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I thought I'd reintroduce myself as I've been MIA for a while. After half-arsedly (not going to lie) doing a couple of challenges earlier in the year I totally flaked out somewhere around the beginning of May and I'd need to pull myself together.

Last time I was here I gave up wheat and dairy (both of which I'm intolerant to) and started running. I felt much better and I lost 16 pounds :). But I have slipped after getting very busy with work, but here as nerd fitness we don't get lazy when things get busy, we get clever and work out a way to fit things in anyway. So I'm back, horribly busy (52 hour week this week, urgh + trying to have a life) and ready kick arse!!

I've slipped back into eating wheat and dairy and unsurprisingly I feel like death and have gained around 4 pounds. The only exercise I'm doing is cycling to work and the stupid amounts of walking that I'm doing at work, which has stopped things getting really bad but is far from ideal. I'm still around 12 pounds down on the beginning of the year, but things are starting to slip and we don't like that.

The stupid amount of walking at work is mostly on slate floors which HURTS, because I have collapsed arches in my feet. I've got some new work shoes which means feet start making me want to cry around 5 hours into a shift rather than about 5 minutes in. This is better, they still aren't going to let me run, but there are other exercises and I will do them :D.

I've been contemplating my level 50 character. She is around 6 inches smaller around the waist and doesn't feel ill all the time... and, well, that's about as far as I've got. I think setting some more, better and less appearance related targets might be good. I'll have to get thinking on this front. Although, what this task really amounts to is working out who I want to be (ha!), which I've absolutely no idea about. I always used to want to be Xena Warrior Princess, still kinda do, but it's a less that realistic ambition.

Level 0 Pixie

"The cure for anything is salt water - tears, sweat or the sea" - Isak Dinesen

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