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What gym are you a member of?

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I've been looking into different gym memberships and trying to decide which one I should join. Right now I do all of my training at home using either body weight movements, or a single 50 pound barbell that I own.

So what gym do you use and why?

From my research I think CrossFit looks the coolest, and seems to meet my ideals the most, but it's so expensive! The one near me is about $140 a month with a one year contract. Now if I'm a full-time student (which I should be next semester) I get a 30% discount bringing it to about $98 a month.

Next there is AmFamFit, American Family Fitness. This gym is your typical "Globogym" but would cost me around $80 a month for a year contract if I'm a full-time student.

Finally there is the YMCA. This gym is the smallest of them all, but still has more than enough training equipment and free classes with a paid membership. Going here would cost me as little as $18-$25 a month if I'm a full-time student and does not require any yearly contracts.

So to everyone out there, I would like to know the following:

What gym do you go to (if any)?

Why do you go to that gym?

What gym would you recommend for me based on the information I've provided?

Thanks for your input!

And give it your all in training....as I am working on a strain of zombie virus to release on the mass public!

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I'm joining a gym this week. I've narrowed it down to two options--a public rec center and a small local gym. The price is about the same, but the rec center has a pool and a track. I hate both running and swimming, but I know I need to do them. I'm leaning toward the small gym. I like the management, atmosphere, and it's as well or better equipped than the big gyms. Also local businesses get my favor over big chains.

$80 seems way too high for a big gym. The ones around here are about $30-50, usually with a contract and a sign on fee. I'm sure you can find a better deal than that. I highly recommend not signing a contract, especially if you haven't done the gym thing before. You never know if you'll use it enough to find it worth it, if your goals change, your life changes. It's just not worth it imo. Check to see if there's a buyout option. Sometimes you can throw down a couple months worth of fees to get out of the contract if you need to.

YMCA and public fitness centers are a great option. I've used them before, but you have to be self motivated. On the plus side, there's usually a track and a pool too, so if you'll use them that could be a deal maker.

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What gym do you go to (if any)?

There is one at my work that I joined.

Why do you go to that gym?

Convenience and price. I can head in before or after work and it gives me one less excuse not to go. I see it every day as I drive into and out of my job. It also has good classes, a decent free weight section, pool, track, etc.

What gym would you recommend for me based on the information I've provided?

As long as you have free weights and a squat rack I would go with your least expensive option. Being a student is difficult enough without having a large gym membership fee every month. Like Kristen stated, YMCA is great, but self motivation is key.

I'd ask the CF place if they have a free trial to see if you like it.

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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for now I have a membership at a Lifestyle. they are reasonably cheap and they have a nice squat rack and a gym for sprints. that's all I need. i was at planet fitness before, but the lack of a squat rack killed me. Soon I hope I get some equipment for my basement so I don't need a gym.

Level 3 Human Ranger
STR: 9 DEX: 5.25 STA: 14.5 CON: 5.5 WIS: 16 CHA: 5.5 
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YMCA and public fitness centers are a great option. I've used them before, but you have to be self motivated. On the plus side, there's usually a track and a pool too, so if you'll use them that could be a deal maker.

Yeah, the YMCA has a track and a pool at it and is def the cheapest option. I took a tour of it last year with my girlfriend and it looks nice.

As long as you have free weights and a squat rack I would go with your least expensive option. Being a student is difficult enough without having a large gym membership fee every month. Like Kristen stated, YMCA is great, but self motivation is key.

I'd ask the CF place if they have a free trial to see if you like it.

As for the self motivation, I have that. I'm....ridiculous. I used to be a "full-time gamer" playing World of Warcraft, Halo, and DDR. Now I've totally cut myself away from gaming and I'm putting all my effort into fitness. I'm a hardcore min-maxer and for the past few months it's been 100% focus on fitness.

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As for the self motivation, I have that. I'm....ridiculous. I used to be a "full-time gamer" playing World of Warcraft, Halo, and DDR. Now I've totally cut myself away from gaming and I'm putting all my effort into fitness. I'm a hardcore min-maxer and for the past few months it's been 100% focus on fitness.

Oh man. I hear ya on that. My goals change so frequently but whatever's in my head at the time is the only thing on my mind.

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Right now, I go to the YMCA. My wife basically decided "We have this membership, and no matter what, we are having it". Yeah, she is cool like that.

From my research I think CrossFit looks the coolest, and seems to meet my ideals the most, but it's so expensive! The one near me is about $140 a month with a one year contract. Now if I'm a full-time student (which I should be next semester) I get a 30% discount bringing it to about $98 a month.

and when I go to the Y, I do Crossfit. :)

Yes, the Crossfit boxes are expensive, and as nice as it is to have someone rooting you on, and getting you to push, it's not necessary. I have a membership to the Crossfit Journal and I follow the WoD to one of my local CF boxes. I almost decided to do the one on the official site, but I decided against it.

There are a vast number of people who just do the workout that is posted every day at crossfit.com. They then upload phone videos of their workouts and ask the Crossfit forums for coaching advice. I verify what I need to do by looking at Youtube vids of specific exercises and the Demo section at the Crossfit site.

I don't get to throw down my weights when I'm done, but I still get to enjoy the weird looks when I put the barbell next to the treadmill/rower and see how hard I can push myself while blasting to "Duel of the Fates" on my Droid. RUN, LIFT, PUSHUP REPEAT!

Doing it this way also means that if there is something like a "3-mile" run, I can swap in swimming, biking, or something else (soon to include kata practice).

I take my notepad so I can refer to how much I lifted and can lift so I can make progress.

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when I go to the Y, I do Crossfit. :)

Yes, the Crossfit boxes are expensive, and as nice as it is to have someone rooting you on, and getting you to push, it's not necessary. I have a membership to the Crossfit Journal and I follow the WoD to one of my local CF boxes.

I take my notepad so I can refer to how much I lifted and can lift so I can make progress.

This actually sounds like something I would really enjoy. I really want to try muscle-ups though and I need gymnastic type rings to practice those.

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Join the gym that you will actually go to. All the bells and whistles in the world won't matter if you won't go to it. Don't get sold on the tanning, the free bagel breakfasts, the free towels. None of that matters unless you actually show up.

Decide what you need - free weight area, classes, pool, or whatever and make that your main criteria. I'd recommend checking out multiple gyms and making a list of things you MUST have and things you'd LIKE to have.

The one I picked was close to my home, open 24x7, and had free weights. Sold.

Repairing a lifetime of bad habits...

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Join the gym that you will actually go to.

Absolutely this.

I'm actually a member of two gyms, my Crossfit gym and my regular gym (New York Sports Club - I pay $20 a month for it because I joined when I was a student). I decided that I was saving enough on rent by living with my parents for two years that I could afford to spend the money on multiple memberships. Basically, I was struggling with motivation to get to my gym on a regular basis, and I fell in love with Crossfit and got super excited about it. I knew that I wanted to have it in my life, and I knew that I would be better able to stick with it if I joined a box rather than doing the WODs on my own or trying to come up with my own programming. I look forward to my workouts every day, and I basically move mountains at work to get out of the office on time and to my Crossfit classes. I'm happier, healthier and stronger because I stuck with the gym that I most wanted to be at. I've hung onto the NYSC membership because it is super cheap, I can go when I am not able to make it to Crossfit and I like having the option of doing my own thing every once and a while.

I would definitely skip the $80/month globo gym. Either shell out a similar amount of money for Crossfit because you are pumped about it and you will be motivated to work out because you like the programming, or go for the Y membership because you think you will be able to maintain that same level of commitment when working out on your own. People tend to go to gyms that are closer to them and open during convenient hours, but other than that, you know yourself best: Will predetermined programming keep you interested and engaged, or will the freedom to come up with your own programming (and the significantly smaller drain on your wallet) be sufficient?

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My gym is a really cheap local gym. I use it mostly for weight training and if I don't feel like running outside the treadmills. That probably was no help at all. lol

"It's always the ones that don't do anything that try to bring you down" - Henry Rollins

"There is no meantime, there is only now" - The Ditty Bops

 Trail Blazing Elf Ranger Sumdawgtwigg Level 3  STR-3 DEX-4 STA-4 CON-3 WIS-5 CHA-2


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Either the YMCA or Crossfit. If you're willing to spend the money, the extra $20 a month on a crossfit gym will change your life. It's not just about equipment; the CF gym will come with all the fitness stuff you would ever need but also will probably come with a staff of great trainers who will give you individual attention and teach you good technique for a wide variety of skills. That's really more what you're paying for; personal attention to teach you highly effective exercises. If you've been scared of weight training or double unders or whatever, join the CrossFit gym and a pro will teach you.

More weight. -- Giles Corey

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That's funny, where I live the YMCA is like the biggest most awesome gym ever... and costs $70/month for a single person.

I go to a 24/7 very small gym that costs me nothing out of pocket - if I go 12x a month, my insurance pays $20 and that is the cost per month at that gym. I'm not really happy with it, but it fit my budget (also a student! Yay us!).

I would definitely agree with all the people saying to check out multiple gyms. If you are honestly going to use it, it's worth it spending a little extra cash. The neat things are the ones that have pools (I know but I live in ND) and free classes. Crossfit sounds awesome - here it's $90/month with 1 year contract and they have pictures of clowns barfing on the wall (I'm shy sooo it frightens me :o)

I like extra bells and whistles - like websites that show you how to use all the weight lifting equipment so I don't look like a moron at the gym.

Good luck on your search!

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What gym do you go to (if any)?

What is this Gym thing of which you speak? :)

I'm sorry, I'm no help at all. There are exactly 2 gyms within 70 miles of my location, not counting the high schools. One is a 30 mile drive and the other is a boxing joint only.

I only wish we had that sort of choice.

But I'll echo the rest, get a membership in the one you will use.

Oogie McGuire

Black Sheep Shepherdess

STR 4.25 | DEX 4.5 | STA 3.75 | CON 3 | WIS 4.75 | CHA 1

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There is some really good advice in here. I like the idea of CrossFit, but it is a lot more money. I don't know if I'm willing to spend that much. Also, I just got my associates and I've applied to transfer to another University to get my bachelors, and if I go to VCU next semester like I plan, they have a gym there that I can use. So before I make any decisions I'm definitely going to check out their gym first. I know they have a rock climbing wall and I LOVE rock climbing!

So things to do:

Check out the VCU gym.

Check out the CrossFit facility.

Figure out a budget.

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The local jewish community centre/private school gym... full of old jewish people who use its multitude of machines but leave the free weight area alone (I generally have no problem acquiring a squat rack, flat bench press rack & 3 olympic barbells at the same time)

"I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine. "

- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

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