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Hello, My Name is "___" and I'm a Nerd.

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If you can't tell I'm new to the Rebillion. I found the website about 3 days ago after my roommate was looking for "Nerdy Workouts" to get herself motivated to become "Batman" (Whatever gets her excited works for me). So she stumbled upon this website, and told me about it. Although she didn't choose to join the Rebillion (because Batman became Batman by backpacking across Sibera alone so that's her new life goal apparentally), it took me three days of mulling it over and lurking all of the message boards before deciding this was a commitment I wanted to make. Below is my story as to how I got to his point and what my short term and long term goals are for myself.


I'm a college sophomore studying accounting, to begin with. Before college I attended a military school, so prior to college I never had a problem being on top of my health. Then I dropped the military thing going to college and suddenly I found that staying fit wasn't as easy as it was when you were required to do group PT every morning. Long story short, the dreaded freshman 15 happened. In part, my diet rapidly went down hill, and my work out schedual became nonexisitant. When I noticed that my pants aren't fitting as well as they use to I figured it was time to kick myself in the behind and get back to where I was, but naturally doing this alone has be horrible. To begin with the food avalible to me (the commons food) isn't made to be healthy, it's made to feed an entire campus of students as fast as possible. This makes trying to diet extremly difficult, as sometimes it's just quicker to grab a slice of pizza or a muffin than to fight for a half wilted salad, or one small thing of cooked vegies (normally drenched in butter). Point being I've felt horrible since the semester has started again and I've gone from cooking for myself to this. I'm also a self procliamed "Nerd" and it's almost certifiable as I host a college radio show about it, and I'm the preseident of the "Nerd Culture Society" on my campus. So naturally on my free time from classes, work and homework I would much rather spend playing video games, reading, or surfing the internet.


So, I know the first thing I need to get me motivated is to have a set goal, and I finally found one.

My fiance is in the Army and is coming home for Christmas, when he got wind of me wanting to start getting healthy, he took the chance to tell me that we're going to go for a morning run together the first day he's back and I need to be able to keep up with him.


It's only a short term goal, I know, but they say it only takes 28 days to make somethin a habit and he wont be home for 2 months, so this short term goal I figured will be enough to set the foundations for me putting a healthier life style in the works of becoming a habit. and over the long run the goal is not to feel this bad again, and to become the Robin to my roommate's Batman. (Mostly Jason Todd so I can become a BA Redhood eventually).


I know this is long and drawn out, but putting everything down has given me perspective as to how I've come to this point, and where I need to go from here. I hope I can find my place here in the rebellion, and I can find support, and some cool people to talk to about all of this.

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Sounds like a good starting goal! Glad you're starting back up here at NF. Go ahead and take a look around and don't feel shy to talk to others here. As for support, try looking at the Accountibilibuddies part of the forum. plenty of awesome groups there. or you can go check out THE DAI-GURREN BRIGADE (the group I'm with), because I'm pretty sure we're open to new members :D 

But whatever your path may be, good luck to you on your quest, and may your journey be awesome :D

[ Battle Log: - THE LEGEND OF WILL - ]



"I can change the future!"

- Shulk from Xenoblade Chronicles


"I still don't know what I should do. What [he's] doing isn't for his own gain. He walks the path he believes in, one step at a time. Wishing only for the happiness of those around him. I, on the other hand... I thought I didn't have a path that I could take laid out before me. But like he said, that's just running away. I must find my own path."

- Fei from Xenogears


"A life of adventure awaits those with the courage to step beyond their comfort zones."

- Hylian Dan from The Philosophy of The Wind Waker



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