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I'm not a complete newbie to fitness, but lately I have found that I don't put enough priority on my health (especially with college and other responsibilities). 

Realizing this (and the great many things I need to get done with school, home, ect) I decided to challenge myself. The story is that I'm an active gamer and a college student. School alone is enough to take up the majority of my time, but an ever increasing game addiction doesn't exactly help.


So here's my 3 month challenge, aimed at improving productiveness and health:

Quit playing video games cold-turkey for the entire duration to increase the amount of time I have for things I NEED to do

Lose 10-15 pounds (not a high goal, but it's a stepping stone for me. Also, I'm nearly at 200 pounds and I havn't been under that since I was 16)

If I lose the weight before the 3 months is up, I have to keep it off

Improve my diet (gently easing into full paleo)

Improve my self-image


Quest reward: Guild Wars 2! (that's right, I'll be rewarding myself with a video game, and one I have been wanting for a long time)


Finding this site has given me much enthusiasm in the sense that it really appeals to the type of games I like to play, and makes me think of my challenge as a game. After reading through much of this site I think that it is definitely going to help me towards reaching my goal, and I'm very excited to read how other people are coming along with their goals, as well as possibly finding new outlets for exercising and having fun.

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Lol, thanks XD It's not that video games have been entirely a bad habit. They give me an outlet to relieve stress, but it's come to a point to where I need to cut back, and so I am. I'll have em back in no time at all, but I want to be healthier when that happens and a fitness routine in place when I allow myself to start playing again.

I see you're an assassin. I plan on joining that guild when the time comes and I start working on cardio/endurance/parkour, but I really need to lose some weight first lol.

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Yeah fitness first every time, my ultimate goal is being able to balance staying fit with the more sedentary things I love like video games but I've definitely reached points when It's become a problem to my health by keeping me inactive for way to long. That's why I came here, you can get fit but still do the things you love, just have to learn the right balance :)

My most important goal at the moment is weight loss as well. I'm achieving that mainly through diet coupled with exercise but there's no exercise better than another for weight loss, so simply doing exercise that you enjoy is probably what will make it stick. You can start working on you're endurance and agility alongside.

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I figure it's probably best to start from scratch, do fitness first and then add things like video games until there's a happy medium. Since your interest is also parkour, what resources are you using to teach yourself? (been looking at videos and tutorials on youtube to help me) I'm finding it difficult to get over some of the fear of jumping into a completely horizontal position for a kong vault.

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Start with the small stuff first and be sure to know the things thatll keep you safe (parkour roll) and that should help train yourself to trust your body and remove the fears of the scary stuff.


From the NF blog

Also animal flow - http://www.globalbodyweighttraining.com/the-animal-flow-workout-fitness-video/

Would love to be able to move that naturally over rooftops etc.

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Start with the small stuff first and be sure to know the things thatll keep you safe (parkour roll) and that should help train yourself to trust your body and remove the fears of the scary stuff.


From the NF blog

Also animal flow - http://www.globalbodyweighttraining.com/the-animal-flow-workout-fitness-video/

Would love to be able to move that naturally over rooftops etc.


I'm pretty good at the parkour roll on grass, and practice it when I can. Really I think I need to slim my belly a bit so that it's easier to tuck for both the roll and the vault. I'll be sure to check out those links, and thank you for them. I too would love to be able to move as naturally as some of the greats, and is one of my major lifetime goals, but I'm going to focus on the smaller ones for now. Have you seen David Belle's videos of parkour through forests? it's pretty amazing XD


Ah yes. The wife is important. But she'll totally think you're up to something if you give it up cold turkey. I'd be checking my husbands temperature regularly. XD


Hahaha, I would agree except I talked with her about it beforehand, and since she isn't so much of a gamer she's actually quite excited because we will be going for walks much more frequently (one of her big complaints about me for the past while)

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