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My name is Ale (ah-lee) because there are always too many Alexes in a room, I'm almost 23 and I currently live in London, England.
Ok. Now what, what do I add? Life story? 
Sports and hobbies, I guess.
I did a lot of sports growing up. I did competitive swimming and tennis, I played football (soccer, to the non-Europeans) on a team, over the years did badminton, volleyball and basketball and apart from all the structured stuff I was a tomboy and just generally active.
When I was about 12 or 13, my best friend, who I had grown up with and did most sports with, moved to another country. A few months later, so did my other best friend. My other hobbies (theatre, music, writing, videogames) got more time devoted to them.
My sporty activities became fewer and fewer until I went to university away from home and just sort of... stopped.
I didn't know anyone, all the teams seemed highly competitive (and I can be too, but this was angry rather than fun) and based around a heavy drinking culture (yay, UK and binge drinking  /sarcasm). I got very involved with writing and theatre groups, started roleplaying, joined a choir.
But yeah, I stopped exercising.
Fast forward 5 years and here we are, with me telling you all this stuff and getting ready to get back in gear. I gained a ton of weight. I'm not entirely unhealthy (my diet isn't particularly bad, despite the weight), but I am epically unfit, so here we go!
I'm going back to school to do an MA in Translating Popular Culture (yes, as in translating sci-fi, fantasy, manga, comics, children's lit, crime fiction...), and I'm going to try and get back into group sports.
The issue is I'm going to be moving sometime during October and the MA doesn't start until the end of this month, so I won't know my schedule or where the hell I'm going to live for a while.  It's London. Living near the university (ie the centre) would mean SERIOUS AMOUNTS OF CASH that I just don't have. Still, the uni has sports teams and I WILL join at least one.
First in the name of exercise, I'm getting back into swimming, because it's still one of the best activities I can think of. Swimming 3 times a week (and though at the moment I'm just doing lengths, I have been checking out the Swimming section here in the forum) then adding more on once I've settled into the new place.
That and singing. Most people don't consider this exercise (and it can be, though it won't at the level I'll be doing), but since I'll be using it to help me with my chest muscles and lung capacity I'm writing it down. It's also a discipline thing.
My diet isn't terribly poor at the moment. I currently live with 4 guys (all nerds too, which is awesome - any Eberron fans out there? They introduced me to the system), which means we often have massive protein-filled meals for dinner, family-style. Since getting them to cook in the first place was an issue, I don't count the calories or anything, I just use a small plate.
The best thing about living with so many people is that we get a fruit and veg box delivered weekly, cos the divided cost isn't very high and we do consume all of it. It means we get to try out interesting fruit and veg every week as well as up our intake!
My goals for food are better portion control around the boys, committing to packed lunches every day and cutting down on grains. Not cutting them out completely (my mother's Italian and I don't think I could actually live a life without pasta), but smaller portions, less often.
Oh wow. I have just typed out a massive amount of text about myself.
Bloody hell.
TL;DR I'm Ale, I like a bunch of nerdy stuff, I'm overweight, I need motivation to exercise and I think food is fantastic. Eberron anyone? Talk to me about swimming? Let's discuss translation! :)

(I've rewritten this about 10 times now. Does anyone else hate having to introduce themselves? Not just here, or Steve's welcome e-mail, but in groups and things too?)
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Guest Dirty Deads

*Presses start*


Welcome! Sounds like you have a solid plan. I'm jealous that you get produce boxes. I'm probably just jealous because I'm too lazy to shop.

I like the swimming plan. I've considered it, but lack the mobility for some of the strokes. Plus,  I have an aversion to water that I need to get over.

I hope you find the support you need to succeed here.


*Throws controller* &%$& this stupid cheating game!!


*presses reset and starts again*

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Hey Ale - welcome! :)


I'm a Brit and lived in London until about a year ago, so can understand where you're coming from on several levels here! Sounds like you're back on the bandwagon, though, which is marvellous. Very interesting on the singing - what kind of stuff are you into? Do you sing when you work out? :P Now that IS a discipline thing! Maybe I'll try it next time I'm cycling...maybe I can get the whole gym doing it!


All together now...


Anyways. Very best with your journey on NF and let us know how you get on!

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Awesome to meet you Ale! Water and I never have gotten along too well, so massive kudos to you for being able to do that! Complete agreement on the grain issue too... life isn't life without pasta.


I'm brand new on the forums too, look forward to seeing ya around! Good luck with uni and achieving your goals!

"You can do it. I believe in you."

Logs: (insert here)

Challenge: (n/a until next starts)

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Aww, thanks everyone!  :D  I look forward to seeing you around the boards!

Jay, for the singing, I'll sing whatever comes up! Massive fan of energetic rock songs, with a weak spot for musicals... Rock of Ages is my particular brand of heroine at the moment! But to be honest, anything with a beat that gets me moving!  I haven't really sung during workouts - I'd have to be able to catch my breath first and I am definitely not that fit! And it's not the easiest thing to pull off while swimming... ;)
But go for it! Let me know if the gym joins in. :P

Sythez & LordSwoldemort - really? I've never really thought about the water being an issue. Then again, I knew how to swim before I could walk so I'm not really one to talk!

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