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Getting ready to go to the next level

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Hey everyone,


My name's Chris but my nickname has been Ninj since my pals in College learned I grew up training in Isshin-Ryu Karate (and later/currently Tae Kwon Do).  Here's a quick run-down of my working-out resume:


Summer 2009 all the way through late 2010/early 2011:

P90X - Failed 1.5 months in of the 3 month program

P90X - Failed 2 months in

P90X - Failed again, not sure how long


Ugh, frustrating!  Looking back, I didn't prioritize it enough.  I got stronger each time of course, so when I say "Failed" I don't really mean it in a negative way - I simply didn't stick with it until the end.  I learned a lot along the way and got better at building my discipline when it came to working out, but then came mid-2011:


P90X + Insanity Hybrid workout (replaced all cardio-related P90X workouts with Insanity workouts) - ding ding ding, we have a winner!  Completed.


Went on to complete a round of P90X-2 in ~92 days.  Learned a valuable lesson in overtraining - don't do it!  Learned to be more careful and patient with how much weight I use.  This is so critically important.


I've been bouncing around and doing random WOD's (Crossfit) and sometimes dropping into a Crossfit box (they call it a box, what most people call a gym) for a workout here and there.


Just recently, a little over a month ago, I got my National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Personal Trainer Certification and moved to the NH/VT border area.  I still work remotely for a software company so I haven't started my personal trainer business on a very official level, though I have been training close friends and family for free because I enjoy helping people get better and finding a way to get healthy and the body they want.  I will start charging when I offer my services on a more official basis, but for now I'm just enjoying the fact that i can do it for free.  In about 1 months time, I will be moving into a house that has a basement ready and waiting for me to turn it into a home gym, so expect to hear about that and see pictures of that.


So, about the topic title...my "going to the next level" involves gaining a little more weight.  I'm 6' and weigh 160.  My goal is to get to 170 over the next 3 months.  Without going into tons of detail, my basic plan is to start making shakes to up my caloric intake.  I'm a complete newb when it comes to Paleo, but I'm trying to eat right by it (for the most part) so tons of fish, tons of vegetables.  I'm thinking protein shakes + mixed frozen berries/fruit.  If anyone has suggestions on shakes in this realm I'm all ears.


I found this site and started reading through it and was pleasantly surprised at the accuracy of the information presented, so I signed up for the newsletter.  One of Steve's auto-emails said I should sign up on the forums and I said you know what Steve?  You're right.  So here I am!


I'm also a bit of a gamer.  I love fighting games (Mortal Kombat 9 specifically) though I don't play them often lately.  I've been playing Smite (free online MOBA but very polished, from the makers of Tribes which I hear is a good game) and Borderlands 2 with my pals.  I'm a big fan of games!  Been playing them since the Doom/Hexen days, back when I was a wee lad.  I also play guitar and like playing sports when it's for fun, hiking, biking, chess, poker...basically I like a lot of stuff, but fitness and helping people understand how their body works and how to get the body they want is a passion of mine.  It's important to be healthy and treat yourself right!


Anyways, looking forward to jumping in on some posts around here and getting to know people.  Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions you think I might be able to help with.

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