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Clueless and needs help

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I'm brand new to Nerd Fitness and fitness in general and really don't know where to start. I guess I should say a little about myself and maybe people can help. I'm sorry if it seems like its too much. I figure the more info you know the better you can help.


Im a 21 year old female. I'm around 5'8" and weigh 145ish. I'm not over-weight, but I'm not happy with my body. There are pudges where they don't belong and I want to change that and be healthy about. Plus my immune system is horrible, which I'm sure is due to not taking care of myself.


I am now recently married(1 month on Monday!) and I'm a stay at home house-wife. A normal day consist of cleaning up the apartment (takes 30 mins tops unless its laundry day) then playing Skyrim or something like that until its time to cook dinner(which is usually never healthy).


I don't eat what I call "rabbit food," and neither does my husband. I would love to change that, but I don't know how to change it. I am one of the world's worst picky eaters and I'm afraid to try new things(yes, I'm a scardy cat).  My husband doesn't want to change his diet. He's happy the way he is. So that makes it even more difficult. Everyone thinks I'm crazy for wanting to change saying that I look fine how I am. It makes things very difficult. We don't really have the money to go all out on health stuff either


Everything I try to do to get healthy, I usually quit which makes me feel like a failure. The one thing I did mange was to quit smoking(Feb. 1!). Any help that can be given would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi there! That sounds a lot like me when I was that age (30 now) only I was playing FFXI in my free time :) Food is a tricky thing for sure! My Husband is pretty much the same way. We are always arguing about food/diet but we have made a lot of awesome changes lately. For us it helped to get rid of the bad things slowly (fast food, soda, candy, and so on) and try to add in better things as best as we can. I get organic fruits & veggies delivered to the house and try to come up with meals that squeeze in as many of those as possible and snack on them whenever I can too! We have also tried a lot of new things that I never would have imagined eating...like spaghetti squash (Oh wow those are amazing!) I think a nice total body workout you can do at home would be really good if you are happy with your weight and just want to tone up. Hopefully with healthier eating and exercise a happier immune system will follow. Good luck and congratulations on the new marriage and not smoking anymore!

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Nagged him until he submitted of course! Hehe seriously now, I'd like to think that I set a good example. It wasn't until I gave up on him for a bit and started making changes for myself (I gave up soda and then he did. I gave up candy then one day after a while after he decided to as well).  After that he was the one suggesting things to give up like fast food. We changed even more when our daughter was born with a severe milk allergy. We struggled at first but to support our daughter our house is now totally milk free! That really opened things up for eating healthier. We very rarely eat out although we do smash on Hot Head Burrito more than I'd like to admit (after the little one is down of course). The worst thing is telling him 'No, you can't have that'. He really had to come to it on his own. I'm trying to give up all junk food right now (chips,cookies.....do you know how delicious vegan junk food is? lol) and he is making it so hard! He will sit by me and eat half a box of cookies and never fails to ask if I want some! My best advice is to try the same and set a good example/show off those good results and hopefully he will join in! And I do agree that exercise is only part of the equation...I exercised regularly and had zero results until I started keeping track of calories and watching what was going into my body! I also agree with being ready before baby! I did not take care of myself and I felt like I got dragged by a car everyday until my daughter was at least 2. Not good times.

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My hubby was just like this! He has heart disease - so I was totally nagging him. Once I stopped and he saw my results - he's about 95% on board. He won't give up pizza (who can blame him, I miss it so) but he has switched ovey to better toppings LOL


Nagged him until he submitted of course! Hehe seriously now, I'd like to think that I set a good example. It wasn't until I gave up on him for a bit and started making changes for myself (I gave up soda and then he did. I gave up candy then one day after a while after he decided to as well).  After that he was the one suggesting things to give up...

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