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Hello there from SoCal

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Hi there!


I've been a avid reader/lurker I guess since January when I discovered this blog as I've attempted to make the transition to pseudo-Paleo/Primal lifestyle in terms of diet.


For the most part I do enjoy it, but I have a hard time staying on track at times, as my lack of will power and lazyiness from time to time gets the best of me.


Anyways, I've decided to join the community on here to:


1) help keep me motivated and accoutable

2) surround myself with people who want the same goals

3) and be part of an awesome community!


My goals:

Hmm I should weight myself the next time I go the gym...My last weigh in was at 250lbs and I'm 5'9'. I'm not sure if people are being nice to me or what, but most people think I weigh in 180-190lb range, which is a weight I haven't been at since my Freshman year of college. I carry a lot of weight in my hips and legs, which is kind of odd for a guy. I forgot what my body type is. I'm 28 by the way.


1) Get my weight down into 210-215 by Christmas/near year

2) Be able to get back into size 34 jeans on a consistent basis. Depending on brand and cut I'm a 36 or 38.

3) Be in large or medium t-shirt. Currently I'm an L/XL, again depeding on cut and brand.


I also need to take measurements. I bought a myotape on the advice from Tim Ferris 4 Hour Body.


I think if anything, I'm one of those people that comes from a health, physiology, and sports medicine background and I know what I "should" do, but for whatever reason I don't. And I need to learn to say no to myself and other people, and realize that I'm making a change for myself, be patient, and realize the reward comes with process.


My regimen will continue with trying to Paleo/Primal at least 80% of the time. I need to cut back on my diet soda addiction, which I've read in several places can sabotage fat/weight loss. I've started using coconut oil as supplement in my morning "Bulletproof" coffee and I've noticed some improvement over the last couple of weeks in terms of energy. I don't know if Steve has ever written about cocnut oil. I've been following a blend of Starting Strength/Lean Gains protocol for weight lifting. I did Starting Strength a while back, and I think the volume of work I was doing was too much, that I started having knee pain. Ever since I've backed off and used Starting Strength principles for warming up and Lean Gains reverse pyramid training for the heavy lifting part, I have notice some results without the pain. But again, this comes with me being consistent, and actually getting my butt in the gym and keeping my diet right. For cardio, I've found using battle ropes to be a nice change of pace along with kettlebells. So if your gym has those, I would try them! =)


Anyways, I look forward to seeing you guys on the boards and sorry about my long intro!

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Welcome!  I'm also new around here AND I'm also down in SoCal!  :)  


I'm intrigued by this bulletproof coffee, I just read that is involves putting some butter and oil in and blending...  wow, what?!  I'm gonna have to try this. 

Level 1 Humanoid Rogue Bard, (Lone) Ranger 

...Not all those who Ranger are lost... 



"Experiment is the mother of knowledge." ~Madeline L'Engle, A Wrinkle in Time

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Give it whirl! I've been using coconut oil for a while, so I'm up to maximum recommended dose of about 3.5 tbsp per Bruce Fife, who wrote the "Coconut Oil Miracle." I passed the book along to my parents and sis to read. If were close (I'm in Central Orange County), I can pass it along to you as well when they are done.


I just throw in 3 tbsp of coconut oil and a thin sliver of the butter (Kerrygold butter are thick bricks) with my 3-4 cups of coffee (yeah I'm cracked out on it =( ) it in the blender and drink. It taste better to me then when I would add just heavy cream. My roommate likes it as well. I try not to use too much unsalted butter (I use the Kerrygold that comes in the silver package). So if your interested, I would just head down to either Trader Joes or Sprouts to give it a try. Those are the only two supermarkets where I've found both coconut oil and Kerrygold butter at a decent price. I've seen huge tubs of Coconut Oil at Costco as well, so I may eventually buy some once I finish my stash of Trader Joe's Coconut Oil. But the Costco's only carry the yellow Kerrygold which is the salted variety, which is fine cause I use it or ghee on my steaks, to cook my eggs, and veggies! =)

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