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Hi, I found Nerd Fitness by accident last weekend, read through it, and liked what it had to say so much that I bought the basic package. I've been doing it for a week and can say I believe it's a program I will be able to stick with over time. I'm definitely a cross between an Eager Beaver and an Accountability Slacker, so the idea that I don't have to be in the gym six days a week appeals to me, and the advice about not taking on too many changes at once works for me as well, as I have had a tendency to do that.


So, what happened this week? Did my workouts (after work this time, instead of early morning, due to a schedule change at work) on M-W-today. I actually wanted to go yesterday, but was meeting a friend for a movie and got stuck in some nasty traffic on the way home. Now, in the past I wouldn't have gone today, but I did. Got back on track right away! I did my 30 minutes of exercise on Tuesday and Thursday (walked to run errands instead of driving both days), and will do it tomorrow as well.


As for diet, I've never been much of a junk food eater, so I don't have to change much on that front. However, I do love bread and bread products, especially baked goods and pasta, so eliminating those and cutting the sugar out of my diet are the main dietary changes I'm making now. Eventually I'd like to go paleo, but I need to take baby steps, so dairy's still on the menu. My commitment to this is already paying off. Last night I picked up my friend to go to a movie. She wanted me to sample some homemade cherry ice cream she made, so I thought, "OK, I'll try a spoonful and that will be fine, not too much sugar in that." Well, instead of going into her place when I picked her up, she came out and we went to the movie. We got into the theater and she pulled out a container of the ice cream from her bag, it was about one cupful. You have to understand - I LOVE ice cream, it's my favorite dessert by far. And, because of all the work I did this week, I actually didn't want to eat more than the spoonful I was prepared to have. This is really unbelievable, as I never would have turned ice cream down before. Unfortunately, I had to eat it because I didn't want to offend her. I also knew I could correct my diet immediately the following day, which I did.


So, why am I doing this? I lost almost 50 pounds several years ago on Weight Watchers and cardio only, so I never really got strong, just like Staci. However, I have asthma, and the weight loss definitely helped alleviate my symptoms, so I know I need to do something about that again. Over the past few years I've gained much, if not all, of it back, because I got lazy. I went back to the gym over the winter and lost a little bit of weight doing just that but not doing much with my diet. I tried to go back to Weight Watchers, but found that I was obsessing about the points too much so I knew I was going to have to find a different method of fixing my diet. Also, back this past spring I decided, just for kicks, to see what would happen if I eliminated just wheat products from my diet, without doing anything else. I lost about five pounds in one month, so I thought that would be a good place to start with my diet. I was just about to go back on to Weightwatchers and start back at the gym again after not going for a couple of months, when I found Nerd Fitness. I actually enjoyed being at the gym this week because I didn't need to be there every day. Yea! My goal is to go down two clothing sizes by June. I'm still trying to figure out what other incentive I'm going to incorporate to ensure I do my regimen every week. I've already asked a friend to be the person to whom I'm accountable for my workouts, at least, because I won't like to her about whether or not I've gone.

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Hi there - welcome!


You seem to have a really good, pragmatic approach to fitness and you're also thinking in steps for something longer term. Well done on the success in the past too - you've proved you can do it so that must be nice! :)


Wishing you all the best on your journey and let us know how you get on.

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