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Rooks - Tracking the Daily Grind...

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Honestly, 1.6 pounds isn't much if you were eating like crazy.


How are you liking the Meadows rows?  I've been thinking about trying to incorporate those somewhere. 


They are good.  One thing about them is I've had to be very deliberate about my foot placement.  For some reason my feet want to go in completely different spots per side which I think takes away some of the benefits of the lift.  So as long as I make sure to put my feet in the same place for both sides, it works out well. 


And yeah... I'm not worried about the weight.  It'll come off.  I know was at a deficit the rest of the week so I'm half wondering if I was just loaded up on water and salt. 

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Overall Workout Time:  1 Hour



  • DeFranco's Simple Six


Overhead Press

  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 65lbs
  • 3 @ 95lbs
  • 3 @ 120lbs
  • 3 @ 130lbs
  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 10 @ 85lbs
  • 10 @ 85lbs
  • 10 @ 85lbs
  • 10 @ 85lbs
  • 10 @ 85lbs

Notes:  The last 5 reps of each of the last 4 sets each caused a little twinge in my right arm.  No pain, just something with a nerve.  Will have to keep an eye on that.


Weighted Dips

  • 8 @ +35lbs
  • 8 @ +35lbs
  • 8 @ +35lbs

Notes:  Took an extra long rest between sets 2 and 3.  Needed it as I hurried through the OHP sets.


Kroc Rows

  • 40 @ 70lb DBs
  • 40 @ 70lb DBs
  • 16 @ 70lb DBs

Notes:  Half reps with each arm.  Reps improved from last time.  Closer to normal and definitely felt this one.


Overall Notes:  Felt good.  I'm beginning to like my OHP workouts more because I'm getting more of a "pump" out of them.  Feeling it a lot more in my arms and back. 

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How did you feel a few hours after that OHP workout?  And how hard were those dips after the presses?


Umm... not terrible.  Just like I worked out in my upper body.  Sort of that loosey-goosey feeling.  Hard to totally describe.


As for the dips, feel about the same as normal I think, granted I haven't done them in any workout besides my OHP workout in forever.  So who knows. 


Speaking of dips...




Got my rings setup last night and decided to play around with them.  Actually did 2 Ring Dips, but damn... that'll mess with you.  :)  Everything is so tied together.  If you shift your leg wrong, it suddenly throws everything off.  Crazy hard.  Going to be fun playing around with these.

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Overall Workout Time:  45 Minutes



  • Legs Swings and some MFR with a la-crosse ball


  • 5 @ 135lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 3 @ 185lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 3 @ 225lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 3 @ 275lbs (Switch, Left Over)
  • 3 @ 325lbs (Switch, Left Over)
  • 3 @ 345lbs (Strapped, Belted)
  • 3 @ 365lbs (Strapped, Belted)
  • 10 @ 205lbs (Switch, Right Over)
  • 10 @ 205lbs (Switch, Left Over)
  • 10 @ 205lbs (Switch, Right Over)
  • 10 @ 205lbs (Switch, Left Over)
  • 10 @ 205lbs (Switch, Right Over)

Notes:  Heavy sets were with a full stop at bottom.  Sets of 10 were touch'n'go.  I wondering how much chalk would aid my grip.  Might have to get some of the liquid chalk to see what the difference is.  Or I suppose I could get some real chalk and give it a shot at home.   


Overall Notes:  Kept it short and sweet and cut out the accessory work.  I had places to be and wasn't feeling super energetic. 

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Overall Workout Time:  55 Minutes



  • DeFranco's Simple Six


  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 190lbs
  • 3 @ 205lbs
  • 3 @ 215lbs
  • 10 @ 145lbs
  • 10 @ 145lbs
  • 10 @ 145lbs
  • 10 @ 145lbs
  • 10 @ 145lbs

Notes:  Felt good.  No issues.


Meadows Rows

  • 20 @ 40lbs
  • 20 @ 40lbs
  • 20 @ 40lbs

Notes:  Half reps with each arm.


One Arm Barbell Rows

  • 20 @ 40lbs
  • 20 @ 40lbs
  • 20 @ 40lbs

Notes:  Half reps with each arm.


Overall Notes:  Nothing much.  Probably need to use my lacrosse ball more on my traps and upper back as well as voodoo floss my arms.  Things have felt a little tight lately.  If kiddo goes to sleep early tonight, I'll get some extra mobility work in. 

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My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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Here's an idea for doing Kroc rows heavy and still keeping a 1" bar in your hands instead of a 2" axle DB.

My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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Overall Workout Time: 60 minutes


  • Rumble Rolling on various parts of the legs
  • Leg Swings (Front and Sides)
  • Hip Openers


  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 185lbs
  • 5 @ 225lbs
  • 3 @ 250lbs
  • 3 @ 265lbs
  • 3 @ 280lbs
  • 10 @ 150lbs
  • 10 @ 155lbs
  • 10 @ 155lbs
  • 10 @ 155lbs
  • 10 @ 155lbs

Notes: Felt solid.  280 felt heavy, but it went up without issue.  Form feels like it's getting better every time.  Which means it's probably getting worse.  Might need to take some more check videos to make sure.

Front Squat

  • 3 @ 155lbs
  • 3 @ 155lbs
  • 3 @ 155lbs

Notes:  Knees ached a little bit after these.  Trying to get my butt back, and still keep an upright torso when you get deep into the Front Squat, but those two thoughts don't seem to mesh.  Going to read through the Front Squat portion of Supple Leopard tonight and see if I can get some ideas on what's up.


Overall Notes:  Wasted per the norm.  Hard to move up stairs... difficult to walk.  I hate you Squat Day.


Additional Stuff:  Got out the garage for 15 minutes last night.  Got my Portaband with mini-table all setup to cut things, but the foot pedal seems to be broken.  Disappointing when new tools don't seem to work.  Anyway, got a few pieces cut, but wasn't happy with how the cuts were turning out (lines weren't straight), so I'm going to try and come up with a system to get exact cuts on this thing.  Might just need a stand to hold up the end I'm not cutting.  That would help greatly with this heavy pipe.  We'll see.  Will try and get out and get more work done on the Dumbbells on Tuesday night.

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I clamped mine to a saw horse in two places and didn't have much trouble. My cuts were all nice until the end of the prowler build when I was just getting impatient. That sounds like a neat portaband. Mine is just a hand held model, no table or foot pedal.

My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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Yeehah, go to war now chief and bring back a few stars.

Knees, knees, knees, aches aches. Voodoo flossing maybs? Just to see? I'm actually enjoying the supple leopard book now, took me a while to warm up to it.

Sent with/by my phone thing

"Strength is the cup. The bigger the cup, the more you can put in" - JDanger

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Yeehah, go to war now chief and bring back a few stars.

Knees, knees, knees, aches aches. Voodoo flossing maybs? Just to see? I'm actually enjoying the supple leopard book now, took me a while to warm up to it.

Sent with/by my phone thing


Already done.  Only got 4 stars (2 2-star attacks), so not terrible, but not great either.  As for Supple Leopard, it was on my yearly goal list of things to read, so I forced myself into it.  Plus I'm a full fledged K-Star follower.  Guy basically opened my eyes to a world of actually understanding my body, so I'll always be grateful to him.  Liking it, and learning a ton.  Best tip I've picked up so far was to only take a single small step directly out of the blocks after the initial lift off the J-cups in the Squat.  Helps keep you more solid overall least for me.  I had never realized I how much I hopped outta the blocks and started dancing and shuffling around. 



Overall Workout Time:  1 Hour



  • DeFranco's Simple Six


Overhead Press

  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 65lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 115lbs
  • 3 @ 130lbs
  • 1 @ 145lbs
  • 10 @ 85lbs
  • 10 @ 85lbs
  • 10 @ 85lbs
  • 10 @ 85lbs
  • 10 @ 85lbs

Notes:  Happy that I got the 145 rep as that's only 5lbs off my all time PR, but it damn near stuck right above my head.  Next iteration through 5/3/1 is going to be interesting.  That said, the sets of 10 felt stupid easy.  And no twinge in the right arm this time either so that was a bonus.


Weighted Dips

  • 8 @ +35lbs
  • 8 @ +35lbs
  • 8 @ +35lbs

Notes:  These felt easy.


Kroc Rows

  • 40 @ 70lb DBs
  • 40 @ 70lb DBs
  • 20 @ 70lb DBs

Notes:  Half reps with each arm.  I just get gassed on that last set.  Just gotta keep pluggin' I suppose.



  • 2:00 @ 3.0MPH
  • 3:00 @ 8.5MPH
  • 2:00 @ 2.0MPH

Notes:  This is the beginning of my 2014 goal of running a 24 minute 5k.  Technically, 8.1 MPH is the pace I need, but I'm going to practice at 8.5 MPH.  As you can, I need a lot of work.  Was plenty gassed after only 3 minutes.  Going to try and keep at 10 to 15 seconds every time I run.  See how it goes.


Overall Notes:  Felt good overall.  I'm definitely not loosing any upper body strength through this cut so far.  Just not sure I'm gaining either.

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I don't know about liquid chalk, but I LOVE regular chalk and it is stupid cheap. I can't believe you haven't tried it yet with the grip issues. That and mixed grip (or hook) usually do the trick. I would say give it a shot because it may just change your deadlifting world and if it doesn't you won't have invested a lot of time or money in trying it.

The iron never lies.


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I don't know about liquid chalk, but I LOVE regular chalk and it is stupid cheap. I can't believe you haven't tried it yet with the grip issues. That and mixed grip (or hook) usually do the trick. I would say give it a shot because it may just change your deadlifting world and if it doesn't you won't have invested a lot of time or money in trying it.


Biggest problem is the gym I work out in would probably frown heavily upon using chalk.  How dusty does it get? 

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I work out at a Gold's that has posted signs that chalk is not allowed. That being said, no one has ever said a word to me about it. I keep it in a pocket of my bag and do the chalking within the pocket, so it doesn't really get everywhere. Then, I wipe the bar when I'm done. It may make leave some small amounts of chalk here and there.

The iron never lies.


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If you keep it in a block it doesn't get dusty at all. Use a toothbrush and a damp rag to wipe it off when you're done and no one will be the wiser. Or you could, I don't know, TRAIN AT HOME SINCE YOU HAVE THE SHIT TO DO IT!!!

My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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If you keep it in a block it doesn't get dusty at all. Use a toothbrush and a damp rag to wipe it off when you're done and no one will be the wiser. Or you could, I don't know, TRAIN AT HOME SINCE YOU HAVE THE SHIT TO DO IT!!!


So much rage.  Any workouts I do on the weekend I do at home.  And again... it's a time thing.  Plus working out in the middle of work day is just a great way to blow off steam from some of the people I work with.  Keep's me sane.

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Fair enough. It might be a good idea to switch deadlifts to the weekend so you can chalk up, scream, and not worry about offending anyone when you don't control your eccentric. You could follow them up with farmer's walks to finish out your grip, back, and core once you get your implements put together.

My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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Fair enough. It might be a good idea to switch deadlifts to the weekend so you can chalk up, scream, and not worry about offending anyone when you don't control your eccentric. You could follow them up with farmer's walks to finish out your grip, back, and core once you get your implements put together.


Problem with that is Squats I feel like I need the cage to do safely.  And the cage is at home.  So my option there is to do Squats and Deads back to back.  Which I'm not opposed to, but yeah.  I hear ya.  I'm going to chat with the Facilities team (i.e. the people that manage our gym here) and see how they feel about chalk.  Even if they say no, I'll probably still give it a go and try and keep things clean.

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Problem with that is Squats I feel like I need the cage to do safely. And the cage is at home. So my option there is to do Squats and Deads back to back. Which I'm not opposed to, but yeah. I hear ya. I'm going to chat with the Facilities team (i.e. the people that manage our gym here) and see how they feel about chalk. Even if they say no, I'll probably still give it a go and try and keep things clean.

Its not as messy as they might think, you don't have to clap the equivalent 8f two chalk board erasers together and make a masive plume every time you lift, although it is comical.

so far ive voodoo wrapped (old bike tyre) and flexion gapped my knees a few times, paid off on unweighted squat test retests after days of driving.

Sent with/by my phone thing

"Strength is the cup. The bigger the cup, the more you can put in" - JDanger

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