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Newbie in need of support

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Hey all,

I've been reading Steve's posts for nearly a year now. I bought the Rebel Strength Guide and began doing the body weight program (I forget which one that's called!) in April. It was going well enough, but I live in Boston and it decided to pour rain for two weeks straight (seriously) in May. Unfortunately, this meant my asthma/allergies kicked in with the crappy weather. I felt awful, so I took one day off.. two days off... until I never got back on the bandwagon.

I read today's post about the contest winners -- the very contest I was actually participating in until I quit -- and something clicked: I want this. I want more energy. I want to bulk up (I'm a skinny white dude). I can get away without working out, so I don't. But it sucks because I just feel so lethargic (boo desk job). I want to be proud of my body.

I just moved in with my girlfriend, and so I don't really have too much space to work out in my apartment (which is what I did for about a month), so I was thinking of going to the gym and doing deadlifts and all that. But I'm a bit intimidated. I hate the gym. I hate the showers. I hate how it adds to the day. But I hear that results are much quicker that way.

I just needed to post this because, well -- I'm afraid to commit, but I want to act. And it seems so many other people have kicked ass at this. So I wanted to introduce myself to the community. Back in May, I needed a community to get me back in gear, but I didn't have one, no accountability, so I just fell off the bandwagon.

I'm going to commit to a small step tonight. Something easy. I am going to take all of my body measurements and weight. And I'm going to post about it here.

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Well hey man, glad to have you. We all have fallen off the bandwagon to some degree at one point or another in our lives. It all depends on what we do after we're down. Hopefully you get back up, dust yourself off, tell us what your up to, how we can inspire or help you, and just push yourself to new levels and goals. Good luck!

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I was thinking of going to the gym and doing deadlifts and all that. But I'm a bit intimidated. I hate the gym. I hate the showers. I hate how it adds to the day. But I hear that results are much quicker that way.

Welcome to the NF forums! So glad to have you here :) As a fellow skinny white dude I understand where you are coming from very well.

The gym is scary and it takes time, but so does anything worthwhile! After a while you won't even think of it as time lost, I certainly don't anymore. Taking those first measurements will pay HUGE motivational dividends later! Take pictures too! After a few weeks of working out pull out those old pictures, and I'll think you'll be amazed at the difference.

For some inspiration here is a favorite article: http://rosstraining.com/blog/2009/12/04/iron-and-the-soul-by-henry-rollins/

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The gym might be a little less blah at first if you treat it like an experiment -- It doesn't have to be a permanent lifestyle change right away, like flipping a switch. That's too much for anybody. Maybe just commit to it for a month or so (don't sign any ridiculous two-year contracts or anything), record your info today like you said, then document your efforts and results.

You can reevaluate after four to six weeks. Maybe it's not the path for you, there's no one right way (though there's a fair chance you'll be addicted to deadlifts after that long practicing them!).

It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Make a small commitment, evaluate, and tweak. There's no time limit on this stuff.

And I hate the gym showers, too. I usually wait 'till I get home. :-)

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The quick and dirty answer is that once you start going to the gym, you'll slowly stop hating it. I think we've all been there at one point, but with time you'll build your confidence and comfort.

I started going the gym about three years ago by myself. I was on exchange in Hong Kong at the time, and the locals didn't really work out, so I was often the only one there. That rocked because by the end of exchange I was far more comfortable in the gym so when I had to return to the meathead jungle at my university, I'd been broken in a bit ;-)

I suggest you go for it!


- Grey

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Hi there and welcome back to the Rebellion!

I got my results doing the Body Weight Brigade workout from the RSG at home, in an area that was juuuuuust barely long enough for me to fit myself full-length in order to get in a push-up and a plank. The only place in the house like this, it is on a thin strip of carpet between the coffee table and the TV. I did this 'cause I a) don't have the do-re-mi for a gym, and B) because I knew if it meant going somewhere to get it done, it just plain weren't gonna happen.

You can totally do this; you can totally be awesome, gym or no gym. Does it not say both 'ninja' and 'pirate' in your name? What's not awesome about that? I call that double-awesome!

"Enthusiasm is the great hill-climber." - Elbert Hubbard
Human Adventurer

I want to be fit and healthy so I can explore and enjoy all the beauty the outdoor world has to offer, in all kinds of weather, all the days of my life.

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Welcome to the team! I've got the opposite problem you have, but maybe we can meet somewhere in the middle. You want to bulk up and get fit, I want to slim down and get fit. I've been right where you are at though. I've followed this site since 2010, got on the forums as soon as they launched and even signed up for a couple challenges. Didn't stick to it. You just have to find that reason you want it. I found mine and it's given me the drive to keep at it. I'm two 6 week challenges in now and making progress. It's not easy but it can be done!

I also second the Bodyweight brigade workouts. I hate the gym too. I don't feel comfortable there. Someday I'll probably have to go but I knew if my first real challenge started with me going to the gym I was going to quit. Just like Seabright did I found a piece of floor big enough that I could lay down and started cranking on stuff. You would be amazed at what you can accomplish with body weight only. Even if you can just start building those habits at home you'll get to know your body better and then the gym won't be so intimidating. I can do things now, just 12 weeks in, that I couldn't do before. Now the gym is looking much less scary. Stick with it, and sign up for the next challenge! We'll pester you so much you won't be able to quit :-)

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