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Figured it was about time to say hello to the community. 

Danish guy here doing crossfit and trying to get in much better shape. Any questions ? ;) Okay a little bit more on me and my goals...



Been hooked on crossfit ever since the first gym opened in my town. We now have two (good ones) and crossfit classes under a different name at a huge local fitness chain. Been doing it regularly about one year now with a break of 1 month due to a small back injury (pinched nerve doc figures). Before this time i had about 6 months of CF before logistics made it near impossible to fit into my daily schedule. 

Currently got 3-4 times a week and get all jittery if i cannot go. I have it regularly scheduled Monday, Wednesday and Friday/Saturday. I also try to lift some weights outside of our WODS's, but need to find a program to follow. Kind of hard considering the WOD's at times contain a good amount of lifting. Was considering a Wendler 5-3-1, but i haven't pegged that part yet. 


I currently eat mostly Paleo inspired. Inspired because i'm not fanatic about it. I will consume milk at times (mostly a glass for breakfast) and even go out once in a while. I don't want to be fanatic about it but don't mistake this for not being motivated. I will calculate heavily with each 'cheat' i do if i really want it :)



I want to get a low body fat percentage. Not about the number, but about the look. I'm going that for lean look with good muscle tone. Think gymnasts, a lot of crossfitters ect. The low body fat number is to give myself a goal that i can feel and reach for rather than just look into the mirror. Around May 2013 i started to measure body fat with a friend once a week. Since then I  have gone from 23% down to around 16-17% lately. I figure i need to get down to 10-13% to see the results i aim for. 



Measure my progress; Right now i will once a week (Saturday morning) before eating or drinking measure my body fat using the 3 point formula (chest,stomach,thigh), measure waist and weight. This gives me fairly consistent results i can follow my progress on. Been doing this almost every week since May and everything is going down except my weight. I make sure i get almost the same precise point for the calipers by using it as a measuring tool to place my fingers. 


Working out; I already go to my Crossfit sessions 3-4 times a week. Would like to include a strength program though with the option of skipping any exercise the WOD already includes. I have not set this up yet and would appreciate any feedback. 


Food; I will start to keep a food journal as accurately as I can. First i will put down a meal plan for a week and try to stick to it so don't have to spend too much time each day putting in my daily intake. But any deviations will be input. 

From what i figure my BMR is around 2000 (30 years and around 91-92 kg and 180cm tall). So from this figure i need ~3000 kcal a day to maintain my weight with my activity level (2000 x 1.55 approx). So just because i think 3000 sounds kind of high for me i will try to put my meals at around 2000-2400 range. That gives me the 500 kcal lower at least. 

I will track this from a weekly schedule written down (easier shopping, and preparation also easier for logging) and try to log on some sort of food logging journal site online. I will most likely track each week on Saturday with my weigh in to make things simpler. 


Motivation; I am fairly motivated already but motivation never hurts. So i have taken to posting on these forums with my progress, weekly weigh ins and also progress pictures as i feel necessary. I pledge to post at least once a week on Saturdays with my stats for the week and will most likely also include a food journal parameter on this day. 



Okay that should be enough of an introduction for now.. questions and/or comments very welcome. Also think this is a great supportive community :) Looking forward to spending some time here  :) 


Challenge number 1 Progress


Progress in main quest collectively out of 42 days - 5.5 our of 6 weeks completed



Weight Loss challenge #1 - From 98 to 90kg. - Current: 94.6 kg

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