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Less "resurrection," more "I wasn't ever really here the first time"

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Hi! I'm icfasntw. I live in lovely Wisconsin, I'm a technical writer by trade, and if you imply you can beat me at Mario Kart 64 I will haul DK out here to whip you back in line.

I participated (halfheartedly... *sheepish*) in the Ultimate Challenge of Awesome in April/May 2011. Unfortunately, I fell off the wagon at the end due to a move and having an incredible amount of work piled on my head. I'm now moved in (until August, when I move again) and the work is done, so I'm looking to hop back on the wagon. :D

I wasn't an active kid -- I'd still rather read than play most sports -- and I definitely didn't eat well. When I got to college I started WeightWatchers with some friends and lost about 25 pounds, but found it hard to maintain the level of eating/aerobic working out that WeightWatchers required. When I moved to WI a year ago, I started looking for something different. I found the paleo community, and stumbled across Nerd Fitness.

Since then, I've learned:

  • That I can get along just fine without grains, thanks.
  • That Vibram FiveFingers feel awesome during your run, but hurt like hell the next day if you aren't used to them.
  • That traveling under my own power is super liberating.
  • That grass-fed beef is super delicious and hella expensive.
  • That coconut oil is only "solid at room temperature" if your "room temperature" includes AC.

The next question: where do I want to go?

  • Right now, I'm a bodyweight workout rat. I'd like to turn myself into a gym workout rat. I'd like to start with a personal trainer because I'm afraid of hurting myself, so I'm going to save up some money and join a gym this November.
  • Food-wise, I'd like to get to 85/15 paleo.
  • I'd like to level up my life financially. I went to a private school and have a lot of loans to pay off; I'm also not always the smartest with my money. I'm going to tackle the second problem first with the cunning use of budgets. Once I have a decent savings account established, I plan to start paying down my loans at an accelerated rate.
  • I'm currently moving toward minimalism in my life, and I plan to keep going in that direction. I'm not a location independence person -- I like being a local -- but I definitely want to own fewer things.

Here goes nuthin.

PS: It stands for "I Can't Find A Screen Name That Works."

Fitbit | Fitocracy | Endomondo | Tweets"The best time to plant an oak tree was twenty-five years ago. The second best time is today." - James Carville

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1. You have your goals lined out quite clearly which is a FANTASTIC way to kick things off.

2. I LOVE the screen name

3. I can't beat you at Mario Kart 64 but might give you a run for your money on Wii (At least I could until we sold it to be our Kinect)

P.S. Welcome. I'm new too ;-)

  • Human Adventurer

Level 0

"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality" - Jules De Gallier

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Hello! Yeah, "resurrection" was a poor title choice on my part... It was much more 80s-movie-montagey than tooly in my head. Oh well. :-)

I'm with you on the grass-fed beef. There's a farmers' market here that often has it, but I only end up splurging a few times a year.

Sounds like you have some great goals, and that they'll build on one another.

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Hello fellow Nerd of all Trades! We were wondering where you went, but I am glad to see you decided to come back :D

I completely understand falling off the wagon when you did. Nothing like getting uprooted to add some chaos to your life, but it looks like you have done a great job outlining how to get back on track.

The current challenge only has a week left until completion, so I hope to see you in the next one!

Welcome back :)

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Haha, thanks, Vanilla Bean! I got your post on DailyBurn, too, although I've kind of been avoiding that site, too. (It's a total guilt attack, turns out.) I'm definitely planning to jump on the next challenge, though, and I'm going to stick it out this time.

@Lasombra -- I didn't mean to imply I was judging your thread title! Your thread was near the top when I created mine... and I was being unoriginal. :P

Fitbit | Fitocracy | Endomondo | Tweets"The best time to plant an oak tree was twenty-five years ago. The second best time is today." - James Carville

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