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Re-Skill at the New-U Station! - Gnometosser changing it up.

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Guten Tag from Germany (currently Moscow)!
First of all I have to say: This site is amazing! I have read on here for about 2 months now, on and off. And I really like the approach.
I more or less new to frequent and scheduled training and I am trying to go from slim/skinny to athletic.
Currently I am residing in the German embassy of Moscow, and am working here for the summer. Also I am going to start working out and cleaning up my diet. Before it was "whatever is there". Pizza, fizzydrinks, Pasta, only the occasional salad and some half-hearted protein shake taken after a half-hearted workout every now and then, between gaming sessions of Borderlands 2. By being on this board I hope I can get some structure to my workout routine and diet, and somehow evolve into a healthy-eating Gunzerker: 
Not quite so bulky, of course. ;)
This is me now:
You can see the difference to the gun wielding maniac ;)
I found the plan on the internet (german site):
1. Monday - Chest, Shoulders, Abs:
Bench Presses 10, 8 , 6
Dumbbell pullovers 10, 8, 6
Single Arm (in lack of dual machine) Chest fly, each side: 10, 10
Shoulders (front/sides)
Dumbell front raises 12, 10, 8
Sideraises 12, 10 ,8
Chrunches-machine 3x15-20 (rising weights)
Hanging Leg raises 3x15-20 (almost impossible for me, after the chrunches)
2. Wednesday - Back, Shoulders, Triceps
Close-grip lat. pull-downs 10, 8, 6 (Are pull ups not better for this?)
Bent-over barbell rows 10, 8, 6
Hyperextensions 10, 10 (what is a good alternative for this? I used two sets of 10 deadlifts last week)
Bent-over sideraises 15, 12, 10
French-presses 10, 8, 6
Triceps rope extensions 12, 10, 8
3. Friday Legs, Biceps
Leg raises 12, 10, 8
Squats 10, 8, 6 (on the guided rack)
Leg Curls 10, 8, 6
Barbell Curls 10, 8, 6
Scottcurls 10, 8, 6
I have followed this plan for about 2 weeks now, and I am going to show you the weight numbers, after I've started tracking them today. Also I will do a little bit of leg work every single one of these three days because of the slight dysproportion I gained from "pull-ups only" workout I did before I found the gym I am going to:
Diet-wise I am going to start Paleo-ing it up. I love my meats, and especially my Fishes (Tuna you brine soaked dream!) and will hopefully be able to keep up with home-cooking for lunch at work. :)
Today I will eat two chicken breasts with broccoli, Which I will take to work with me, tomorrow too.
Okay before I write too much I will just end it here. Hello Nerdfitness-Community!
Going to work out now,...


Health is more than the absence of sickness!

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