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Hey there - 


I'm sort of new, but not.  I've hung out around the forums, read a bit, but haven't really posted before. After two and a half months of lurking I decided it was time to emerge from the shadows. You all don't know it, but you've all already played a huge roll in my success so far.


My story is interesting, but nothing folks haven't heard before I'd guess.  Got pregnant, packed on pounds, had baby, lost some but not quite as many as I packed on.  Got pregnant again, began packing on pounds, miscarried, depression, packed on a few more pounds. Got better, lost a few, but again... not quite as many as I had packed on. Got pregnant again, put on bed rest for 3 months, really packed on pounds, had baby, lost some, but once again... not quite enough. Got pregnant for a final time (yes, again) this time with TWINS. Gained exactly 11 pounds, thanks to a WHOLE LOTTA morning sickness. Had exactly 12 pounds worth of babies (5.5lbs and 6.5lbs), but suffered hella postpartum after. You guessed it, more pounds.


Then, a few months later my thyroid ballooned to the size of a baseball. Largest benign tumor my surgeon had ever seen. Once we got that taken care of, I sort of expected the synthetic hormone to do the weight loss work for me. Big surprise - it didn't.


A year ago last April, I got a major wake up call. My stepfather passed away at the age of 59 from a heart attack. I stepped on the scale at 235 pounds, and knew I wanted to be around for my babies longer than that. Tried a few fad diet things like juicing that didn't really work. Finally found Nerd Fitness a few months ago. I began doing the Angry Birds workout CrossFit style, and started stepping myself toward Paleo.  I'm not fully paleo, but I'm off sodas, and down to pasta only twice a month. Never was much of a potato or rice fan, so that hasn't been hard but cheese - I don't think I'll ever give up cheese. Cheese is one of my happy foods, LOL. Lurking here on the forums has provided me with plenty of motivation and inspiration. Since June 1 I'm down 17lbs and two pants sizes, from a 22W to an 18W (I carry my weight around my middle, the worst place possible).


I look forward to taking part in the conversation from here on out! :)



Some people dream of success, while others wake up and work hard at it.

                                                                                                           -Winston Churchill

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