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Getting ready to put the turkey in and watch some football. Kiddo is fascinated by the Macy's parade.


Bar Muscle-Up - 3+,3+ reps
Tuck Flag Inverted Hold (2 sec) - 3-/3- reps
- Between it being effin cold and being a deload week, work was limited.
- I wore my lifting gloves (which I haven't worn in a very, very long time), which at least made the bar bearable, though fingertips quickly near froze on the bar.
- Flag work was even worse, bar was just as cold (low 20's), but the bigger bar meant more contact.
- Still got some quality muscle-up reps, much better than last week, in better conditions I probably could have gotten at least 4 reps out of one of the sets.
- Lifetime total of 175 good bar muscle-up reps.

Run 2.6 miles in 23:45.15

- Decent time, but not great.  First time running this year in full cold weather gear.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Been a few days since I've updated.  Epic amount of non-exercise exercise these last couple days.  A long day of shopping yesterday, Long day of yardwork today.


I started cutting yesterday.  Pegging my daily goal at -500 cal, which is a light-moderate cut, however that is the ceiling, most days I will be well under that.  Looking to try to average upwards of a 1000 cal daily deficit.  Plan is to cut for a little over 2 weeks.  I want to lose 3/4" from the waist.


Took progress photos last night:



Fat gain from the bulk really doesn't show that much.  I can actually see the outside edge/outline of ab #8.  Didn't do as good of a job flexing the chest as I have been.  Chest striations have lightened a lot though.  I think my shoulders look more full.




Leg Day B


Lunge Matrix x5

Kick Circuit x5

BW RDL - 10 reps

BW Squat - 10 reps

One Leg Standing L - 15/15 sec


Pistol Squat (BW) - 5e++/5e++ reps

Pistol Squat (+30) - 3e++/3e++ reps

Pistol Squat (+50) - 4x++/4x++, 4y++/4x++, 4y+/4x++ reps


Assisted Natural Hamstring Curl - 5e reps

Natural Hamstring Curl - 5y++ reps


- Changed over to an easy intensity workout instead of the usual volume workout for this week.



Upper Body Static

Standard Warmup/prehap/mobility

One Arm Wall Handstand (15 sec) - 4/4, 5/5 reps

Slow strength circuits (circuit number in parenthesis):

(1) Planche Lean - 15 sec
(2,3,4,5) Tuck Planche (Floor) - 15, 15, 15, 15 sec
- Wasn't balancing very well. 

- Twisted my hands a little further back than usual, made a big difference in ability to apply pressing strength (if that makes sense).

(1) Tuck Front Lever - 15 sec
(2) Advanced Tuck Front Lever - 15 sec
(3, 4, 5) One Leg Front Lever - 6/6, 10/0, 0/10 sec
- Starting to do some one leg holds for time with no switching.

(1) Advanced Tuck Back Lever - 15 sec
(2) Half Layout Back Lever - 15 sec
(3,4,5) Back Lever - 8, 10, 10 sec

(1) Floor L-Sit - 15 sec
(2,3,4,5) Middle Split Hold - 10, 12, 12, 12 sec
- Very good night.  Was able to add time.  Strong.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Been a while since I checked in. Shopping, shopping, shopping.

Cut is going good, into day 5 now. Have already lost 1/4" on the waist, weight is in utter freefall. Original goal was to get my waist back to exactly where I started, which would have required 3/4" total loss, now I'm going to push for a little more, and try to get 7/8" total loss, to go a bit further. I don't thing reaching it will be an issue. I expected quite a bit more lag than I've seen.

My metabolism was somewhere in the 2500-2600 net cal area when I started cutting (higher rather than lower). If I assume it was 2500 net cal/day, my daily deficits thus far have been:

Fri - 550 cal
Sat - 1251 cal
Sun - 503 cal
Mon - 1149 cal
for a total deficit of 3453, or about 1 lb fat loss, which is right in line with the 1/4" drop I've seen in the waist. 5/8" more should require 2.5 lbs more fat loss, or 8750 total calories of deficit remaining. At my current daily average I'll hit it in 10-11 days, next week Thur-Fri. I can cut into the week after if things are going great and I feel great, but most likely I'll raise my cals next Sunday. I could actually achieve 1" total loss in the waist in what amounts to 16 days of cutting. Rock n' Roll.

Run 5 miles in 51:30-ish.
- Didn't really run too hard at all, was pretty zoned out all run. Decent time.


1 hour Yoga, Rodney Yee total body power yoga




Planche Lean - 15 sec

Tuck Planche Rotations - 6, 6 reps

Tuck Planche Pushups - 6, 6, 6 reps


Tuck Front Lever - 15 sec

Advanced Tuck Front Lever - 9 reps

One Leg Front Lever - 4, 2 reps

Advanced Tuck Front Lever - 6 reps



Leg Day A - Intensity


Lunge Matrix x5

Kick Circuit x5

BW RDL - 10 reps

BW Squat - 10 reps

One Leg Standing L - 15/15 sec


Pistol Squat (BW) - 5e++/5e++ reps

Pistol Squat (+30) - 3e++/3e++ reps

Pistol Squat (+50) - 5y++/5x++, 4y++/4x++, 4y++/4x++ reps


Deep Step Up (+70) - 7x++/7x++ reps

Deep Step Up (+50) - 13x++/13x++ reps


- Not too shabby overall given the degree of calorie deficit I'm running.  No progress, but no step back either.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Been traveling the last few days, haven't gotten a chance to update.

Fat loss seems to be going good. Feel like I'm looking leaner.

Upper Body Dynamic - Intensity

Standard Warmup/Mobility/Prehab

Handstand Pushup - 3z++, 2y++, 2y++, 1y++ reps
- Didn't add a rep to total volume, though I did add a rep to set #3 this week.

False Grip Wide Grip Chest to Bar Pullups - 9x+, 9x+, 9x+ reps
Wide Grip Pullups - 12x+, 10x+ reps

Pseudo Planche Pushup - 7e++ reps
Tuck Planche Pushup - 6x+, 6x+, 6x+ reps

Concentration Curl (35 lb) - 10y++/10x++ reps

- Not bad given the lack of cals kicking in. Started to run out of gas toward the end.



Swim laps for 60 minutes

- Hotel I was in had a nice pool, I took advantage of it.  Not continuous, mostly end to end sprints with recovery time in-between.  My swimming stamina sucks, sure can move some water though.  Kept getting a cramp in the calf of my driving leg (drove 7.5 hr prior to arriving at hotel)



Leg Day B - Intensity


Lunge Matrix x5

Kick Circuit x5

BW RDL - 10 reps

BW Squats - 10 reps

One Leg Standing L - 15/15 sec


Pistol Squat (BW) - 5e++/5e++ reps

Pistol Squat (+30) - 3x++/3e++ reps

Pistol Squat (+50) - 5y++/5x++, 5y++/5x++, 4y++/4x++

- Getting close to 5's across the board. 


Shrimp Squat - 8x+/0 reps

- Been a bit since I've done these.


Assisted Natural Hamstring Curl - 5e reps

Natural Hamstring Curl - 5x+, 6x+ reps

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Cutting results at the one week mark:

Down 1.3 lbs (196.8 -> 195.5) (due to the way I smooth data, I could in fact have lost a good bit more, actual weight ins were 196.6 to 194.2)

Waist has dropped at least 1/4" (haven't measured in a couple days)

Diet Info:

Metabolism - 2500 (est)

Intake (7D avg) - 2620 cals

Exercise (7D avg) - 956 cals

Net Intake (7D avg) - 1664 cals

Est Deficit (7D avg) - 836 cals

Protein (7D avg) - 210.3g

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Boy, I've been lazy about updating this thing as of late. 


Cut is pretty much exactly going to plan.  Sunday's measurements were exactly what I expected.


Really feeling squishy fat for the first time this cut today.

Upper Body Static

Standard Warmup/prehap/mobility

One Arm Wall Handstand (15 sec) - 4/4, 5/5 reps

Slow strength circuits (circuit number in parenthesis):

(1) Planche Lean - 15 sec
(2,3,4,5) Tuck Planche (Floor) - 20, 20, 20, 20 sec
- Strong on the PB's, was able to push myself higher mid-hold.

(1) Tuck Front Lever - 15 sec
(2) Advanced Tuck Front Lever - 15 sec
(3, 4, 5) One Leg Front Lever - 6/6, 10/0, 0/8 sec
- No progress this week.

(1) Advanced Tuck Back Lever - 15 sec
(2) Half Layout Back Lever - 15 sec
(3,4,5) Back Lever - 8, 8, 10 sec

(1) Floor L-Sit - 15 sec
(2,3,4,5) Middle Split Hold - 10, 10, 10, 10 sec
- Was pushing my height limit.  I've definitely made some progress on this as of late.



Run 5.0 miles in 55:07.00

- Definitely seeing the reduced cals, this is the worst I've run in quite some time.




One hour yoga - Rodney Yee Total Body Power Yoga




Planche Lean - 15 sec

Tuck Planche Rotations - 6, 6, reps

Tuck Planche Pushups - 6, 6, 6 reps


Tuck Front Lever - 15 sec

Advanced Tuck Front Lever - 9, 8, 6 reps

One Leg Front Lever - 2/2 reps


- The usual, no real progress here as of late, to be expected.



15 minutes handstand practice

- Been a while since I've practiced handstands, not a great day, only a couple longer holds.


Leg Day A - Intensity


Lunge Matrix x5

Kick Circuit x5

BW RDL - 10 reps

BW Squat - 10 reps

One Leg Standing L - 15/15 sec


Pistol Squat (BW) - 5e++/5e++ reps

Pistol Squat (+30) - 3e++/3e++ reps

Pistol Squat (+50) - 5y++/5x++, 4y++/4x++, 4y++/4x++ reps

- Didn't hit rep #5 on set 2 today.


Deep Step Up (+70) - 7x++/7x++ reps

Deep Step Up (+50) - 13x++/13x++ reps


- Pretty much the same as the last couple weeks.  Just happy not to be backsliding given the deficit.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Been traveling again for work these last couple days.


Upper Body Dynamic
- This was done in the workout room of the hotel I was staying at. Made due with what I could find. No pullup bar. Also was short on time, had to finish up in time to get dinner before the restaurant closed, only had about 35 minutes total.

Wall Handstand - 30 sec
Headstand Pushup - 13, 9 reps
Handstand Pushup - 1 rep

- Handstand pushup was done on 50 lb DB's standing on end.  They were actually quite stable that way, looked a lot less safe than it actually was.  Felt a little weird though and they headstand pushup reps wore me out good, I didn't have more than 1 rep in me.

One Arm DB Row (+70) - 5/5, 10/10, 10/10 reps

- The biggest weight they had were 50 lb DB's, but I could stack a 20 on top crosswise and hold it with my thumb.  The bigger weights didn't have the clearance to pull that off, my hand wouldn't fit.  Unfortunately, +70 was as much weight as I could use, woulda went heavier if the weights were available.  Still, a decent workout.


Floor L-Sit - 30 sec

Middle Split Hold - 10, 12, 11 sec

- Best way I know of to work the lats without a pullup bar or big weights.


Planche Lean - 15 sec

Pseudo Planche Pushup - 15, 12, 10 reps

- PPP's were down with the 50 lb DB's on their end, same as the HSPU's, and my feet on a bench (to get more ROM)


DB Concentration Curl (+45) - 5/5 reps

- Probably should have used the 40's, 5 reps is a bit low for curlz, but whatever.



Run 3.74 miles in 39:02.58

- Haven't walked the last couple days, needed extra cals so I ran further than usual.


Bar Muscle Up - 4+, 3-, 3- reps

- Failed on rep #5 the first set, closest I've come to it, but #5 still eludes me.

- All reps + form except for the last rep in each of the last sets.

- As usual, final rep of the final set was followed with a slow negative.

- Lifetime total of 185 good bar muscle-up reps


Tuck Flag Inverted Hold (2 sec) - 3+/3+, 3+/3+, 3+/3+ reps

- This went sooooo much better than it ever has before.

- Probably the combo of the week off and the small workout yesterday that made for a strong day

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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In the absence of a pull up bar I've found a good little lat exercise is to lie on your back with your elbows by your side and your arms at 90 degrees. Push your elbows into the floor and attempt to lift your body from the floor, keeping body in a straight line and heels on the floor. I tend to flare my elbows out a little as I feel a better contraction but just experiment and see what works for you.


I've only ever managed to get my body about an inch off the floor, but there's a youtube video I'll try to find that shows how it's supposed to be done!!


I've tended to use it as a pre-exhaust when I can't do my usual lat exercises.

Level 2 Lycan Assassin

| Str 19 | Dex 10 | Sta 7.5 | Con 4 | Wis 7 | Cha 3.5 |

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3

Pain is temporary, embrace it




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In the absence of a pull up bar I've found a good little lat exercise is to lie on your back with your elbows by your side and your arms at 90 degrees. Push your elbows into the floor and attempt to lift your body from the floor, keeping body in a straight line and heels on the floor. I tend to flare my elbows out a little as I feel a better contraction but just experiment and see what works for you.


I've only ever managed to get my body about an inch off the floor, but there's a youtube video I'll try to find that shows how it's supposed to be done!!


I've tended to use it as a pre-exhaust when I can't do my usual lat exercises.

Huh, just gave that a try. Seems like a pretty good exercise.

Fairly similar to the middle split hold with regards to ROM; pressing with the elbows behind the back. I can really fry my lats doing middle split holds, the only issue is being a straight arm exercise, it also works the triceps big time. If I'm doing bent arm rep based stuff for pressing, that too works the triceps; you tend to end up with too much tricep work and too little biceps work. But, when in such a limited environment, beggars can't be choosers.

Though I think from here on out I'm just going to ditch the workout room and go purely equipment free when in hotels, doing workout of one arm wall handstands, planche holds, and middle split holds. Covers the whole upper body with high load exercises.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Well 14 days into my cut now.

This morning the waist tape measurements were exactly what they were when I ended my cut in August. So I've reached my initial goal with this cut ahead of schedule. Though I do want to keep going and lose at least another 1/8", if not another 1/4" on the waist before I raise my cals.

In 14 days:

35000 net calories est maintenance (2500/day)

22900 net calories actual intake (1636/day)

12100 calories est deficit (864/day)

3.5 lb theoretical fat loss

196.8 -> 193.6 (3.2 lbs) Actual Weight Loss (smoothed, current calc)

196.8 -> 192.8 (4.0 lbs) Actual Weight Loss (using today's raw weigh-in)

3.0 lbs fat loss using YMCA waist measurement calculations

0.7 lbs lean mass loss using YMCA waist measurement calculations

(I'm not real concerned about muscle loss, that's actually a lot less lean mass than I expected to lose, glycogen (and the water with it) and stuff in the guts is also lean mass)

Using basic Waldo swag, 3/4" loss in the waist = 3 lbs fat loss (1/8" in the waist per half pound fat loss).

However all waist measurements are a day old (calorie data is as of tonight), today's deficit was 998 cals, theoretical fat loss as of this am was 3.2 lbs. Given that waist measurements cannot see less than 0.5 lbs fat loss, I'm exactly where the calculations say I should be.

I'm hoping to finish strong and end up with exactly 1" of loss in the waist this cut (which would correspond to 4 lbs fat and a bit over 2% body fat).


Leg Day B

Lunge Matrix x5

Kick Circuit x5

BW RDL - 10 reps

BW Squat - 10 reps

One Leg Standing L - 15/15 sec

Pistol Squat (BW) - 5e++/5e++ reps

Pistol Squat (+30) - 3e++/3e++ reps

Pistol Squat (+50) - 5y++/5x++, 4y++/4x++, 4y++/4x++ reps

Shrimp Squat - 10y+/0 reps

Assisted Natural Hamstring Curls - 5e reps

Natural Hamstring Curls - 5y+, 5y++, 5y+ reps

- Overall a holding pattern workout. Pretty impressive given the diet situation of the last two weeks.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Well, the end of this cut draws near. If I hit my goal with tomorrow AM's measurements (flexed waist of 28.3", a 1" total loss this cut), which I expect to, I'm raising my cals to maintenance tomorrow.


Upper Body Static

Standard Warmup/prehap/mobility

One Arm Wall Handstand (15 sec) - 4/4, 5/5 reps

Slow strength circuits (circuit number in parenthesis):

(1) Planche Lean - 15 sec

(2,3,4,5) Tuck Planche (Floor) - 20, 15, 18, 10+10 sec

- Used the slightly more rearward hand rotation I figured out 2 weeks ago. Really makes a difference in how well I can apply pressing strength.

- Balance was an issue though, more balance needs to come from the shoulders instead of the hands/forearms.  definitely needs work.  I tend to overbalance and fall forward.

(1) Tuck Front Lever - 15 sec

(2) Advanced Tuck Front Lever - 15 sec

(3, 4, 5) One Leg Front Lever - 6/6, 0/8, 7/0 sec

- Took a step back on the one side at a time holds.

(1) Advanced Tuck Back Lever - 15 sec

(2) Half Layout Back Lever - 15 sec

(3,4,5) Back Lever - 10, 10, 10 sec

- Really good night of back lever work.  Starting to see some good improvement as of late.  Strong holds, very good form.

(1) Floor L-Sit - 15 sec

(2,3,4,5) Middle Split Hold - 10, 12, 12, 10 sec

- In the last month or so I've really taken a nice step on these.  Straddle is stronger.  I can hold the straddle higher which in turn makes it easier to press my hips higher, and the strength for doing so has also gone up. 



Run 7.75 miles @ 2% in 90:10

- Was kinda crappy outside, so I decided to use the treadmill instead.  Popped a movie in ye ol tablet (Dredd), set the treadmill on a small incline and nice easy-moderate running pace and watched the whole damn thing.

- This was a push all the chips in the pot all-in moment this cut.  I'm ready for it to be done.  Probably could have hit my waist goal tomorrow without a monster deficit today, but I wanted plenty of insurance.

- As is this run burned 1375 cals and my deficit today is near 1500 cals.  NOTHING can compare to the awesome calorie burn power of easy-moderate pace steady state cardio.  You just burn up your fat and it takes forever (if you're in good shape) for fatigue to really kick in strong.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Bulk/Cut Recap

Now that I'm done with my cut, thus completing a full bulk-cut cycle, its time for an update.

(Start -> End Bulk -> End Cut)
Dates: 8/18/2013 -> 11/24/2013 -> 12/15/2013

Weight: 186.6 -> 197.3 -> 192.1
Waist (Flexed): 28.5 -> 29.3 -> 28.3
Belly Button (Super Cheat): 25.6 -> 26.6 -> 25.4

Body Fat (Est): 11.3% -> 11.9% -> 10.3%
LBM (Est): 165.6 -> 173.9 -> 172.3
Fat Mass (Est): 21.0 -> 23.4 -> 19.7

Neck: 16.4 -> 17.0 -> 17.0
Chest: 45.8 -> 47.5 -> 47.5

Bicep R: 15.5 -> 16.0 -> 15.9
Bicep L: 15.0 -> 15.5 -> 15.5
Forearm R: 12.8 -> 13.1 -> 13.1
Forearm L: 12.4 -> 12.9 -> 12.8

Glutes: 39.8 -> 40.8 -> 40.4
Top Thigh R: 24.4 -> 25.1 -> 24.9
Top Thigh L: 23.7 -> 24.8 -> 24.5
Mid-Quad R: 23.3 -> 24.3 -> 24.0
Mid-Quad L: 22.3 -> 23.4 -> 23.0
Teardrop R: 16.8 -> 17.1 -> 17.1
Teardrop L: 16.5 -> 16.8 -> 16.8
Calf R: 15.6 -> 16.0 -> 15.9
Calf L: 15.1 -> 15.5 -> 15.5


All in all pretty good.  The fat gain didn't really start to get going until about 6 weeks in.  It took 13 days of cutting to erase the fat gain from the bulk.  No area appears to be lagging, though I didn't really make up any ground on symmetry issues.


Acceleration of fat around the 6-8 week mark seems to be the norm for my bulks, the last 2 showed the pattern strong.  I'm going to try to harness that fact but cutting a little earlier next year.  I still want to continue to lean out a little more, so each cut will go further than the cut before.


After the holidays I'm going to start another bulk, maintaining (hopefully) until then.  Had an unexpected trip pop up right after the new year (we're going to Disney World) for a few days, so the bulk start will be postponed a few days.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Tuck Front Lever - 15 sec

Advanced Tuck Front Lever - 9, 7, 7 reps

Planche Lean - 15 sec

Tuck Planche Pushups - 6, 6, 6 reps

60 minutes yoga


- Slept on my shoulder funny, have a pinched nerve or something in my upper back/neck.  Took it easy with this workout, but I accomplished what I wanted to accomplish.


Leg Day A - Intensity


Lunge Matrix x5

Kick Circuit x5

BW RDL - 10 reps

BW Squat - 10 reps

One Leg Standing L - 15/15 sec


Pistol Squat (BW) - 5e++/5e++ reps

Pistol Squat (+30) - 3e++/3e++ reps

Pistol Squat (+50) - 5y++/5x++, 4y++/4x++, 4y++/4x++ reps


Deep Step Up (+70) - 7x++/7x++ reps

Deep Step Up (+50) - 13x++/13x++ reps


- Holding pattern on this workout, no progress this week or for a few weeks, since I started cutting.  Raised cals not showing up in workouts yet.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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That's some good looking numbers :)  Good size gains across the board and still managing to cut to lower than before. Impressive! Especially considering how brutal your last cut was. This seemed from the outside to be a more sustainable bulk/cut cycle.

Level 2 Lycan Assassin

| Str 19 | Dex 10 | Sta 7.5 | Con 4 | Wis 7 | Cha 3.5 |

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3

Pain is temporary, embrace it




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Took an out of cycle progress photo (doing them monthly) in order to capture the end of the cut before the holidays.  The comparison is the start of the bulk next to the cut afterwards.



Can see the difference in the lats, shoulders, and legs for sure.  My waist is 1/4" smaller in the picture on the right than the picture on the left (I have slightly less body fat now, about 1 lb less).



Upper Body Dynamic - Volume


Standard Warmup/Prehab/Mobility


Handstand Pushup - 2z++, 2y++, 1y++, 2z++ reps

- Disappointing night of these.  Couldn't even get 3 reps on the first set.  Between the week off due to traveling and the cut, I took a small step back.


False Grip Chest to Bar Wide Grip Pullups - 9x+, 9x+, 9x+ reps

Neutral Grip Chest to Bar Rest-Pause Pullup Pyramid - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - 9, 8*, 7*, 6*, 5*, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps

- Failed during the starred sets on the pyramid.

- Not bad for the first time doing a 9 rep pyramid.

- Cutting doesn't seem to have negatively affected me pulling.


Tuck Planche Pushup - 6x+, 6x+, 6x+ reps

Pseudo Planche Pushup Rest-Pause Pyramid - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps

- About the same on the TPP's, really hope to start adding more reps here soon.

- Gave a pyramid a try for PPP's, see if that can't prompt some TPP progress.  Finished a 9 step pyramid, barely.

- Pseudo Planche Pushups are done with hands on parallettes and feet elevated to be even with the hands.  I like the grip and the extra clearance for more ROM.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Run 2.6 miles in 25:25.71

- Oof, that time sucked. Not real motivated to run fast today.

5 minutes handstand practice

- No great holds, a few > 10 sec

Bar Muscle-Up - 5-, 2+, 3- reps

- Wooo, finally got rep #5 in a set.

- All reps were + except for the final rep in sets 1&3

- Lifetime total of 195 good bar MU's

Tuck Flag Inverted Hold (2 sec) - 3+/3+, 3+/3+, 3+/3+ reps

- I've gotten so much better at these. My last hold on each side for sets 2&3 were a lot longer than 2 sec.

- Probably not going to change much though until it warms up a bit. This workout done on freezing bars outside in the cold kinda sucks. Happy to maintain and maybe make a little progress through the winter.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Hit the ladders again last night, back to back pull up and dips. That is tough! Don't know how you manage a 9 rep pull up ladder, you're a machine :o I thought I'd be able to get to 6 or 7 seeing as I was doing it first this time. But no, 5 is all I could manage!!

Level 2 Lycan Assassin

| Str 19 | Dex 10 | Sta 7.5 | Con 4 | Wis 7 | Cha 3.5 |

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3

Pain is temporary, embrace it




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Hello all, its been a while. I've been traveling to see all the relatives and went to a wedding. I'm back, temporarily, going to Disney world in a couple days.

Christmas was pretty much an epic fail from a physique standpoint, but that's ok. Holy crap, I gained 1/2" in the waist and a few pounds on the scale. That's what eating way too many cookies, getting hammered near daily, and doing no exercise will do. Unfortunately the pool time that prompted the mini-cut I did was at the very end of the trip.

I did manage to do a full body workout once. I was going to try to do several mini-workouts, but that sort of fell by the wayside.
(not including any warmup stuff, which included handstands, L-sits, planche leans, and easy pistol sets)
Headstand Pushups - 3 sets
Chest to Bar Pullups - 5 sets (using rafters in garage with towels draped over for comfy hand holds, actually worked quite well)
Tuck Planche Pushups - 4 sets (using 2 chairs)
Pistol Squats - 1 set + 5 myo-rep sets (each leg)

I'm going to try to cut as much as possible this week before the trip to Disney, though not much can be done in a couple days. Back to my usual cutting exercise routine (no volume days).

Leg Day A

Lunge Matrix x5

Kick Circuit x5

BW RDL - 10 reps

BW Squat - 10 reps

Standing Single Leg Hold - 15/15 sec


Pistol Squat (BW) - 5e++/5e++ reps

Pistol Squat (+30) - 3e++/3e++ reps

Pistol Squat (+50) - 4y++/4x++, 4y++/4x++, 4y++/4x++ reps

- Balance was really bad on the left until the last set. 

- Might have been able to do another rep on the left the final set, definitely was the easiest set.


Deep Step Up (+70) - 7x++/7x++ reps

Deep Step Up (+50) - 13x++/13x++ reps


- Overall an easy intensity workout to get back into the swing of things.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Hit the ladders again last night, back to back pull up and dips. That is tough! Don't know how you manage a 9 rep pull up ladder, you're a machine :o I thought I'd be able to get to 6 or 7 seeing as I was doing it first this time. But no, 5 is all I could manage!!

Yeah, pyramids are brutal. I'm not sure how many hammer grip pullups I can do in a single set, but its safe to say A LOT. A 9 rep pyramid is 90 reps in about 8-9 minutes. Absolutely smokes the back.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Progress pics are on tap for tonight, though I don't know if I'll have the time to process the raw shots. Leaving for Disney early tomorrow AM.


Upper Body Dynamic

Standard Warmup/Prehab/Mobility

Handstand Pushup - 2z++, 2z++, 2y++ reps
Headstand Pushup - 10x+ reps

- They actually got easier in the 3rd set. 

- Pretty happy, did better than I did before Christmas.  Looking forward to bulking and growing my rep #'s on these.  Probably my favorite exercise to perform at the moment.

- Tacked on a set of HeSPU's for the heck of it.

False Grip Chest to Bar Wide Grip Pullups - 9x+, 9x+, 9x+ reps
Wide Grip Pullup - 15y+, 12y+ reps

- The high pulls felt easier than they have in a bit.  I'm about ready for the reps to climb some more.

- Standard wide grip pulls feel so easy.  Love the pump I get from them though.

Planche Lean - 15 sec

Tuck Planche Pushup - 6x+, 6x+, 6x+, 5x+ reps

- Rep #7 still eludes me.  Rep growth in these has been really slow.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Back from Disney, back to work, and back into my usual routine. Fortunately the trip to Disney was not nearly the epic fail (physique-wise) that Christmas was, quite the opposite really, I actually lost a little bit of fat.

Finally got around to processing the progress photo that I took on the 1st.


Weeee, into the New Year.

I don't do the resolution thing, but this promises to be a big year.
- Continue gaining mass and losing fat. Toward the end of the year I should reach one of my long term goals (205 lb @ 10% BF).
- Continue to make strength training progress. Last year I achieved a number of intermediate milestones, this year I hope to achieve a major advanced milsestone (really would like to achieve a full front lever in 2014).
- Here's to hoping that we find out little one #2 is on the way this year.
- I'm a matter of days away from being CC debt free and paying off my home equity loan. Car is nearly paid off too.
- Hope to move this year. I'm ready to move on from a starter home, into the house/school district (and much bigger house) where our kids will be raised. Financially everything will be ready to go this spring.


Lower Body A - Intensity


Handstand Practice - 3 min

- Just did a few holds.  Most in the 5-10 sec area.  No long ones.  Better than I expected given the layoff.


Lunge Matrix - 5 circuits

Kick/hold Circuit - 5 circuits

BW RDL - 10 reps

BW Squat - 10 reps

Standing Leg Raise/Hold - 15/15 sec


Pistol Squat (BW) - 5e++/5e++ reps

Pistol Squat (+30) - 3e++/3e++ reps

Pistol Squat (+50) - 4x++/4x++, 3y++/3x++, 4y++/4x++ reps

- How odd.  The ramp up sets and the first +50 set went really good.  I was thinking it was the best I've done in a while.  No balance issues at all and really smooth.  Sets 2/3 at +50 I really struggled.

- Tendon in my knee/calf has been bothering me the last couple of days, for no apparent reason.  Fear of injury is probably the culprit for the last couple pistol sets being poor.


Deep Step Ups (+70) - 8x++/8x++ reps

Deep Step Ups (+50) - 15x++/15x++ reps

- Added reps, something I haven't done in a while.  Leads me to believe that issues in the last few pistol sets were more mental than physical; I had more gas than usual for the step ups.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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