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Seriously guys, Intros kinda suck. I sometimes hate introducing myself, because I don't know how much information is appropriate to give the first time you meet someone. With that in mind, I think I might just stick to the facts and let you guys in on my crazy life.


You guys can refer to me as B, or Beeza (either nickname is acceptable). I am 23 years old, Female, I live in Australia, and I am desperate to turn my life around.

I'm a bit of a geek, with a Minecraft and Doctor Who obsession (among many things). I work in IT, which I think contributed to my weight blowout.

I used to work in retail and hospitality for a while, so I was always on my feet. Problem there is there is very little job security. So I turned to office work and sitting all day. And my weight just piled on. It got worse once I got my license (at the tender age of 21) and no longer needed to walk everywhere and catch public transport. Very soon I was looking at the business end of 100kgs (220 pounds).


I got married last year and although I look on that day fondly, I regret not trying to lose more weight. My justification was that the dress I ordered was too big anyway, and it was too hard to take in, so why bother.


It was only recently that my husband and I decided that we could no longer live the way we were - with takeaway most nights and drinking tonnes of soft drink.

I can't remember where I heard about the paleo diet, but we decided this was something we could do, and started on it straight away.

That night we bought a scale, and I stepped on it for the first time in months. I was 119kgs (262 pounds).


It's now been around 5 weeks and I won't say it has been easy. There have been times where we have caved in to the tempation of fast food (although this was like 2 weeks in). I have sucessfully kept away from soft drink, but carbs have been a bit harder.

I haven't exercised as much as I should have either. Only in the last week or two have I been making an effort to park my car at work and go for a walk before I start for the day. It's not much, but I think it has been helping.


Just 2 days ago I was close to giving up all hope. We had agreed to do this until the end of August, and I hadn't been seeing much a result. Admittedly, I was pretty depressed.


Today, I stepped onto that dreaded scale. Today, I am 114kgs (251 pounds). Thats 5kgs or 11 pounds lost since I started! This has given me a renewed hope, as I finally break through to a decent number.


I feel like as of today I am starting over, finally getting my life in the right direction. The hardest part may not be over yet, but I think I can manage.


My first goal is to get to 110kgs or below before my wedding anniversary - 31st October.

My next level goal is to get to 100kgs or below by my birthday - 16th February.

Overall, If I can get to 80kgs, which is the weight I think I looked the best at, that would be ideal. But just getting down to double figures, something I haven't seen in 2 years, would be an achievement in itself.


So there you go guys, Sorry it's so long (I'm a beauty blogger in my spare time so I tend to write a lot), but I hope this gives you a bit of an insight into what its like to be me, and why I am on the amazing quest.

Challenge 1 starting weight 8/2/16:  126kgs

Challenge 2 starting weight 29/2/16: 123.3kgs



"When something goes wrong in your life, yell PLOT TWIST, and move on"



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hey there B girl

very nice writing :) I think your intro is fine enough :)


good luck with your goals, just try to do it smart way and even maybe have some fun along the way, do activities that you enjoy, eat stuff you like, start slowly, listen to your body all the time - it will tell you how fast can it go :)


again, best of luck

Elf Druid - Level 8         looking around for happiness || tracking || #intro || #old


"Most people think they’ll feel good once they reach some goal. By linking happiness to something you don’t have yet, you denying yourself the power to create it in the moment. Your happiness is your birth right. It shouldn’t depend on you ACHIEVING something. Start by claiming it and using it to make your journey fun all the way and not just at the end." S.Chandler


"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy" G. Apollinaire

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