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Hello from the Tropics

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Hi everyone! I'll try to make this short, so here it goes:


My name is Lucas, 22 y/o from Brazil. As a kid/teen I've always been the "nerd" stereotype: skinny dude, not good at sports, no social interactions outside school, easy target for jokes (which luckly I could manage when I learned that I could laugh at myself too, instead of getting pissed). Well, when I got into university, the sociable skills sky-rocketed, but the physical part stayed the same. I've tried joining gyms on multiple occasions through the years, doing all the newbies mistakes everytime and hating it about a week or two later. I used to think "Why am I even here?? Look at all these meat-heads! I don't want to become this obsessed with my appearence, I don't to be this superficial!".


Now, fast-foward to the present. Lots of thoughts about life, the universe and everything later, I was able to changed my view for the best. I realized that those "meat-heads" were just people trying to take care of their bodies, that the supercifial ones were already like that and not transformed due to exercising, and that it's ok if I want to change mine too if it's not reaching my expectations. And just at this point in my life I discovered NF, couldn't have been better timing.


I've made my subscription to it 11 days ago and in this time I focused most on changing my eating and sleeping habits (tried the Beginner Workout, almost fainted when finished the 2nd run haha). Before, I couldn't wake up in the mornings at all, so I would get up at 1-2p.m. and then would proceed to sit all day gaming, go to sleep around 5a.m. and repeat the cycle ad infinitum. Also, I never really cared about what or how much I eat, since I almost never would be awake and hungry at the proper time.


But I managed to change that! Ha! I started eating more and better and I can now wake up at 7-8a.m. not feeling like sh*t. With this I can exercise in the mornings, which leaves me with the energy and disposition to change other aspects in my life that I just couldn't do before. But always at my pace, NF style.


So, this is it. Hope to be around here to know more about the community, have heard only good things about you all.


TL;DR: skinny dude wants to bulk up. And will do. In time.


PS: there are no engrish mistakes, it's all fruit of your immagination. 

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Curious, what are you studying at university?


Used to be Chemistry (argh), but I dropped out not long ago and started the job hunt. This was the big life-changing event that made me re-think lots of things lately. Oh, and it's actually my second attempt, the first one being Computer Science (luckly the best universities here are free). I figured this time that the problem was with me, not with the majors, so I'll focus on finding a job for now. Being a "young adult" sucks.

And thanks for the welcomes!

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