 40cm

Body Fat (US Navy) 16%


Current Measurements (15/07/13)

Weight 100.8 kg

Waist 85cm

Neck 40cm

Body Fat (US Navy) 13%


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