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Another Overweight IT guy

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Hello all!

See that profile pic over to the left? That was me about a decade ago. That picture is my goal. I still have that suit and want to get back in to it. Not really because it is a good suit, it was just taken at the time in my life when I physically felt the best. I was just out of high school and was working in a tire shop. I also cut firewood and occasionally helped roof houses for a buddy during busy times. I am now an IT director at a manufacturing company and still eat as poorly as I did back then. I guess not only do I want to get back in to that suit, I want to do it while eating healthier. Most of my dad's side of the family has diabetes and that just will not do for me. I am testing ok now, but by mid to late 30s most of my family seems to develop it. That will not be me.

I always said (and still do) what I weigh matters nothing to me. I do not know what I weigh in that picture and would not know what I weigh now if I hadn't stepped on a scale to document a starting point. 238. What I have always cared about is being able to do the things I want to do. I cannot do a pull up anymore. I can barely keep up with my two kids playing soccer. My point is that at whatever weight I fit that suit, this goal will be met and it will be time for another. I hope to also reduce the starchy foods in my diet to help control blood glucose levels before diabetes becomes an issue for me. I have no gluten issues, but it seems the paleo diet and body weight exercises as practiced here can safely help me meet my goals. As for the nerd part, I did mention I was an IT guy and play a reasonable amount of video games. While I have never live action role played or cosplayed, I do respect the work and talent required to make the costumes and really appreciate the analogy to rpgs and fitness. I think I could feel comfortable here and could use some help from time to time, especially with recipes so I don't get bored eating paleo.

To state my goal clearly so that we can all hold me accountable (see, now you are stuck with me) I will, through a paleo diet and bodyweight exercises, fit back into the suit in my profile picture BEFORE SPRING.

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I like that you phrased your goal as "I will" vs. "I want to". You've got the right attitude and it sounds like you have strong motivation.  This site will hopefully help a lot (I love how the articles are written.  I don't know if my experience is common or not but I will say I joined 8/28 and didn't feel like I started connecting/getting the hang of it till the last couple days (so now I'm making a deliberate effort to be welcoming to new people), so don't feel discouraged if it takes a bit to connect.

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Welcome! Great set of goals!


Personally, I've gone "mostly" Paleo and lost 29 lbs before doing a single exercise (5/1 - 8/30). I can attest that it's effective and I'm confident that you're going to get the results you want.


There was a blog post not to long ago about language being able to shift the thinking process. If you haven't already done so, check it out, it may make Paleo even easier to adapt to.



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Your starting point is about what I started at (I started at 242) and my real goal was to fit back in a pair of jeans I had bought in my last high school year and NEVER wore. Well I ended up fitting in them again about a year and a half later after starting to lose weight. But the pair of jeans are about 7 years old, kind of out of style, ..., ok so their really REALLY out of style, but anyways, it's the greatest feeling ever. YOU will do this if you really put your mind to it, do not make excuses, every little bit helps, every little extra you can do.


If you want a good bodyweight circuit that I did most of the summer and it kicked my ass every damn time. Let me know :)


Also, what games do you play? Console or pc? :o

It's not 80% diet, 20% exercise, it's 100% diet, 100% exercise. Give it your all.

My journey (Date - Total - BF % - LBM)

2012-01-01 - 242 - 35% - 157

2013-12-15 - 172 - 10% - 155

2016-05-01 - 231 - 25% - 173

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