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Bridge to bridge, and back again

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The apprentice sat cross-legged on the forest floor, leaning against the bridge-post, listening attentively to the elder Ranger. For a week his mentor had been teaching him the essentials of treading lightly, moving softly, covering his tracks ... and he knew he would be tested today. He was just unsure of the method.


"Have you taken to heart all I have taught you this week, fledgling?"


"Of course! Every word, Greencoat."


The older man grunted, and with a motion so fluid and swift the youngster nearly missed it altogether, brought three arrows from his quiver to the young boy's hand.


"Mark the fletching well."


The boy grinned smugly. "Tail-feathers from a Brown Mynah."


"You don't win any awards for that, whelp, I just want to be sure you don't steal some hunter's arrows by mistake and embarrass me!"


His face red, the boy bit back his response. The Bowmaster sighed and flicked the boy's hair with the tail of an arrow.


"You're a quick study and you've a sharp eye, lad. But you need to learn not to think like a schoolboy. I've forty years on you in forestcraft, and I know just enough to know how little this place cares if you know the difference between a grey lichen and a Possum Moss. You get full of yourself every time you answer a question right, that confidence may serve you well in a city college. But in the green, arrogance and complacency will make you careless. And a careless Ranger is worse than no Ranger."


The first comment had stung the apprentice's pride. But the explanation had rung true enough to reach the boy's heart. He recited one of the pledges the older man had drilled him on, months ago.


"I will walk the paths and unmarked ways, seeing all but harming naught. I will keep the order of the woods by restoring what I disturb and passing like a breeze through the leaves."


The teacher nodded his approval. "That's the right words, boy. Now prove you can act on them."


Quick as thought, the older man loosed an arrow. A few heartbeats later, the dull THUNK told the boy it had found purchase in wood. He squinted and could just make out the trembling haft of the arrow, lodged in the post at the other end of the bridge. The Ranger turned and loosed the other two arrows, both flying to opposite ends of the sister bridge downstream.


"You know my fletching, you know how to move quietly and without leaving a trail... I want those arrows in my hand, and I want it done without you scaring the woodland creatures to the hills."




Half an hour later, the youth crept back with a smile on his face. The Ranger nodded.


"Your woodcraft is sound, and you're quicker than the average new apprentice ... but that's half again as much time as a true Ranger would need!"



My w00t milestone:


I did this bridge loop walk for the first time, and it only took me half an hour!





A bit more than 3 km including to and from my house. This isn't a huge thing in absolute terms, but psychologically it's pretty huge for me, if that makes sense. I've been looking at that walk and it has looked like A Big Challenge. The two bridges really do look a long way apart to me, and I was suspecting it'd take me 40 minutes or more. After doing it, I realise it was a lot scarier in my head than it was to actually do!


Now to try and cut down my time...


Level 1 Human Adventurer

STR 2  |  DEX 3  |  STA 3  |  CON 2  |  WIS 3 |  CHA 2

An Adventurer is me! -- Aspiring to Ranger -- Adventu-Ranger mini-challenge #1

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