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New here. Well I subscribed to the newsletter a few weeks ago and this is the next logical step. :-)


Name is Denise, 24yrs old. From Ireland of all places ;-) We don't really get weather good enough for outdoor activities so I'm attempting to become a gym bunny.......I love swimming. It chills me out. Get bad shin splints so the treadmill is a no go. The arc trainer in my Uni gym is my baby. But now I'm back in my parents for the summer, in a new gym, with no arc trainer. :-( Trying out some body weight exercises but I have never had great upper body strength (I was a dancer in my teens so all my strength is in my legs). Advice would be fab in this regard :-)


My main goal is to get fit I guess. I recently went back to University to do another 4 years. Studying medicine and as you can all probably guess I am surrounded by health conscious, fit, generally "hot" people. It has been a wake up call to say the least. 


I am 5"2', ~160lbs. I have been trying out the paleo lifestyle for the last 2mths and lost 14lbs in the process! :-).  I went back to my usual summer job 1mth ago, work in a bar in a hotel where staff food consists of chips (fries you all you Yanks), deep fried everything!! It is not making my life any easier. I work ~12hr shifts so getting to the gym is harder of late. I suppose I'm posting to get some help keeping to the plan. 


TBH At christmas I was 150lbs and in February alone I gained ~14lbs due to sheer laziness! And then it just kept piling on and on. I would have dinner at 7pm.......and then order a pizza and chips at 1am as a snack! I am really really embarrassed by my past eating habits. I was not in a "good place". I stress eat..........actually I eat when I have any extreme emotion! That is something that needs to change. :-)  


So yeah, its time for me to get serious about my fitness. Fam Hx of Diabetes on 1 side and Heart Disease/Fatty Liver on the other. And as they say "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing"...............my choice of study topics has me a little terrified of the consequences of a bad lifestyle!!


My roommate is a runner, so I would love to be able to go for a run with her and not die within 5min. We do a 5km fun run (the Terry Fox run for any Canadians) on campus in September and as the charity officer for the Medical society, therefore the main organiser, in my Uni I want to do that and not fall over in the process (would love to not be last too!!). 


As regards my "Nerd" qualifications.................I'm not a gamer per say but I love any online COD or Battlefield stuff. My brother is the uber gamer in our house. I'm more of a sci fi/fantasy book girl. I have an uber crush on Peter Parker (comic style), Angel/Spike (can never make up my mind) and *ahem* Jamie Lannister (post book 3). Could be called a hipster due to love of vintage records and cassettes (Too poor to buy a new radio in my car therefore I love my tape deck!). My fitness will be monitored via numbers, many many numbers........I find them much easier to deal with, logic and all that jazz. As I said above I am a Med student, with an undergrad in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 


Ramble done.......................Thanks for reading this guys. I really am optimistic I can reach my goals with all your help. And of course I am great at giving an advice to anyone else who needs it, without following said advice myself! The human condition right :-)

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"The cure for anything is salt water- sweat, tears, or the sea." - Isak Dinesan

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