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Disc Priest ftw: or at least trying to be anyway

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HI there.  I'm Sophia (long I sound, sorry, but it does make a difference to me).  I just joined the community and I know that if I don't post something, I will probably just lurk and go back to my lair or something.  It is a fairly nice lair and all, but I need to break out of my comfort zone a little bit.


I've been trying to find a way to get back into fitness and I love all the nerd talk/references on this site ... so I thought I'd give it a go.  The first game I played was Betryal at Krondor (loved it!) and until recently, I've been a WoW junky - (Dran Disc Priests FTW!), but now, I'm tackling Diablo III and really enjoying it.


I swam competitively for 12 years as a kid and through highschool.  My coaches told us to lose weight and muscle up, but it didn't really matter how I did it, I just needed to do it.  So I ate terribly, and stayed at 120 or under throughout high school.  I'm 5 feet 4.5 inches, so the weight isn't too bad, but I was sick a lot of the time and felt terribly unhealthy - even though I was training 5 days a week, 3 hours or so a day not including dryland and running stairs.  When I was 19, I started Highland dancing and fell in love with it.  My first dance teacher said I was too old to start dancing and I would never make it out of Beginner.  It took a lot of work and a few teacher changes, but I made Premier (highest leve of highland dance) in 2006.  I was doing all right with my weight and such because I was dancing soo much, but my nutrition was terrible.


Fast forward a couple years and I tried a new challange: training for a triatholon.  I had no idea what I was doing and ended up tearing two ligaments in my left ankle.  After 6 months failed rehab, I had sugery in August of 2012, which so far seems to have been a really good decision.  However, it wasn't really great for my fitness routine.  I couldn't dance, couldn't do anything that I really liked and ended up just not doing anything.  Lots of rehab and "scar tissue message" - (aka a new form of torture), I'm cleared to dance again. :D  The bad news ... is that all that time I was feeling depressed and sad about the fact I couldn't dance or do any of the activities I did before ... I kept eating poorly and gaining weight.  I was 172 in April of this year, so I have been losing some weight, but I want to have a fitness and lifestyle routine that I can stick with for the long haul.


Measurements: *cringe*  as of Oct. 8, 2013

Weight: 165

Over bust: 38 inches

Under bust: 33.5 inches

Waist: 34 inches

hips: 44 inches

dreaded tummy area that I hate: 40 inches



- Get back into competition shape by June which means rebuilding muscles, learning to use my foot again, renewing flexibility, gaining strength, boosting stamina, and enderance so that I can fly again.

- Learn proper nutrition and exercise willpower

- fit into my kilt and jacket (since those things aren't cheap and I don't have a spare $700 or so lying around to get new ones)

- Learn to walk a tightrope (for fun because it looks interesting)

- Join the Assassin's Guild (if they'll have me)


Training/how to get things done:

- attend dance class once a week, practice dance at home 1 day a week to start with.

- do Nerd Fitness body weight workout 3 times a week

- walk at lunch breaks 5 days a week

- Shift to 80/20 Paleo diet.  This week's goal is to cut out candy and soda and so far, it's going awesome.

- Walking on fallen logs and working my way down to a tight rope.

- wear more black


I'm working on channeling my inner Disc priest and looking to level up my life.   I'm working on the starting zone, but I'm determined to reach lvl 90 in life.


The photo that I uploaded is 2008 in my new kilt/jacket/matching socks which I want to fit back into by June (the socks I'm not as worried about).  I'll post current pictures when I can figure out how to get the photos smaller.


Thanks for reading, I hope everyone has a lovely day/evening!



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Welcome So-pheye-ah (Hope that's the right pronunciation)!


Sounds like you've had quite the life of activity until recently! That's great! Just work your way slowly back into full tilt so your ankle has time to strengthen up. No new injuries!


The tightrope thing sounds interesting and made me think of this. Might be a good step in that direction.


Be well!

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If you want to get into slack-lining, here's a good place to start.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSs8CHUOfCo&feature=player_detailpage

Better Living through Reckless* Experimentation







                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         *But well documented

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