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Hola peeps!  I'm not new to fat loss, primal (not giving up dairy for nothin') and working out. I'm female, late 30's,  married with 3 daughters (teens and pre-teens) and am a fur mama to Bandit, an Australian Shepherd and Bella, a St. Bernard/Border Collie mix, and I work as a Patient Care Coordinator for an Audiology office.  Back in 2006-2007, I lost approximately 70+ pounds following Body For Life.  My starting weight at that time was 276 and I got down to 203.  From then to now, I have lost my mother, gained back 20 pounds of what I lost, been through a yoyo of stress, job loss, bankruptcy, being diagnosed with PCOS asthma and allergies to all things earthly, you name it, I could write a book on it.  Anywho, I found primal back in 2010 through a friend of mine that loves Cross Fit. During my time with Body for Life, I found I love lifting weights.  I'm not a fan of cardio, except for walking.  I have a 12 yr old daughter who loves running (she is on her middle school CX team) and she is wanting me to start running with her.  I despise running with a friggin' passion.  I'm back to trying to lose fat, gain muscle and trying to get myself in better shape before the big 4-0 rears her ugly head.  In my family, 40 is when everything goes downhill.  My husband is not the most supportive person for me on this journey, so I need to find support elsewhere.  If he could have his way, I'd stay fat.  I'm just not happy with being fat as I know that contributes to a lot of my health issues.  I've found the most success following primal with a nutritional ketosis bend, but stress earlier in the year through me out of that and I have been struggling ever since to get back into the saddle.  I get stressed EASILY.  As my mom used to tell me, "you're going to kill yourself with worry".  She's right about that.   



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Welcome! Dealing with the stresses of life can easily knock you off kilter but just keep taking the punches.  I hope you find a lot of support and encouragement on here! Youre in the right place and seem focused to change that downhill ride

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*stands awkwardly to the side*
Can I hug you? Do you mind? I'mma hug you.
The awesome part is that you're doing this for yourself. you already have an idea of what works for you and what you like, so that's one hurdle down! You can definitely do this. And when you get stressed, we'll be here!
I am a total newbie here, but I know the thing that keeps me going is company, so we're all in good hands here. :)  

Good luck with everything, I'm crossing my fingers for you.

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Thanks for stopping by and reading this.  Awwww, thanks for the hug, Gem! 


Its just so damn difficult doing this without the support of my spouse.  It would make it easier for me if he were more supportive in this endeavor.  I will give you an example of something he said in the past while I was doing BFL.  I bought something organic from the store and he was joking but he said something along the lines of, "OMG, it's healthy crap!  We're going to die!"  Six months later that statement bit him in the arse and he was diagnosed as a Type II Diabetic.  His is controlled by diet, thanks to me!


So, what makes me a nerd.   I have been a nerd all my life.  I grew up watching Star Trek, Star Wars, my nose was always in a book.  I knew who Carl Sagan was by the time I was 5 and I idolized him.  I used to want to be an astronomer but somehow got turned towards acting(long story).  I've been a Whovian since the 1980's, watch all things BBC, love cars, etc.  My husband(and most people I know) will say that I am the brightest person they know of without a college degree and also smarter than those with degrees.  I can pretty discuss anything with anyone and if I don't know something, I will research it for further reference.  Two out of three of my daughters are nerds.  One very nerdy(Potterhead, Whovian, a definite self-professed nerd and fan girl), the oldest is also slightly nerdy(more fan girl with nerd tendencies) and the youngest is a NIT(Nerd in Training).

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Welcome to the forums, Georgette! I'm often surprised (pleasantly, of course) at how many Rebels are working mothers dealing with all the stresses of life, but who find the time and the passion for fitness anyway. Keep it up!

It was a lot easier when my kids were younger and my mom was watching them.  Also, the employer that I worked for then had an on-site gym which made things ALOT easier.  Flash forward 7 years and now my kids are more active.  Three are in choir, 2 are in band, one is in sports(possibly all 3 next school year).  I know my high schooler wants to be involved in the musical(I've volunteered for make-up and sent design/construction/props); they all are in church youth groups, oldest is also involved in bible study as well as going through what is called a shepherding program to become a volunteer for the middle school kids.  Dare say it, we're Christian!!!  AAAAAAAH run for the hills!!!  Most people freak out when I mention that.  If it weren't for my kids, they wouldn't have gone down this road and neither would I. 


I've also realized that for my kids to hit their full potential, I have to push myself to exceed my expectations of myself.  If I expect them to be the best they can be, I need to do the same.  I do not want them to go through the same health issues that I have gone through and also other members of my family have.  My father had MS, mom died of a massive heart attack.  We have rampant osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, deafness, arthritis, diabetes, the list goes on and on.  We're getting a family membership at the local Y next year so we all can start working out.  My middle daughter is wanting to make running a part of her routine for life.  She wants to get good enough to where she can get scholarships for college(future vet).  Plus, I know working out can boost self-confidence.

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