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Rooks - Tracking the Daily Grind...

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Overall Workout Time:  25 Minutes



  • DeFranco's Simple Six


  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 10 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 155lbs
  • 3 @ 195lbs
  • 3 @ 210lbs
  • 3 @ 220lbs

Notes:  First workout in 6 days.  Felt alright.  Was really hope for a set of 5 on the last set, but weight didn't even budge on rep 4.  Hopefully work is going to calm down a bit this next week so I should be able to get back to regular workouts. 


Overall Notes:  Kept it short again.  More work issues.

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Morning weigh-in:  200.0lbs


Well that was a surprise.  Haven't been under 2500 calories in approximately a month now and haven't budged in my weight.  Back down to the ~2000 range for the next couple weeks to see if I can make that final push down to 185 where I'd like to be.  Haven't been at that weight since I was 20 years old.  And I know I wasn't as strong then as I am now. 

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Overall Workout Time:  35 Minutes



  • Leg Swings, Hip Openers, and MFR on a La Crosse Ball


  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 185lbs
  • 1 @ 225lbs
  • 3 @ 235lbs
  • 3 @ 250lbs
  • 5 @ 265lbs

Notes:  Everything felt good here.  Wanted to push for 7 on the last set, but was doing this at work without a cage so kept it in the rep range where I knew I was coming up.



Overall Workout Time:  45 Minutes



  • DeFranco's Simple 6


Overhead Press

  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 65lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 115lbs
  • 3 @ 130lbs
  • 2 @ 145lbs

Notes:  Was very pleased with the +1 on the last set.  Haven't ever gotten 2 reps at 145lbs. 


Weighted Dips

  • 10 @ BW
  • 8 @ +35lbs
  • 8 @ +35lbs
  • 8 @ +35lbs

Notes:  Was going to just do body weight ones, but then decided I wanted weight. 



  • 1:00 @ 3.0 MPH
  • 0:40 on / 0:20 off @ 6.0 MPH
  • 0:40 on / 0:20 off @ 7.0 MPH
  • 0:40 on / 0:20 off @ 8.0 MPH
  • 0:40 on / 0:20 off @ 9.0 MPH
  • 0:40 on / 0:20 off @ 10.0 MPH
  • 0:30 on / 0:30 off @ 11.0 MPH
  • 0:30 on / 0:30 off @ 11.0 MPH
  • 1:00 @ 3.0 MPH

Notes:  For some reason, I thought the treadmill capped out at 10.2, but was pretty pumped to see it goes higher.  That said, 11.0 MPH was hard. 


Overall Notes:  Felt good to do some stuff other then just the working sets today.  Work is calming down a bit so that's nice.

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Overall Workout Time:  35 Minutes



  • Leg Swings, Hip Openers, and MFR on a La Crosse Ball


  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 185lbs
  • 3 @ 225lbs
  • 1 @ 275lbs
  • 5 @ 305lbs
  • 3 @ 345lbs
  • 1 @ 385lbs

Notes:  After pulling 405 last week, I was really hoping for more then 1 on the last set, but such is life.  Kept it short and sweet today as work is nice and busy.

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Morning weigh-in: 198.4lbs


Notes:  Down another ~2 lbs.  



Overall Workout Time:  25 Minutes



  • DeFranco's Simple Six


  • 10 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 155lbs
  • 5 @ 185lbs
  • 3 @ 210lbs
  • 1 @ 235lbs

Notes:  235 felt good.  I know I didn't have 2 in me, but 250 isn't out of the realm of possibilities.  Hoping things go well on Friday when I do my lifts for the Brawl.

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Overall Workout Time:  60 Minutes



  • Leg Swings, Hip Openers, and MFR on a La Crosse Ball


  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 185lbs
  • 5 @ 220lbs
  • 3 @ 250lbs
  • 2 @ 280lbs

Notes:  Probably should have gone for more on the last set, but again, I was at work, and didn't have the benefits of a cage. 


Front Squat

  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 185lbs
  • 3 @ 185lbs

Triple Klokov Press to OH Squat

  • 1 @ 45lbs
  • 1 @ 65lbs
  • 1 @ 85lbs

Notes:  Just playing around with the OH Squat.  None of this felt hard.  I was actually surprised how stable I felt with 85.  Might be time to attempt at new PR on the OH Squat.



  • 12 @ 50lbs
  • 12 @ 50lbs
  • 12 @ 50lbs

Notes:  My butt is on fire right now.  Damn, haven't done these in awhile, and increased the weight.  Good stuff...



  • 8 @ 135lbs
  • 8 @ 135lbs
  • 8 @ 135lbs

Notes:  After the Lunges, this was enough to get a burn out of 135, and my forearms got a nice little grip test as well.  If I go heavier with these, might have to chalk up.



  • 25 Crunches - 5 Leg Raises
  • 25 Crunches - 5 Leg Raises
  • 25 Crunches - 5 Leg Raises

Notes:  Threw in some ab work.  Just cause...


Overall Notes:  Haven't done a full workout in a long while, and had some time to kill today, so really went to town.  Felt great.  Legs have the good jello-y feeling.  Also, my company got a Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT credentials) to come in today and was giving 10 minute counseling sessions.  Figured it couldn't hurt, so I went in and asked him about if he did any PL coaching, or if he knew anyone that did PL coaching and explained a brief synopsis of where I came from and where I want to go.  He's going to get back to with some ideas on potential coaching so I'll at least see what sort of ballpark we are talking for getting a coach. 

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I really liked working with a coach, but it just ended up being too expensive to keep it going. I was at a point where I wanted to learn about how to do block periodization and also wanted to work on losing weight. I was WAY more compliant with my macros when I had the coach. My working weights were moving up and waist was moving down even though I was pretty steady in terms of weight. Since then, I just keep getting fatter...

The iron never lies.


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I really liked working with a coach, but it just ended up being too expensive to keep it going. I was at a point where I wanted to learn about how to do block periodization and also wanted to work on losing weight. I was WAY more compliant with my macros when I had the coach. My working weights were moving up and waist was moving down even though I was pretty steady in terms of weight. Since then, I just keep getting fatter...


And that's sort of what I'm afraid of since I'm working with a very small budget.  I have a feeling the best I could hope for would be like a once per month get together. 

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Every coach is different and every client's needs are different but I've had good success with a couple different coaches with periodic check in and minimal interaction between. I had one who I saw monthly who did some limited programming and charged me $100/month. These days I have a coach I visit when I want and he charges $60/ hour (it's usually $60 / 2 hour session really) but I only see him a couple times a year. As long as you're willing to do the work (and from what I've seen so far, you are) it can work.

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You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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Overall Workout Time:  90 Minutes


  • 300
  • 315
  • 325 (F)

Notes:  Wasn't terrible here.  Pretty much what I expected.  Didn't get video of the 325 attempt, but I didn't even really attempt it.  Unracked it, but it felt heavy and I psyched myself out after that.  Just re-racked and called it good for Squats.



  • 225
  • 240 (F)
  • 235 (F)

Notes:  Pissed about this... like really pissed.  I just did 235 on Monday.  MONDAY!  5 Days ago!  WTF...



  • 385
  • 405 (F)

Notes:  Again... just did 405 like 2 weeks ago... just not my day....


Overall Notes:  Shitty day.  I mean I guess I should be happy that none of my totals have gone down from the SSSS, yet I'm down 4kg.  But I just feel like I could do more.  Maybe I'm just terrible at these max out days.  Who knows... having a bit of an emo-meltdown right now.  Removed the sound from the video as there was a few expletives coming out of my mouth due to the failures.... especially after the last deadlift.  The little fist pump thing was my screaming a four letter word that starts with F.... time to consume some beer and take a few days off.

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Rooks, holy crap man.  You look so different from the first footage I saw of you.  Sucks you missed on your lifts and all, but you look great.  And you're still getting stronger.  Just think what your numbers will be like next time.

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Rooks, holy crap man.  You look so different from the first footage I saw of you.  Sucks you missed on your lifts and all, but you look great.  And you're still getting stronger.  Just think what your numbers will be like next time.


Thanks man.  I know there is a lot less flab specially on my upper torso, but I still got a solid spare tire going.  Doesn't help that I'm holding steady to my beer and bourbon.  Nothing ends the day quite like a solid drink IMO. 


But yeah, I'll keep the cut going, and I'm probably going to try a Smolov Jr. of bench here soon.  Hopefully get to 250 some day before year's end.

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Am I right that you're doing a hybrid squat (between oly and power) in five fingers?

What's your experience been like as you've played with stance?


I guess I'm not sure what a hybrid squat is, but I've always thought I was doing High Bar or an Oly Squat.  I could never really get comfortable with Low Bar and then I got roped into JDanger's mindset and the rest is history.  And yes, I do everything in Vibrams.  Would love to get a set of shoes, but just not in the budget right now. 


That said, I have widened my stance by probably 6 inches in the last couple months.  I used to be basically directly under my shoulders maybe slightly wider and now I go out a few inches further on each side.  I definitely don't get as deep, but I feel more stable which I suppose makes sense.  And I figure since I'm focusing on a PL approach at the moment, long as I'm getting parallel, and my mobility isn't getting lost (i.e. I could still squat with a narrower stance), I'm doing something right. 


That said, a lot of the adjustments I did came from a Form Check video here as well as reading the Squat portion of Supple Leopard.  I think it's helped keep me much more upright and solid throughout the Squat.


Seeing something I should change?  Or just curious?

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Seeing something I should change?  Or just curious?

Mostly being nosey. You use an Oly bar position but your stance is wider than an Only position because you are wearing flat shoes (ankle mobility) but not a power stance. If you watch yourself coming out of the hole you will see that you are getting bent over and have to lever you back out (like a powerlifter). Since you carry the bar so high, this is harder than it would be in a power position. If you wore a heeled shoe you could commit to an Oly squat, if you went lower and wider you could commit to a power squat. You're right in the middle.


To be fair, most guys who don't specially train one style or another get stuck in exactly the same position your in and I've done it too. Heck, I still have to lever myself out of a tough hole now and again.  It's just stuff to think about and maybe play with.


You also set up your chest for a power bench but your elbows flair and it doesn't look like you're keeping the tension in your hips and legs. I could be misreading that though.


As long as I'm being a jerk, watch your deadlift video and watch your shoulders relative to your hips. Also, I wonder if your red lights were nerves more than ability. Watching your feet I can see you're not comfortable setting up for your second attempt.


Ok, that was way more nit picking than I planned on doing so let me end with, good work. You do the work, you make progress, that's way more important than anything I or any other armchair QB can say to you. Keep it up.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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Mostly being nosey. You use an Oly bar position but your stance is wider than an Only position because you are wearing flat shoes (ankle mobility) but not a power stance. If you watch yourself coming out of the hole you will see that you are getting bent over and have to lever you back out (like a powerlifter). Since you carry the bar so high, this is harder than it would be in a power position. If you wore a heeled shoe you could commit to an Oly squat, if you went lower and wider you could commit to a power squat. You're right in the middle.


To be fair, most guys who don't specially train one style or another get stuck in exactly the same position your in and I've done it too. Heck, I still have to lever myself out of a tough hole now and again.  It's just stuff to think about and maybe play with.


You also set up your chest for a power bench but your elbows flair and it doesn't look like you're keeping the tension in your hips and legs. I could be misreading that though.


As long as I'm being a jerk, watch your deadlift video and watch your shoulders relative to your hips. Also, I wonder if your red lights were nerves more than ability. Watching your feet I can see you're not comfortable setting up for your second attempt.


Ok, that was way more nit picking than I planned on doing so let me end with, good work. You do the work, you make progress, that's way more important than anything I or any other armchair QB can say to you. Keep it up.


Hey.  I totally appreciate any and all feedback.  And I hear what you are saying.  I'll do some more experiments with my foot width as well as getting back on the ankle mobility thing (been slacking).  I honestly would prefer to stick to the Oly style, as I would eventually like to get into Oly lifts and I think the transfer would be better.  Maybe I'm wrong though....


Bench, I totally agree.  I've been tweaking this for a good 3 months now.  It's improving, but it still need work.  I honestly think I might be holding the bar too close to my upper chest and need to hold it over my lower chest.  I did that today, and things felt a lot better, but no video so don't know for sure. 


And great call on the deadlifts.  The first 1RM attempt I screwed up.  I didn't really set myself at all or pull the slack out of the bar before going.  That's the reason you see the shoulders fire up, followed by the hips rising without the weight rising.  Bad form.  I know better, but it's good to get called on it.  And as for the failed attempt, you are probably right.  I was already frustrated about my bench so it could have thrown everything off in my deadlift.  Also, I don't like not having music and when I'm video'ing my lifts, I don't have music (radio just pisses me off since most of our stations suck IMO, least for what I would like to have on during a lifting session).  I'll have to work out something to have good music on during my lifting.  It's probably all mental, but it's good to know about it.  Hopefully next time will be better.



Total time:  1 Hour 15 Minutes



  • DeFranco's Simple Six
  • Leg Swings & Hip Openers

Bench (Smolov Jr., Week 1, Day 1)

  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 155lbs
  • 6 @ 160lbs
  • 6 @ 160lbs
  • 6 @ 160lbs
  • 6 @ 160lbs
  • 6 @ 160lbs
  • 6 @ 160lbs

Notes:  Going to run Smolov Jr. to see if I get my bench to jump a few pounds.  Everything was paused.  Bigger pauses them I'm normally comfortable with, but forced myself to be calm since the weight was lighter.  Hoping practice will ingrain a longer pause into my head.



  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 185lbs
  • 5 @ 225lbs
  • 5 @ 225lbs
  • 5 @ 225lbs

Notes:  Wanted to go with speed work, and this was too much weight.  Should have stuck with 185.  Either way, do this with a much narrower stance than I've been using lately and it felt good. 


Zombies, Run!

Notes:  I want to get back into this game.  Sure, running isn't something that will help my totals, but I don't care.  I like running, especially to the tune of this game.  Slower than I was expecting, but not by much.  I did feel light on my feet (surprise surprise after losing 20 pounds since the last time I ran for distance) so that was nice.  Just need to get the endurance up a bit. 

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Total time:  45 Minutes



  • DeFranco's Simple Six
  • Leg Swings & Hip Openers

Bench (Smolov Jr., Week 1, Day 2)

  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 172.5lbs
  • 5 @ 172.5lbs
  • 5 @ 172.5lbs
  • 5 @ 172.5lbs
  • 5 @ 172.5lbs
  • 5 @ 172.5lbs
  • 5 @ 172.5lbs

Notes:  Forgot my partial plates, so I just tacked on 2 extra bar clamps on each side.  Figured that would be close enough for my purposes.  Again, all paused.  No real issues. 



  • 3 @ 135lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 3 @ 185lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 3 @ 225lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 1 @ 275lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 1 @ 315lbs (Switch, Left Over, Belted)
  • 3 @ 345lbs (Switch, Left Over, Belted)
  • 1 @ 345lbs (Switch, Left Over, Belted)

Notes:  Was originally going to go for 3 sets of 3 at 85% (or 345).  Think this might be a bit excessive for my heavy days as I think I'm under-estimating how much the Bench sets are taking out of me.  Probably go with 80% from now on.

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Total time:  60 Minutes

  • DeFranco's Simple Six
  • Leg Swings & Hip Openers & MFR w/ Lacrosse Ball

Bench (Smolov Jr., Week 1, Day 3)

  • 4 @ 45lbs
  • 4 @ 135lbs
  • 4 @ 135lbs
  • 4 @ 185lbs (8 sets of 4)

Notes:  Surprised how easy the working sets were.  All paused.  Last rep was starting to feel a bit heavy, but no where near failure. 
Snatch Grip Deadlift

  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 185lbs
  • 3 @ 185lbs
  • 3 @ 185lbs

Notes: Wanted to do something on the lighter side with deads so figured I'd try these again. Went surprisingly well. Feel these a lot more in my back which I'm not sure if that's normal or not, but they definitely tax the grip more as well.

  • 1:00 @ 2.5MPH
  • 1:00 @ 5.0MPH
  • 0:30 on / 0:30 off @ 6.0MPH
  • 0:30 on / 0:30 off @ 7.0MPH
  • 0:30 on / 0:30 off @ 8.0MPH
  • 0:30 on / 0:30 off @ 9.0MPH
  • 0:30 on / 0:30 off @ 10.0MPH
  • 2:00 @ 2.5MPH

Notes:  Was going to do a lot more then this, but to be frank, I was feeling lazy.  So I called it good.

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Total time:  60 Minutes

  • DeFranco's Simple Six

Bench (Smolov Jr., Week 1, Day 4)

  • 3 @ 45lbs
  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 155lbs
  • 3 @ 195lbs (10 sets of 3)

Notes:  Hate this day.  10 working sets takes so long to get through.  Rushed these a bit, but got through them without issue.



  • Leg Swings & Hip Openers & MFR w/ Rumble Roller


  • 3 @ 45lbs
  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 185lbs
  • 13 @ 200lbs / 0:30 second break / 7 @ 200lbs

Notes:  Was trying to do a widowmaker at my body weight.  Just didn't have enough in the tank.  Again, did these with an Oly stance (i.e. pretty narrow) and without my belt. 

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Total time:  60 Minutes

  • DeFranco's Simple Six

Bench (Smolov Jr., Week 2, Day 1)

  • 6 @ 45lbs
  • 6 @ 95lbs
  • 6 @ 135lbs
  • 6 @ 175lbs (4 sets of 6)
  • 6 @ 165lbs (2 sets of 6)

Notes:  So things felt really heavy from the get go today and I couldn't put my finger on it... until I actually counted what I put on the barbell for weights.  Yep... 10lbs more then the program.  Woops... good to know I got through 4 sets without issue at 10lbs over my recommendation.



  • Leg Swings & Hip Openers & MFR w/ Lacrosse Ball

Paused Squat

  • 3 @ 135lbs
  • 3 @ 185lbs
  • 3 @ 185lbs
  • 3 @ 185lbs

Notes:  Haven't done pauses in awhile so figured what the hell.  I'm just sort of playing around with my lower body workouts while going through Smolov Jr.  Probably not the most beneficial for my progress, but I'm having fun. 


Triple Klokov Press to OH Squat

  • 1 @ 95lbs
  • 1 @ 95lbs
  • 1 @ 95lbs

Notes:  OH Squat was a bit wobbly on the way down, but no issues coming up what so ever.  I really enjoy OH Squats.  I just wish they were easy to program / I had some bumper plates and a high enough ceiling where I could do them more frequently. 


Oh... and for those keeping tabs, I did weigh-in yesterday.  200.4lbs.  So back up over the 200lb mark, but not surprising.  Diet has been nothing short of "Whatever the hell tastes delicious".  Back on track this week finally, so that's good.

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Total time:  55 Minutes

  • DeFranco's Simple Six

Bench (Smolov Jr., Week 2, Day 2)

  • 5 @ 45lbs
  • 5 @ 95lbs
  • 5 @ 135lbs
  • 5 @ 177.5lbs (7 sets of 5)

Notes:  Last set felt mildly heavy, but definitely no fear of missing a rep.  Odd how the last time I ran Smolov Jr. I remember fearing that I was going to miss reps even by the end of Week 1.  So happy to know that I'm either mentally tougher now, or I started with too low of a 1RM. 



  • Leg Swings & Hip Openers & MFR w/ Lacrosse Ball


  • 3 @ 135lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 3 @ 185lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 3 @ 225lbs (DOH Grip)
  • 3 @ 275lbs (Switch Grip, Right Over)
  • 1 @ 315lbs (Switch Grip, Left Over)
  • 1 @ 335lbs (Switch Grip, Left Over)
  • 1 @ 355lbs (Switch Grip, Left Over)

Notes:  Thought about trying 375, but had to get to daycare to pick up the kid so called it good. 

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