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Good Workout Routine for Teen Muscle Gain??

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Just asking is this a good workout..

a yes or no or suggestions to add to routine are helpful... thank you...


Assisted Pistol Squat x max reps x 3 sets

Dive Bomber Pushups x max reps x 3 sets

Decline Pushups x max reps x 3 sets

Pull Ups x max reps x 3 sets

Plank x max time x 3 sets

Hanging Knee Raises x max reps x 3 sets


cardio (20-30 minutes)


Circuit for 20 minutes over and over:

Jumping Jacks x 15 reps

Pushups x 10 reps

Medium Chinup x 5 reps

Then finish off with Plank x max time x 3 sets (not in circuit)

Thursday: Cardio (20-30 minutes)


Circuit for 3 sets:

Squat x max reps

Wide Grip Pushups x max reps

Chinups x max reps

Planks x max reps

Finish off with Shoulder Press x max reps x 3 sets (not in circuit)

Saturday & Sunday: rest days

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Do you have access to a gym at school or somewhere else that has barbells and plates and a squat rack? If your goal is really to gain muscle, you should swap out Tu/Th "cardio" (read about how it's not helpful for your fitness or appearance, written by a former pro-level distance runner, at this link: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/case-against-cardio/) for some heavy lifting.

The way to get bigger is to lift big weights. You're not going to put on much, if any, bodyfat, because of your age. Learn how to deadlift and how to overhead press (with a barbell); these two are pretty easy to learn on your own. You should also really look into squatting actually , by far the best exercise for your lower body, and the major catalyst behind growth hormone and testosterone production, both things you want if you want to look good.

Another thing you should consider is not doing so many things "max reps." Going to failure several times in a workout is not beneficial, and detracts from the other surrounding exercises: if you max out on dive-bomber pushups three times, then try and max out on decline pushups three more times, you're not going to be able to do that many decline pushups if you did your max-outs right. They're closely related exercises. Your planks are also going to suffer.

Simplicity is your friend. You need to do few movements and do them very very well, and you will look great, and it will take less time.

If you want to do a lot of pushups every week, for example, I recommend the 100 Pushups routine. By the third week, you're doing 100 pushups three times a week, but without going to failure (ideally).

Treat your M/W/F workouts as "cardio". This is what is going to increase your metabolic conditioning, aka the same thing "cardio" does, and keep you lean.

]Movement Repertoire

Pushups. Just regular pushups.

Situps. Just regular situps.

Pullups/Chinups. Regular these too. You're going to start weighting your chinups; just hold a dumbbell between your feet.


is a really good video and only 2:30.

Squats. Really learn these properly, otherwise don't do them. Below parallel, weight on your heels, low-bar back squat. Watch a lot of videos. www.startingstrength.com is your new best friend.

Deadlifts. Don't hurt yourself. Keep your back tight, don't round it. Weight on your heels. Bar should scrape your shins. Watch this video:

. See how his back is still "arched"? That's what you need.

Overhead Press.

, from the master himself, Mr. Mark Rippetoe. Perfect explanation.

Air squats. Regular air squats.

]Workout Routine

For the 100 Pushups workout, go to www.onehundredpushups.com.

For the strength days, start with weights that are easy to do with absolutely perfect form. Then add 5 lbs every workout. 10 lbs more for deadlifts. Form is everything. If you don't do them right they won't work and you won't get big.


100 Pushups Week Whatever, Day 1.

Chinups 3xmax reps, if you're doing less than 10. If you're getting 10 in a row and more, start holding a dumbbell with your feet. Go to 3x5. Enough weight so that they're really hard but not impossible. Bigger dumbbell every week.

Then, for time, 3 rounds:

Run 400m

50 Air Squats


Deadlift, 4 warmup sets then 1x5.

Squat, 4 warmup sets, then 3x5.

Overhead Press: 4 warmup sets, then 3x5.


100 Pushups, Week Whatever, Day 2


Circuit for 20 minutes over and over. Try and do as many rounds as possible. Write down how many you do.

Jumping Jacks x 15 reps

Air squats x10 reps

Burpee Pullupsx 10 reps. Do a burpee under the pullup bar and jump into a pullup.


Squat 3x5

Press 3x5


As many rounds as you can in 15 minutes:

5 pullups

10 pushups

15 situps

Assist your pullups when you get tired. You want to keep your heart rate up, and keep breathing heavy.

Saturday & Sunday: rest days.

Switch around the T/Th workouts every other week. After 4 weeks, drop down to adding 2.5 lbs to the press every workout.

You're going to get really hungry. EAT. You're at a prime age to gain muscle. Eat a LOT of protein. Double what you're eating in protein now. It won't make you fat; too much bread and too much sugar make you fat, not meat.

More weight. -- Giles Corey

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Let me preface this by saying I have seen far worse programming. If someone asked me if that was a decent bodyweight program for fat loss and to maintain decent shape, I would agree and move on with my life. However, your training should match your goals.. currently yours does not.

As much as I hate to throw cold water on you but at 5'7" 130 lbs you are going to have to get some external loading to get the look you want.

What you are doing is good to get you in reasonable shape, but you can't flex bone.

The body-weight work that you are doing is burning a lot of calories (not to mention the cardio). To add muscle mass you need to be in a caloric surplus.

The model in the picture you posted is probably about 180lbs.. That puts you about 50 lbs shy of your goal.

Also, you're only strength training 1x per week, and conditioning 4, I would flip that.. if not throw out cardio completely for a while.

You are going to need some serious food and hard work to get you there, but you can get there.

Look at Mass Made Simple By Dan John, Maximum Strength by Eric Cressy or Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe, and warn your mother that her grocery bills are going to get higher.

I wouldn't worry about looking like Johnnie Jackson, that has never happened by accident.

Good luck!

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Guest Carjack

How much weight do you have for those dumbbells?

If you clean and press them and keep adding weight 'till you press 75 pounds or more for reps, you'll be stronger and more jacked than most of the bodybuilders in my gym, and some of them are as big as the guy in your picture.

As to the critics: Bodyweight routines are fine as long as you add progressive resistance.

When the pistol squats can be done free standing, they the next best thing to a weighted squat. When push ups are too easy, you can progress to one arm and handstand push ups for high reps.

How many here can do ten strict form one arm push ups? That's about how many I can do in one set and I'm sure if I did 30 my arms would be jacked.

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Guest Carjack


First page is my old home bodyweight workout. Last two pages are my current gym workout.

I do several styles of press but for dumbbell clean and press I usually do it one handed.

I don't do sit ups or crunches anymore, but I can do well over 100 when I want to.

For my diet I just eat a lot of liver, eggs, salmon and other meat. No junk food or soda.

If I was trying to build my arms and chest with bodyweight exercises, I'd do lots and lots of one arm push ups. When you hit 50 push ups you should work progressions for a one arm push up ASAP, if not before 50.

It's helpful to keep a public record of reps, weight and exercises done every day.

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