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This is about as far as I usually get in a fitness program

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Hi!  I don't really know where to start.  I'm thirty-six and my life is kind of a shambles.  I have a LOT of things I'm trying to work on--getting a job, moving out of my parents' house, generally becoming more self-sufficient--and one of those things is taking better care of myself.  When I was a little kid I climbed everything: jungle gyms, trees, the rafters in my Girl Scout cabin, etc.  I rather miss that so I'd like to be an assassin.  (Plus parkour just looks like fun.)


My main problem is that I am terrible at developing habits.  I mean terrible.  I can do something new for maybe three days and then on day four I almost inevitably forget or can't muster the energy or think, "hey, skipping one day won't kill me" but then that pretty much guarantees that I never do it again.  I've been chipping away at this by practicing ridiculously basic stuff, but even that's kind of a struggle.


So why am I here?  I guess I'm trying to keep exercise in my head as one of those things I want to work on.  I know "get used to exercise as something I want to do" is probably one of the weakest goals ever but since keeping things in my head for any length of time is such a challenge, I figure I might as well start at the very bottom.


Enjoy my progress as I fight my way up to taking a walk once a week!  XD

Level 0 Night Elf Dual-Class Assassin/Scout (tentative)


My Battle Log | My Six-Week Challenge Thread | Me Jolly Jolly Shipmates


"Only the insane equate pain with success." -- The Cheshire Cat, Alice: Madness Returns


My Six-Week Challenge Progress Bar:

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Walking is a GREAT start. I noticed that once I began walking I couldn't stop (on one occasion this was actually a major problem), but fitness must start somewhere, and kudos on making an effort.


Something that might help you "keep it in your mind" is making friends on here, or just reading through the forrums once a day. Certainly makes me continuously think about my health and fitness. So strike up a conversation, or do some research on a type of workout/exercise that interests you. Parkour happens to be one of those subjects in which you can find countless tutorials on youtube. There are also various parkour related body weight exercises that look quite fun as well. 


I wish you the best of luck. :)

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