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Deathly Hallows (SPOILER ALERT)

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It was the end of an era and signified the end of my childhood. I went to the midnight showing with some friends and cried through most of it. I for one, grew up with Harry, Ron and Hermione. And I absolutely knew that Snape was a good guy from day one. What about y'all?

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Never really got what the fuzz was all about. Just magic and sorcery, plus school campus setting. I only watched it because I really wanted Voldemort to repair his nose somehow.

Jesuschrist is the most wonderful and complex person as of date,anyone can learn from him- paraphrased from The Master of Emotion

www.cultivatinglashinibana.wordpress.com A log about my weekly japanese learning via Kanji study, and reading manga in japanese of course. Updated every Sunday.

Current Challenge:http://nerdfitness.com/community/showthread.php?4867-Staff-Purge

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So Harry Potter used the basic and proven method. No wonder it lulled so many.

Jesuschrist is the most wonderful and complex person as of date,anyone can learn from him- paraphrased from The Master of Emotion

www.cultivatinglashinibana.wordpress.com A log about my weekly japanese learning via Kanji study, and reading manga in japanese of course. Updated every Sunday.

Current Challenge:http://nerdfitness.com/community/showthread.php?4867-Staff-Purge

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If you haven't read any of the books, shame on you :P. They're definitely worth reading. I never really got into the films, I've watched bits of the early ones but the acting was just so terrible I couldn't enjoy it. I've heard they get better so I might have to do a bit of a marathon of them at some point. I've been thinking of rereading all the books as well, I remember when I read through them the first time I could never put them down, there was one (think it was Half Blood Prince) I got on a Friday and had finished by Sunday, so it'd be interesting to see how long it would take me now to read through all 7.



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Yes they follow the tried and true hero's journey, I didn't read the books until after the movies started coming out and then I read them all in sequence as soon as they came out. The neighbor kids and I would share discussions after we had all 3 finished so it was good for building some common ground between the generations. :-) Yes the acting in the first one wasn't the greatest but the actors were just little kids and they did remarkably well and improved over time. I probably won't get to see the movie until it comes out on DVD or Netflix and I'm anxiously waiting for the release of them all on kindle format whereupon I will have to buy them all and re-read them. I've already warned my husband that I'll be unavailable and probably stay up way too late finishing them.

It's not great literature but it's good fun fiction with a bit of a twist and a decent enough story. I'm sorry to see the end of the main series.

Oogie McGuire

Black Sheep Shepherdess

STR 4.25 | DEX 4.5 | STA 3.75 | CON 3 | WIS 4.75 | CHA 1

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I give the Harry Potter books a solid "Meh".

Vague spoilers ahead

They are so formulaic. Each of the first 6 books has the following story "Arc":

Harry is an outcast/mistrusted/not-liked

Dumbledore saves the day and validates Harry

Which is fine, except that in the very next book, Harry is once again outcast/mistrusted/not-liked. The entire school/world somehow forgets or disregards that Harry saved them all last semester and he's back to being an outcast or mistrusted.

I enjoyed the first movie, but it wasn't enough to make me want to read the book.

I finally read them during one stretch where I had nothing at all to read. Goblet of Fire was my favorite since it was the first to actually introduce the possibility of real peril to the characters.

I never got around to reading Deathly Hallows because Half-Blood Prince was so much more of the same that I couldn't bring myself to re-read it in preparation for book 7 coming out.

Repairing a lifetime of bad habits...

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Its minor, but since I've not read the books either (too many others in the cue to jump on it either) I'm curious after Harry gets blasted why Draco's mother whispers over Harry 'Draco....Is he still alive?" or something to that effect.

She's asking Harry if he knows if Draco is alive, from all the fighting in Hogwarts.

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So Harry Potter used the basic and proven method. No wonder it lulled so many.

I, for one, enjoy the level of craftsmanship involved in the making of the film. It's my line of work, I worked under the key grip to several of the Potter films on another project. It's refreshing to see big studio filmmaking being undertaken with such care and reverence for the craft, starting with Prisoner of Azkaban. Alexandre Desplat's score for the last few entries is brilliant. For every Star Wars, Matrix, and Harry Potter out there that follow the "basic and proven method", there's an Eragon, Last Airbender, and Percy Jackson. It's not the formula, it's the execution.

That book sits on the desk of every working screenwriter in H'wood, not even just for fantasy fare... Most dramatic films follow a structure based on the tenets of that book. Raging Bull, Scarface, A Clockwork Orange, just to name a few off the top of my head.

Some of us also just like to feed our inner child's sense of wonder, too, ya know.

my point to Kaelder still stands though.

SPOILERS next time, man. Seriously, i don't even feel the need to go see this anymore. Just robbed me of the suspense in one careless swoop.

pause > breathe > press play

tweetle dee

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my point to Kaelder still stands though.

SPOILERS next time, man. Seriously, i don't even feel the need to go see this anymore. Just robbed me of the suspense in one careless swoop.

Really? That wasn't meant to be a Spoiler. I was merely commenting on the fact that Snape has always meant something to me. I was trying to avoid spoilers actually. I have always had an affinity for the villains in stories. As a writer myself I feel that the villain is the most important part of the story. I think Snape really cemented that idea for me so he could still end up being the bad guy and I would love him.

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Saying "I absolutely knew that Snape was a good guy from day one..." is like doing this -

What suspense is there for me anymore, other than seeing who dies and and who lives? I mean, they've been building up Snape's arc over the last few movies, they've been treating it as a big deal.

Please be more careful next time.

pause > breathe > press play

tweetle dee

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