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"You call that a battle cry?!?"

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Why yes... yes I do!  


While I've been lurking for a bit now, I feel it's time to step out of the shadows and make that commitment to the community that keeps each of us accountable by our peers.  What better way to do so than by saying hello?


My name is Starla and, much like the others in our community here, I'm a nerd.  At the age of 30, I was fortunate to be part of the first generation gamers.  As you all know, gaming is a lot like drugs in some ways.  I started out with the small stuff (think Atari or NES) when I was little and, over years, my gaming turned into a hardcore obsessions (yep... MMOs).  While that isn't going to leave you lying on a dirty bathroom floor, it will definitely make you soft in a lot of unflattering places.  I've always been a normal weight but skinny doesn't equal healthy... especially when the typical diet only consists of about 1200 calories a day.  No matter how little you eat, empty calories still pack little pudgies on a thin frame.  After years of EverQuest and WoW and the addition of children, I don't much like what I see when I look in the mirror.  Beyond that, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia at the age of 26.  Not only do I look bad, but I feel worse.  So what's a girl to do?  Well, when you're finally fed up but you don't know where to turn, what else?  To the internet!  And that's what led me here to Nerd Fitness.      


Upon discovery, I knew the first thing I needed to change was my diet.  Reading about Paleo turned the lightbulb on for me.  I jumped in both feet first.  Within two weeks, I lost all desire to cheat because I felt better than I can ever remember feeling.  The most amazing part was that my pain from the RA and fibro was 90% better.  That's like a whole new lease on life!  I was hooked!  So what then?  Well, I knew I wasn't 100% ready to start a fitness program but I knew I wanted to give strength training a go in the near future so I bought the strength training guide.  I was going to be the hero of this story!  *queue the Zelda theme song*


Then life kind of kicked me... hard.  I went in for an annual appointment only to get a call back in a week.  As I sat in my doctor's office for my follow-up appointment, I learned that I had cancer.  The good news was that it could be treated with surgery.  The bad news was that my life transformation was going to be put on hold a bit.  Surgery was scheduled and I waited for three weeks.  With my doctor's approval, I stuck with my diet and continued to make plans.  I kept in touch with close friends and stayed positive.  The day of surgery came and everything went perfectly.  I woke up in pain, but cancer-free and alive!  Then it was home for a month to recover.  Family came out to take care of me and my mother just would not support my Paleo requests.  After a month without my diet, I felt horrible!  As much as I love my family, I was relieved to see them go home.  


Now here I am... a month out of surgery and on my way to full recovery.  What now?  Well, here's my game plan.


1) Get back on track with Paleo!  


2) Get outside and start moving.  Drag my 7 year old gamer son with me.  Go for walks.  Get my blood flowing.  


3) Put that strength training guide to good use!  On October 23rd, I'll be released from medical restriction and I'm so excited to get started!


4) ???


5) Profit!


Of course, I know time is going to be my biggest enemy as a single mom with a full-time job and part-time school... but I've already read the articles about time management and excuses.  Basically, I have none.  This is a priority.  It has to be.  I want to be in the best shape of my life.  I want to feel better than I have in 10 years.  I want to look back on this and say, "You remember those three weeks when I had cancer?"  And of course, I want to look sexy naked because it really is the best side effect ever!


So yes... this is my battle cry!  I'm the hero of this story!  


(Added the ugly "before" photo... taken before paleo or surgery.)





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Welcome and congratulations! With an attitude like yours, you're bound to kick cancer and every other hurdle that tries to get in your way to the curb!


I'm not surprised in the least that the autoimmune stuff responded powerfully to the paleo lifestyle. Looking forward to you kicking ass and taking names.


Be well!

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