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The Monster that I failed on was probably 2.5".

My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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Yea, I would probably say that the one that I zeroed on was 2.5.


Though, I don't think the handle was the issue for me, it was more so dealing with the size and shape of the implement.


Plus of course the fact that I'm a weak fuck.  Lol but that's beyond the point.

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It's actually Schedule 40 1.5" Pipe which has an OD of 1.9" (pipe measurements go off the ID). Plate stoppers are Schedule 80 2" Pipe (OD of 2.375"). Plates have been test fit, my only concern is collars, but I can make my own up if I have to with the same 2" Pipe, a hand screw, and tap set.

Funny. I got back through my log and apparently I already had this concern about the collars with that DB set. I just forgot about it. :tongue:

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Total Time:  45 Minutes


Paused Bench

  • 3 @ 195lbs
  • 3 @ 210lbs
  • 4 @ 220lbs
  • 6 @ 185lbs
  • 6 @ 185lbs
  • 4 @ 185lbs

Notes:  Got +1 on the final working set.  Felt real good today.  Final 3 sets were E2MOM.  Probably a bit too fast, but was running out of time and wanted to get plenty of volume in.


Double Pause Bench

  • 2 @ 185lbs (for 3 sets)

Dips (w/ Slingshot)

  • 20
  • 13

Notes:  Saw that the Slingshot said it could be used with Dips so figured I'd give it a go.  Really really liked it.  It kept my elbows in which helped prevent any pain in the last reps and I was able to get a really good pump going from these.  Probably won't do dips without the slingshot again if I can help it.  Sure the numbers are skewed, but it's just accessory work.  Who cares.  :)

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Total Time:  60 Minutes



  • 3 @ 275lbs
  • 3 @ 295lbs
  • 3 @ 315lbs

Notes:  Technically last set was supposed to be 310, but I was feeling lazy with my loading this morning.  Plus 3 plates for sets is just BA.  That may be a rep PR for that weight.  Not really sure.  Either way... felt heavy, but I partially attribute that to having to lift at 6:30am (I am not a morning lifter) and having a full workout about 16 hours ago.  Either way... I still got my reps in.



  • 5 @ 225lbs
  • 3 @ 225lbs (last one 3 second pause)
  • 2 @ 225lbs (both with 3 second pause)

Notes:  No idea what I was doing here.  I was tired and just wanted to eat about 12 Sausage Egg McMuffins by this point in time so set rep schemes were thrown out.  I just starting moving weight with no real purpose. 


Leg Extension

  • 10 @ Arbitrary Weight Number 150 (for 3 sets)

Notes:  Forced myself to do these.  I'm not downing coffee like it's water.  I'll be alright in like 20 minutes.

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Total Time:  90 Minutes


Incline Pause Press

  • 5 @ 165lbs
  • 3 @ 185lbs
  • 2 @ 210lbs

Notes:  The +1 rep on the 3rd set was iffy.  Feet came way in and wanted to all but squat me off the bench.  Still counting it.  :)


Paused Bench (w/ Slingshot)

  • 3 @ 245lbs
  • 2 @ 265lbs
  • 1 @ 285lbs

Notes:  This was fun.  Never really attempted a max with the Slingshot before so decided to give it a shot today.  It was a total ego-exploder to put 285 on for a bench attempt and actually have the thing go up. 



  • 5 @ 315lbs
  • 3 @ 350lbs
  • 1 @ 395lbs

Notes:  Again, 395 felt way heavier then it should have IMO.  Deadlift suffered a bit more then I expected from that break, but it'll come back.


Kroc Rows

  • 20 @ 80lb DBs (for 3 sets)

Notes:  Just more back work.  My back sucks so bad.


Ab Rollouts

  • 10

Notes:  Going to feel like I got hit by a truck tomorrow...


Overall Notes:  Had originally intended on doing Incline on Saturday and Deads today, but just ran out of time so combined them today (cut out some accessory work, but whatever).  Wife was super awesome and allowed the extended workout time.  She's the best.  Overall, it was a great workout. 

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How are you feeling about the inclines? Seeing carry over?


Not really sure to be honest.  Only been running with it for one cycle so hard to tell anything.  I know it doesn't tax my back in the same way so I sort of miss that since my back is super weak.  I should really be doing pull-ups and some other main back exercise on Incline day to start just to put more emphasis on getting that work in. 

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Total Time:  60 Minutes


Paused Bench

  • 5 @ 185lbs
  • 3 @ 210lbs
  • 2 @ 235lbs
  • 8 @ 185lbs
  • 8 @ 185lbs
  • 7 @ 185lbs

Notes:  Got +1 on the final working set.  2nd rep was 100% better then the first too.  I almost didn't even attempt it, but decided to just go for it since I was at home in the cage with safeties.  Everything felt better about that 2nd rep.  Wanted 3 sets of 8 on the 185 stuff, but form started getting a bit grindy near the end of the last set so just called it.  


Spoto Press

  • 3 @ 210lbs (for 3 sets)

Pendlay Row

  • 5 @ 135lbs (for 5 sets)

Notes:  Haven't attempted these since my 5x5 days.  Went back to them today and glad I did.  I think I understand the concepts of maintaining tightness through movements and knowing when I'm cheating a whole lot better now so it made these seems actually useful.  


Ab Rollouts

  • 8
  • 5
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Haha loved it. And that Peterson jersey is why I thought you were a Vikings fan


Yeah.  That's my wifes.  She's an avid Viking fan.  Football season can bring a lot of smack talk to our household. 


Also, funny you bring it up.  We've sort of been a little torn about what to do with that jersey.  It is a nice autographed jersey and all and he is still a Viking... but you know... that whole child beating thing makes both of us not really want to support him. 

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So started tracking food again on Wednesday.  Did good through Friday, but did horrible for Saturday and Sunday.  Had a wedding on Saturday and a party for a cousin on Sunday.  I graze very well on buffet type events which both were. 


So yeah... back to tracking. 


Also, realized my scale might be seriously fubared.  I weighed in at 220.0, 219.0, and 219.6 this morning, all with my feet in the same position on the scale only allowing for the scale to reset and try again.  Yeah... might be time to invest in something worthwhile since we got this one for free in a Credit Card bonus give-away if I remember right.


Anyway... last week was my "deload" week.  Seems to be I've been getting super lazy with those lately turning them into off weeks.  Probably need to stop that and do something.  Saturday I did bring the weights outside and messed around with Oly lifts.  I can hit 115 pretty easily in the Snatch.  Did fail on it once in 4 attempts.  But overall, I'm still trying to Power Snatch everything.  I don't want to drop into the hole with the weight.  It still feels un-natural which I suppose it expected given how little I practice this.  Clean & Jerk was terrible.  My front rack is royally screwed.  My upper body has gotten way tighter with all the heavy benching and inclines I've been doing I think because I could not get into a solid position to Jerk from.  It just wouldn't work.  I managed to brute force 135 up twice out of 3 attempts and did hit a PR OH Squat on the finally one (just did it after the Jerk).  That said, I have to figure out a way to add this into the rotation as I would like to get better at them and practice feels like the main way to do it. 


Took video of all of it, and working on editing it up for your viewing pleasure.  New 5/3/1 round begins today.  :) 

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Exercise Sets Reps % Weight

  • Incline 1 5 75 170
  • Incline 1 5 80 180
  • Incline 1 5 (3) 85 190
  • Overload Bench 3 3 100 250
  • Spoto Press 3 3 85 215
  • CGBP 3 3 85 215
  • Running (1.0 mile in 10 minutes...)

Hopefully that makes sense... not going to make the big formatted posts anymore.  It's all for me anyway.  Ask if you questions.

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Exercise Sets Reps % Weight

  • Deadlift 1 5 75 315
  • Deadlift 1 5 80 335
  • Deadlift 1 5 (2) 85 355


From yesterday.  Ran short on time due to a doctor's appointment for the kiddo and another crappy workout.  I think the cut is starting affect my energy levels already, but maybe it's all in my head.  Barely pulling a double at 355 has me a bit concerned considering I want to pull a 450 in August.

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Exercise Sets Reps % Weight

  • Bench 1 5 75 190
  • Bench 1 5 80 200
  • Bench 1 5 (7) 85 215
  • Bench 5 5 75 190
  • Dips

Finally a good workout.  Annihilated 215.  Then just decided to pump out 5 sets of 5 at 190.  Felt great.  Dips I did a set of 8 or something, then put on the Slingshot and punched out like 10 more in a pseudo super set.

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Exercise Sets Reps % Weight

  • LBBS 1 5 75 265
  • LBBS 1 5 80 285
  • LBBS 1 5 85 300
  • HBBS 10 3 72 255 (E2MOM)

Set of 300 felt heavy, but got through it. 


Oddly enough, the sets of 255 felt pretty damn light after that, started getting a bit rough near set 8 or so, but expected doing that short of rests.  Beginning to wonder if I actually am stronger with Low Bar.  Overall, I'm pleased with this.  Now hopefully the scale will agree with me on Monday. 

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First week of tracking in the books.  Trying to stick to a sub-2k calorie count with a split of 25% Carbs, 35% Fat, and 40% Protein.  Weighed 217.2 this morning which is down 2.4lbs in a week, which is good.  Stayed pretty solid all week.  Still probably should have chosen a can of tuna over a beer a few times, but it's the first week.   


Yesterday was far and away the hardest day, because I was probably the least busy.  Idle hands think about food a lot, at least when it's my idle hands.  Either way, I stayed strong which is an improvement over many things I've done previously.  Hopefully, I can make this cut work.  One week down.  Probably keep the cut up for another 2 or 3 weeks and see where I'm at.  If I can make it 210, I'll do a week or two re-feed, then do 2 more week of cut to hopefully get down to 205.5 range.  Also, need to start doing some research on water manipulation if anyone has any resources, feel free to share a link with me. 


Thought about doing another challenge, but considering I screwed the last one up hard, I'll just stick the Battle Log.  One thread is enough to update. 

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Pretty sure he talks about a water manipulation routine in this video at some point.  I'm gonna be a dick and not tell you where in the video, I apologize, but I'm feeling super lazy.



And this is what I was following prior to the strongman comp, but ended up quitting midway through.



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EliteFTS has a couple articles on making weight. You're only going to have a 2 hour weigh-in so be careful with how deep you go.

My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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EliteFTS has a couple articles on making weight. You're only going to have a 2 hour weigh-in so be careful with how deep you go.


What do you mean?  Think I'm getting in over my head? 


My plan is to get down to 205 and just maintain there and not need the water manipulation stuff, but yeah.  I was more just curious about it more then anything. 

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OH! This is coming from someone who has never actually done it, but I would say that if you were 210/212, water manipulated down to 205 to make weight that 2 hours would be more than enough time to get hydrated and bloated again.

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