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[Georges] Accountability supports my goals.

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Holiday recap:

July 4:

I had a good time, but everything was a little toooo muuuuch.

too much people, too much food (nobody made me eat it but me), too much beer

not enough sleep.

July 5:


From the 'not enough sleep' part. 

went for a walk.

realized that it's a 3 day weekend - felt such a rush of relief...


Today (Sunday):

Couldn't sleep in because pets. 

Weighed in.  :( 

might run a little today.

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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Are your pets fleeing in terror from the fireworks too? Mine definitely are and it's been hard to feel calm because of it

Level 5 Lizardfolk: Assassin STR - 4, DEX - 3, STA - 5, CON -4, WIS - 20, CHA - 12

"You want to know the difference between a master and a beginner? The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried."


Current Challenge: "Idealistinfire's 2% Improvement Plan"     Battle Log: "Idealistinfire Battle's Saboteur's Spawn"                                

Epic Quest: No fancy name yet


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Are your pets fleeing in terror from the fireworks too? Mine definitely are and it's been hard to feel calm because of it

:( poor things.


Our cats were pretty unfazed, but my first childhood memories of fireworks are of how much they scared the family dog.  I've never really been a fan of them since.

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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Bit of belated updates:


Went for a walk instead of running.

Very low-key day - enjoyed the cooler temps.



Worked.  Stressed.

"rest" day, although resting from what, I dunno.



Weight has been steady and high.

I think about food a lot.

Woke up hungry today.

Taper week = crazy.

I need to bump up activity level after the half.

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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Tuesday Plan

  • Coffee/Breakfast  Done!  With extra coffee - that's better, right?
  • shower/dress
  • call vet  Done!  Appointment for tomorrow @3:20pm.
  • check in at work (11 am-ish)
  • hardware store - get a nut for the bolt that came off the mower
  • laundry
  • run a little (it's taper week, not slug week!)
  • make rolls for the freezer
  • make bread
  • spend some of my time with Mr.Georges
  • spend some of my time with Mr. Kitty


I'm starting to look forward to things again.  Always a good sign :)

  • Like 1

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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Well, I didn't make bread & rolls, or run.  But I did get to everything else (eventually).

And just under on calories.


Wednesday (Today):

short work day

vet trip

re-color my hair

anything else depends on how well the vet trip goes...

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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Feels a little like a defeat log instead of a battle log.

Tapering. ><

Over on calories.

worked, walked 1.5 miles, touched up hair (since I didn't yesterday).

Somehow, those few things took up the whole day.

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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In the full throes of taper madness.

I'm just going to come back to the log on Monday, instead of whining about how I'm not sure I can make the time cut-off.

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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Just over on calories.


The scale tells me that I screwed up worse than I'd thought on the half marathon, wrong mix of fuel/H2O/electrolytes.

Looking back, that should probably have been obvious... and when someone pointed out that I wasn't dripping with sweat, I should have DNF'd.

(Instead, I finished, almost-but-not-quite-last, and thought I was recovering nicely from the heat stress until I puked hours after the race.)


My arms hurt.  My legs hurt.  My entire core hurts.  I am very glad it's a rest day.  Re-hydrating, re-fueling, and hoping my kidneys forgive me.


Maybe a recovery walk tomorrow, if the rain cools the temperature down.


Maybe no more summer races until I drop some weight.

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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Race Report, because that's what people do: 


The weather report made me think it was going to be a pleasant temperature with low humidity.  It was much hotter than I expected, and less breezy than I'd hoped.


My race prep was inadequate - I forgot to pack my daily allergy med, had to use my inhaler in the middle of the night, went to bed not feeling entirely full, didn't pack breakfast, didn't have time for coffee, and brought too much gaterade (and no water).  I skipped sunscreen, but that actually didn't turn into much of a sunburn problem.


I started at the back - there's a bit of a bottleneck at the beginning, and I didn't want to be part of the problem.  I thought there were fewer than 20 people behind me, but I got passed by a lot more than that, so there must have been some late starters or runners in the portable toilets or something.  I settled in at a pace slightly slower than I thought I could maintain for the whole time, and picked my own personal pacer (that is to say, I totally stalked a runner who looked steady and confident and happened to be about 30 feet ahead of me). 


I started to feel like I was working too hard before the first mile marker, so I took it easy on the hills.  I was going through a lot of drink, too, and feeling too warm.  I slowed a little more.


I'm not sure if I stopped sweating completely or not, but something wasn't right with my hydration.  At about half way, I decided I could finish, as long as I didn't get pulled off the course for taking too long.  But by that time, I was already trudging (you know, that pace you hit when you're just running because it will all be over sooner than if you walk?) and every time I checked my watch, I realized I was pretty close to the cut off time... and by pretty close, I mean just over.


So, I finished.  I didn't actually make the "strictly enforced" time limit, but I think they didn't worry about it after the last runner was off the streets and onto the trail that was the last part of the race. 


Technically a PR, as I've never done a half marathon before, at 3:21:04 (15:20 min/mile). 


Damage Report:  Chafing on my thighs and a little on my back.  One painless blister.  Painless sunburn.  Sore muscles.  Threw up about 6 hours after, and was 3+ pounds under normal the morning after.


What's Next?


I have another half marathon lined up for October 5.  It should be cooler then, and I have over 2 months to lose weight and do some speedwork.

Without having to put so much of my weekend time into a long run, I'm thinking about what else I'd like to be doing - BBW, cycling, maybe even some swimming?

I'll be figuring out goals for the next six week challenge, and battle logging until then.






Glad to report that I am less sore instead of more sore.

Guts & Kidneys seem happy enough again, so no damage done.


2nd recovery day - included a 1.5 mile walk.

  • Like 1

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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Tuesday, continued: just under on calories.  :)




reinforced my decision to actively job search.

work (called in inappropriately early).

3rd recovery day - walked 1 mile.

wanted a short run, but other things (family visit) took precedence.

got home late.  :(

Still managed to come in under on calories.  Actually, might not have eaten enough.



weigh in was down 2 pounds - so either under hydrated or underfed a bit.

  • today's plan:
  • drink enough water
  • work 8-5
  • maybe a short easy run after dinner
  • some laundry
  • go to bed on time

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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weigh in was down 2 pounds - so either under hydrated or underfed a bit.

  • today's plan:
  • drink enough water                                      did this
  • work 8-5                                                       did this
  • maybe a short easy run after dinner           did not do this
  • some laundry                                               did not do this
  • go to bed on time                                          did this





worked.  exhausted.  too many things on my "short days" means I'm overextended.

maybe a walk later.


Next week is "put together a challenge for the 28th" week.  :)

  • Like 1

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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slept in = bliss.  feel well rested, finally.

slow morning: breakfast, coffee, grocery store, more coffee, 2nd breakfast

Mr.Georges is having people over today.

Started BBW... posting during a break to catch breath.  Was surprised I could still do a (one) pushup.

update: 14 minutes total of v. intense work.  looking forward to getting back to where I was.



finish BBW, washup.

be social.

eat sensibly, even though it's a cookout.

stay hydrated.

pick away at some stuff I want to have done.

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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finish BBW, washup.      did this

be social.                          mostly did this.

eat sensibly, even though it's a cookout.   didn't think I'd done this, but the scale this morning says I did.

stay hydrated.                               did this.

pick away at some stuff I want to have done.     didn't really do this, but had a full day, so I'm okay with it.




Oh, hello, DOMS.  Haven't seen you in a while.



dishes w/Mr.Georges

a short run today

laundry putaway, maybe wash if there's a full load

eat leftovers and revel in not cooking.

splice my phone charger cord (thanks, kitties ><  )

tidy up some stuff - at least 15 minutes worth.

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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Just saw the race photos from the 13th

My therapist and I could talk for hours about this,

if I had a therapist. 


This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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dishes w/Mr.Georges            did this

a short run today                    did not do this

laundry putaway, maybe wash if there's a full load  did putaway, did not do workout clothes...

eat leftovers and revel in not cooking.              did this, although not as much eating since I didn't run.  just under on calories

splice my phone charger cord (thanks, kitties ><  )        did this - success!

tidy up some stuff - at least 15 minutes worth.                did not do this.  :(


Not really happy with my productivity of late. 

Not really ready to face the week.

Gonna work on both those things this morning.

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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Monday was pretty much a waste.  I'ma think of a couple of good things to mention....


I got a job application.

I didn't overeat.



Tuesday Plan:

Family visit day.  Don't overeat.  Stay hydrated.

Get enough laundry done so I can work out again someday.

Spend less time worrying about things.

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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Tuesday Plan:

Family visit day.  Don't overeat.  Stay hydrated.

Get enough laundry done so I can work out again someday.

Spend less time worrying about things.


I was doing okay at managing my weird food/water/travel issues.  Then the water ran out.  So I reviewed my options, picked one, and drank iffy water.  Seems to have worked out okay.

Got laundry washed & hung up.

Worried.  Maybe less, maybe not.


Today (Wednesday) is an odd day.  Still working on a plan.



Odd because after a late(r than usual) night, I had to get out of bed first thing and bring a kittycat to her appointment, with people who were running late, so the trip took a lot longer than expected.  Late with coffee. Morning all thrown off routine.

Still didn't come up with a plan.  Worrying about kittycat all day.  Headache (prolly from not enough sleep).


Thinking about the next 6 week challenge.  I think there will be some focus on job searching (although it's not as stressful as it was when I had no job, it's still hard to buckle down and do it).  I know there will be some cardio - mostly running, maybe some cycling.  I know there will be bodyweight stuff.  I suspect there will be food stuff.  One thing I'm thinking about a lot is who I spend time with (both online and in meat space)and whether those people are the ones I want influencing who I am/becoming.  Another is my recent tendency to not follow through on things, whether it's promised to myself or others.  I know that I also still have a lot of work to do on my relationship with food, as well as my self-image.


Anyway, that's just what's on my mind today.   

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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I'm looking forward to getting back to where I was too - it's both harder because of the fear of backsliding again and easier because I know I've done it once already when I was on even worse shape.


Looks like you've made good progress the last week or so - and I mean, you completed a half marathon!!!!   Congratulations!!!! ✨ if I could post pictures and extra smiles, I would :) Sorry I'm late on the celebration - this is what happens when I avoid my tablet for a week. You go and do something amazing :)

  • Like 1

Level 5 Lizardfolk: Assassin STR - 4, DEX - 3, STA - 5, CON -4, WIS - 20, CHA - 12

"You want to know the difference between a master and a beginner? The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried."


Current Challenge: "Idealistinfire's 2% Improvement Plan"     Battle Log: "Idealistinfire Battle's Saboteur's Spawn"                                

Epic Quest: No fancy name yet


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I'm looking forward to getting back to where I was too - it's both harder because of the fear of backsliding again and easier because I know I've done it once already when I was on even worse shape.


I think that sums it up perfectly. The fear of failure has become so much more real, yet we know that success is possible.  I'm practicing focusing on that last part :)


Looks like you've made good progress the last week or so - and I mean, you completed a half marathon!!!!   Congratulations!!!! ✨ if I could post pictures and extra smiles, I would :) Sorry I'm late on the celebration - this is what happens when I avoid my tablet for a week. You go and do something amazing :)


I looked at the calander last night, and realized that my slacker-ish week+ of time has streched to 10 whole days.  Then I thought about the realistic recovery time for a first time half marathon. It's time for me to start running again, but I don't think I took too long away.


Thanks for the perspective - It took a while to realize how far I backslid over the weekend (race pictures were really hard to look at), but it's time to consider how far I've come since starting again, and look towards the future.  :)

  • Like 1

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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Preliminary Challenge Thoughts


I just saw a returning Rebel posting in the level one forum.


I think I am going to do so as well.


I'd already erased my character stats, because they don't reflect where I'm at.


It's time to face the fact that I'm not the Rebel in that profile pic anymore, and if I want to get back to that level, or even further, there's a lot of work to re-do.

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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Blargh.  This schedule I'm on now is sucking my productivity away.  I don't want to work out or run after work, and I can't get out of bed any earlier.


Need to account for it

in the new challenge.



M = bodyweight

T = run or bike

W = bodyweight

R = the new rest day? 

F = bodyweight

S =  :)   run, bike, or walk (when long run gets long again)

S =  :)  Looooong run.


Other things to plan for:

Mr.Georges away @end of week 1.  Make sure I eat right, do a long run or bike ride while it doesn't take away time together.

family visit @ end of week 2.  Don't overeat/snack.  Do bring sunscreen, bug spray, and swim goggles.  Use all three.

family trip end of week 6 (cousin's wedding).  Hydrate.  Pack running bag.  Have a food plan.  Be mindful of altitude change.


I'm not letting anything that I should have planned for get in my way!

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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Last Time (Saturday)                                                    This Time (Thursday)


20 squats                                                                      20 squats

1 real pushup                                                                  1 real pushup

9 knees pushups                                                             7 knees pushups

50 jumping jacks                                                           50 jumping jacks

25 second plank                                                            25 second plank


20 squats was much harder 2nd time                            20 squats

9 knees pushups                                                              5 knees pushups

50 jumping jacks                                                            50 jumping jacks

(break to feel less wobbly)                                              25 second plank

20 second plank                       


10 squats was what I could do                                      20 squats

5 knees pushups                                                              5 knees pushups

40 jumping jacks                                                            50 jumping jacks

20 second plank                                                            25 second plank


and I was done. (14:30, not including the break)            and I was done. (15:00)


First time back was so much harder than I expected.          still a lot of work to do :)

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This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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Just a smidge short on sleep last night.


Ran, finally, after all the times I've talked about it and not done it.

(2 miles - 13:13 & 12:44 - much better times than when fighting the heat!)

Pretty happy to have a weekend, as I didn't get anything else done today

(and not much during this week).

  • Like 1

This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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I guess this is where I'll be for a bit, unless I have something to post that doesn't really fit in a challenge thread.



This used to be where  my weight loss progress bar was. Maybe it will be here again when I'm ready to face the scale and work on my fat problem.
 NewBattleLog              OldBattleLog (between challenges)


Don't let what you cannot do
interfere with what you can do.

-John Wooden

2013 Running Tally: I lost track in July, at 148.925  ((plus 0.5)) but I finished a Very Slow marathon in October. Then I mostly stopped.
2014 Running Tally: 134.1 miles plus 5k (as of 17 September) lost track again, but I know I had at least 147.2 plus 5k for 2014.
2015 Running Tally: 41.2 treadmilled miles & 251.93 real world miles

2016 Running Tally: 0


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