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I'm New...and soon to be improved!

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Hello everyone,


I actually stumbled across this website a few weeks ago when looking for tips on surviving the upcoming Zombie Apocalypse that I know we'll all be facing at some point. As I read more of the site, I realized that this was the kind of group that I needed in my quest to get healthier.


Here's some of my history:


I first got image conscious in high school. I was a skinny rail and wanted to have more of the football physique. I tried working out at the gym...didn't eat right, didn't exercise right, no progress, gave up.


In college (2005-2009) I started gaining weight from all the crap food I was eating and tried to walk it off with hour long walks every night before going to bed. This gave me time to think and de-stress, so that was good, but I didn't lose anything. Although I had access to a free gym on campus, I rarely made use of it because I didn't know what I was doing and it felt awkward to invite myself along with the few friends that did go.

I started eating out a lot because I never learned to cook and got paralyzed in the kitchen. My weight climbed from about 130 lbs to 170 lbs through college. I'm 5' 7" so that weight started to look rather unflattering compared to how I started. Some people can carry weight well...I can't. When my girlfriend (now wife) came back from a year in Italy I broke down and cried because I had gained so much weight while she was gone and was not the pretty sight I wanted her to return to. But it gets worse...


After college I lived with my parents for a year to save up some money while my wife finished her degree. My job security got iffy and I took a position that really stressed me out with insanely early work hours (showed up at 6:30 am). When I got home, my newly retired father had dinner on the table with plenty of large portions of greasy/starchy foods ready to eat. I got fatter. When I finally moved in with my wife, I was up to 180 lbs and looking terrible. I was in the worst shape of my life.


Fortunately, my wife cooked healthier than my dad and I droped back to 170 in a matter of months. I was still eating junk at work and she set me straight by making me take my lunch in. I also started hitting the gym more often at our apartment complex, doing almost all cardio since that was what they had available. That got me down to 160 lbs which is where I still am today. I'm now finishing Grad school which is making it harder to stay on track with my diet, but I haven't gained weight in the last 6 months.


After finding this website, I'm motivated to get into serious shape. Yesterday I did some freeweight lifting for the first time in years. It felt really good and I didn't care if I looked odd working in the weight room alone. After reading about the paleo diet, I'm starting to notice my carb intake. I'm now holding myself accountable at work with a "days without soda" counter, and a "snack calories" daily table. I have these in a location where all of my coworkers can see and keep me honest. I'll be posting more later, but right now I have to go feed the begging cat...


For the rebellion!


Assassin in training

My Current Challenge


Days without soda



Jog three miles



Do.One.Freaking.Pull up. (this one's all or nothing)

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Welcome to the Rebellion! I'm new here myself, but I figured I'd drop a hello!


I definitely know what it's like about being in Grad school and having a horrible time with diet and exercise. I'm in Pharmacy school myself and the last two years was not the best experience of my life as I was living exam to exam in a year round program probably a total of  month of time off if you add between semester breaks). But at least now, I'm on clinical rotations so I sort of have more time on my hands to take care of myself more, but it really depends on where I'm at. The eating bit is killer, but I made it a goal to eat better this month as well as shedding some of that fat. 


Good luck with everything! We believe in you!!!

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Welcome AS!


We're about the same height and I started eating good food (Paleo) on May 1st this year (weighed 190). I lost 29 lbs by the end of August, and I didn't pick up a single weight. It's amazing what eating well will do for you. This community is fantastic and is what I need to help me reach my new goal. NF is going to be there to help you along.


I look forward to hearing about your goals and your progess.



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